
Chapter 2 The Ball

*Levi's Pov*

I found my mate and I get to see her again tonight at her ball. Josh had congratulated me for finally finding her. Although she's mute but I hope that I can find out why. I got dressed in my black tuxedo and we got in my car. I drove us to the place and it looked beautiful. There was purple fairy lights strung outside the mansion. Purple flowers everywhere in pots outside and inside. The ballroom  was just like outside with the fairy lights. I then saw my mate's parents at their table. I saw our table so we sat down. Then she came in with 2 other girls. She wore a purple one shoulder mermaid dress that had sparkles all over it. I stood up and went over to her and kissed the back of her hand. "Hello again sweetheart," I said and she waved at me. I lead her over to my table and sat her on my lap. Everyone now know that we are mates so every guy that was here looked away from her. "Alright everyone let's start the ball shall we?" My mate's father asked. Everyone agreed and with that her parents started to dance with each other. I noticed her mom was pregnant. "You're mother's with child?" I asked my mate. We werewolves usually stop being able to have kids by their age so this was strange. I handed her a piece of paper and a pen. "Yes they've tried for another since I was 5 years old and they just got lucky now," she wrote. "Oh okay well I'll be sure to congratulate them when this is over," I said kissing her cheek. "Can we dance too Levi?" She wrote. "Yes of course," I said. We stood up and started to dance. I held her tightly and we danced the night away. That is until someone burst through the doors. My mate started to shake in fear. The guy looked a little like her father. I instinctively pulled her behind me and I saw her father do the same for his wife. "What are you doing here brother?" He asked the guy. "Oh I've came to see my lovely niece," the guy said. I growled at him knowing my mate feared him. "Oh so I see she did finally find her mate now," the guy chuckled stepping towards us. "Don't you dare step any closer brother let's not start a fight," Aria's father threatened. "Okay fine I'll leave her alone for now," the guy said leaving. I turned around and tightly held her in my arms. "What's the story?" I asked her father. "Let's go somewhere private," he said. I picked up my shaking mate and followed him.

We went to their living room and we all sat down. I started to rub my mate's arm to try to calm her down. "Alright then the story is that he used to torture her so much that she became mute. She was 5 years old when this was going on. We found out and banished him from our pack and made him a rogue," he said. She calmed down to the point where she was now asleep. "My pack can and will protect her and I will also do anything to protect her as well but she will need to leave with me," I said now understanding why she's mute. "Of course we figured as much and we know that you and your pack will but if you need any help at all give me a call," her father said. "Now when are you leaving?" Her mother asked. "Well I'll wait until she's all packed and have said all of her goodbyes which won't be forever anyone in this pack is more than welcome to come to visit her at anytime," I said my wolf was purring in content with our mate so close to us. She unconsciously snuggled closer to me as she slept. "Why don't you take her up to her room so she'll be a little more comfortable?" Her mom asked. "Okay where is her room and what about the ball?" I asked. "Oh don't worry the rest of the guests will still enjoy the ball and her room is upstairs it's the 3rd door on the right," her dad said. I stood up carefully not to wake her and went upstairs to her room. Her room had a queen sized bed with a purple and white bed set on it. 'Her favorite color must be purple,' I thought. I set her down gently on her bed and went to her dresser. I found some pj's for her and changed her. I placed her underneath the covers and got undressed to my underwear. I got in bed and fell asleep cuddling her.

