


Oh I'm slowing down! Finally, I waited for thousands of years.

To explain my situation in a small summary. I was just an ordinary boy who died due to brain tumour, but to my shock I was reincarnated in another world. There I became a 'hero' of sorts, in truth I was nothing but a puppet of the government.

Later I ran away and started my own town, with the few who were loyal to me. Still the royals abused my town, but they didn't out right order us anything since we protected the town from the 'demons' out of the nation.

I tolerated all of their actions for about a century or so, but the succeeding generation were always more disgusting than the preceding ones, mainly due to their incest blood.

It was bad to the point their family tree was a circle. I took matters into my own hands and killed every single one of them, who would have thought that my soul was bound to the royal family? So the moment I killed the final member, I died.

I didn't regret it a bit since the main reason I wanted to finish their lineage was because I was getting old and could feel that my time was coming. 

And killing them just made me die faster.

Which sucked… but I had backup plans, I made a pact with the universe which allowed my soul to inhabit a suitable host body for the price that I follow the fate of the world.

That takes us here, my soul which traveled for an unknown amount of time is finally coming to a stop, after passing to millions of universes.


When I finally processed the target soul and opened my eyes, the first thing I felt was me being dazzled.

The light-filled my vision, making me uncomfortable. 

Once I got a bit comfortable I squinted to see what was in front of me.

It was a woman… a beautiful woman who looked at me with a gaze I'd never received before.

'Who is she?'

Next to her was a man who was similar to her age with brown hair.

He was giving me a stiff smile. He came off as arrogant -type from what I can observe. 

His muscles were well-trained too… though from the looks I can see he's been slacking.

Strangely I didn't feel unpleasant with these strangers staring at me like I was a block of gold.

"... …. ….. …." The man said something which made the woman smile.

'Ugsh' What is she saying?

I'm all fuzzy and can't understand a bit. My ears hurt…

".... … ….. … …." She replied while looking at me with her blue eyes.

I tried to sit up and ask, "Who are you both?"

But then I realized, I wasn't able to speak.

No, I wasn't even able to move with full freedom.

I felt some sensations on my wrists and legs but my head and neck felt like they were that of a baby's….



".... … ….. … ..." The man said with a smile as he picked me up.

I finally realised what was going on, my soul bonded with that of a baby. No… I feel nothing new with this soul so probably… I am this baby.

'Is this a reincarnation?'

With those last thoughts, my eyes automatically shut down for some reason.


A month passed by. Trust me I counted.

I realized that instead of processing someone, I may have reincarnated somehow. Did the universe make a mistake? Well, no use in complaining now that I'm not even in that universe anymore.

At least now I can curse it without being scared.

Still living as a baby is… well boring.

Almost every part of my body is still growing so I can't literally do anything.

The couple I saw for the first time when I woke up were my parents. Stupid of me to not guess that.

They look like they are in their 20s, to be honest. So it feels weird for someone old like me.

From my perspective they are young… very young.

Having children at that age is bound to be hell… but they are lucky that I'm their son. I'm a good boy and always never cry… 

At least try to, my body and senses are very sensitive to the point loud noises used to hurt my ears. But now it's bearable as my body is adapting.

This world is… well weird.

Because once my ears started to work properly, I could understand what others spoke very clearly. To the point, it's scary as I had no idea of what words they were saying.

It made me wonder if I was even a human. Because it felt like a translator was installed in my head which made me understand these…

So my conclusion is, I'm not human.

Because no human baby can crawl just after a month of being born.

I'm still scared to do this in front of my parents. What if they think I'm weird or in the worst-case scenario, think I'm processed or something?

I am weird, I know that.

Which could be related to my reincarnation. After all, the soul is a mysterious thing, even I didn't dare to experiment with it in my past life.

Or this world's humans are just different.

Honestly could be either of these.

And the most devastating thing… no magic.

At least the one I'm familiar with, there is indeed a source of energy inside me that is different from the magic that is present in the surroundings… Maybe this world has a different magic system?

But my last hope is that the energy inside me is similar to mana.

If not, I'll be really sad.

After all, who wants to be a normie after being able to use mana for more than a century?



I'm the weird one.