Aria's Pov

I woke up with the sun bursting through my window. I noticed that I was in pj's and was trapped underneath a strong arm. I started to shake in fear that it was my uncle but then I saw the face. It was my mate, Levi who is now awake and on alert. I instantly calmed down and snuggled closer to him making my wolf purr out of pure happiness. "You alright sweetheart?" He asked rubbing my back sending electricity done my spine. I nodded my head. "Good I'll never hurt you nor will my pack," he said. I smiled up at him. He started to caress my cheek before kissing my lips. I kissed him back loving the sparks it sent. The kiss soon got heated as he moved on top of me and he started to lick my bottom lip asking for entrance. I granted it to him and his tongue explored my mouth. He soon pulled away for us to breathe and he started to kiss down my neck and he found the spot where he would mark and kissed there sending a spark of pleasure through me. I moaned out of pleasure when he did that. He perked back up and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and kissed me again. We soon heard a knock on my door and my mom said, "hey you two it's time for breakfast." "We'll be right down Mrs. Renoir," my mate answered getting off of me. I got up and wrote, "did you change me last night?" I showed it to him and he said, "yes I did but I didn't do anything to you while you were asleep." "Thank you Levi," I wrote. "You're welcome sweetheart," he said getting out of bed. I noticed how muscular he is finally. He had a six pack and he had chest hair that made him even more handsome. I looked away and grabbed a white tank top that had butterflies on it and a pair of shorts. I went into my bathroom and changed. I got out and saw Levi looking around my room seeing all the pictures I had. I touch his shoulder and we went downstairs. We sat down at the table where there was 6 plates of food. We sat next to each other. My dad and mom sat at opposite ends and my two best friends sat across from me and Levi. "So Aria me, your mom and your mate have discussed this last night in regards of you being his mate and your uncle. We figure it's best for you to go ahead and move in with your mate and be apart of his pack," dad said. "Can I still see you guys and my best friends?" I wrote. "Yes of course you can see your parents and your friends they are welcome to visit at anytime as long as we hear a heads up. They can also stay for a couple of days at a time, unless their helping with some sort planning then they can stay as long as the planning takes and for whatever the planning is for," Levi said. "Thank you Alpha Levi for allowing this some Alphas won't do this kind of thing," Madison said. "Yes thank you so much Alpha Levi," Violet said. "You're welcome just don't do anything that would harm my mate or any of my pack members. If one of my pack members disrespects you in anyway you come to me right away," he told them. They nodded in agreement. We finished up breakfast and me, Levi, Madison and Violet went up to my room to start packing.

We soon got packing my things and it was dinnertime. We went downstairs and heard my mom groan in pain. "Mrs. Renoir are you alright?" Levi asked. "Oh yes it's just Braxton hicks," she said. My dad soon came downstairs and asked, "are you guys done packing already?" "Yes we are but we won't be leaving until tomorrow morning," Levi said. My dad nodded and my mom groaned in pain again. "Honey are you okay?" Dad asked. "No I'm in labor," mom said. Everyone's eyes went wide including mine. Dad ran upstairs and grabbed their Togo bag. "Aria we'll call when the baby is here okay. You guys can order pizza for dinner," dad said rushing mom out the door. We did order a couple of pizzas for dinner. "That's something you need to look forward to Madison," Violet said. "Yeah well so do once you find your mate and get pregnant," Madison replied. "Well I actually can't ever get pregnant remember I had  endometriosis so bad that they had to remove everything," Violet said. "Oh yeah sorry pregnancy brain is a thing," Madison said. "Don't be I didn't want children in the first place so it ended up being a win win for me," Violet said. "So Levi do you want kids?" Madison asked. "Yes I do want kids but if Aria doesn't that's also fine," he said. "I want kids," I wrote. He smiled at me and kissed me.

After dinner I got a call from my dad saying that the baby is here and we can all go see the baby. We all piled into Levi's car and Levi drove us to the hospital. We got there and I wrote, "we're here for my mom Kiara Renoir." "Alright right this way," one of the nurses said. She lead us to my mom's room and we entered the room. "Hey come meet your brother Aria," mom said. I smiled and walked over to my mom. She placed him in my arms and he looked up at me and cooed. "His name is Connor," dad announced. "Congratulations you too," Levi said shaking my dad's hand. "Thank you Levi at least I know who the next Alpha will be," dad said. Levi walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. He looked down at my brother and said, "he's very handsome and I can tell the he'll be a good alpha." "Thank you Levi," mom said tiredly. We soon left to let mom and the baby rest. Dad stayed with them of course. We got back home and we said goodbye to Madison and Violet. They left and we went inside and up to my room. I grabbed some pajamas out of one of many suitcases of my clothes. I started towards my bathroom when Levi stopped me by turning me around and kissed me. I kissed him back immediately and he picked me up. He laid me down on the bed without breaking the kiss. He explored my mouth with his tongue again. I moaned in his mouth and he grinded into me when I did so. He soon moved his lips to my neck and started kiss and nip at it. "Do you want me to stop?" Levi asked pulling back. 'No I sure the hell don't want him to stop,' My wolf said in my head. I nodded my head knowing that I'm not ready yet even if my wolf is. He kissed my lips one last time for the night and let me up. I went into my bathroom and got changed. My pajamas was a tank top and shorts set. The top is white and has the word Cookies on it, the shorts are black and have cookies all over them. I walked out and Levi was in his underwear in my bed. I crawled in next to him and cuddled up to him. I soon fell asleep to the sound of his heart beating.

*Thanks for reading! Until next time! Bye!*

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