My mom brought me here to a daycare where moms like her meet or something.

From my observations, none of the babies even lifted their heads from the crib to which we were confined.

So yeah, weird me I guess?

Still, the conversation between all the moms was informative, as I learned how to act like a normal baby.





Seems like I was just in a hospital for a regular check-up.

They sure are deceptive here, making the babies think they are in a daycare or something.

I had my first vaccination today, it stung a bit but I didn't cry, though a few drops of tears were spilled involuntarily.

"He's a strong baby mam." The nurse said to my mom.

"I know, he's such a good boy" Mom patted my stomach.

I feel so vulnerable now.

Being stripped naked and laid on this bed makes my manly self-hurt.

"What's taking the doctor so long? Jared's fine right?" Mom asked worriedly. 

Because the doctor's taking way too long.

By the way, my name's Jared, I'm still unaware of my last name.

"Umm… I'm sure Jared's ok, I'll go check on the doctor" The nurse said and left.

Not gonna lie the 'umm..' was a bit concerning.

Mom picked me up and hugged me saying, "Look at you, making me scared at such a young age. Makes me scared of the stuff you'll do when you're older."

If I could talk I'd have said, "What the hell did I do?"

But I couldn't. 

Still, her love for me makes me feel happy…

It's been a while since someone hugged me like this…. Makes me wanna melt into her…

I just hugged her back as much as I could with these baby arms.

I have felt tired and sleepy ever since he gave that vaccine to me.

Is that supposed to make me sleepy?

"Excuse me Mrs. Channing" The doctor came in.

He looked a bit scared. What's he even scared of?

And Mrs. Channing huh? So My name is Jared Channing huh?

Liked my past one better, but I'll go with this one from now. After all this is my new life.

A new start if you say so.

At least I won't have to have blood on my hands in this life.

Never want to go down that bloody path ever again.

"I'm afraid your son… has a rare disease…"

Say what?

I felt my mom freeze up.

"What? I couldn't hear you properly doctor?" Mom asked as her hold on me got a bit tighter.

"*Sigh*... your son has an extremely contagious and fatal disease, I'm afraid we have to quarantine him along with your family soon before it spreads."

I couldn't stay awake to hear what happened after that, I fell asleep for some reason.






I woke up as I felt like I fell down on something.

In front of me was a cage….

"Stupid brat…" I heard the mutter of the doctor.

I crawled a bit forward to see beyond the cage.

From my observations, I was in a cage…. An animal cage. This doctor was in a car driving me somewhere.

Did I just get kidnapped?

Where's my mom?

"AHHHHHH!" I shouted, trying to shake the cage in hopes of opening it.

"SHUT UP BRAT!" Yet it was a failure, the cage was too strong and my shouting just angered the man further.

I didn't shout anymore and tried to open the cage, but he locked it well and I could hardly move in this cramped animal cage.

Pushing the cage was also useless since he put seat belt over this.

My only hope now is that my parents or police come to rescue me.

How long has it been?

I feel hungry… so it must have been a few hours right?

Where is this man even taking me?

Countless questions appeared in my mind but I got no answers and only had to guess with my current knowledge. Before I slep- no fainted, this doctor said I had some rare disease.

Could it be that he's taking me to some lab? Then why an animal cage?

Something is wrong…

I'm still naked.

I'm most certain this guy lied, and is planning to do something bad to me…

If worst comes to worst… I can still crunch his balls during that right…


I'm getting scared….


No… Get a hold of yourself…

The car didn't stop for a long time and it felt like it took forever for the car to stop. The doctor got out of the car, from the sound of it, it seemed like the car was in a snowstorm.

He opened the door and lifted my cage, I didn't even bother to look at him and hid myself in the shadow of the cage, mentally preparing myself for the rape.

He walked for a while and with each step he took, my heartbeat just got faster in fear that it would be his last step. But he kept going on.

The coldness and quietness didn't help at all.

"So he's the mutie?"

"Yes. Here are his details"

I heard another voice beside the doctor's.

I slowly crawled a bit and tried to see the other man, but I couldn't catch a glimpse of his face. But I saw his dress, he was wearing many layers of leather.

"You did a good job for our country, don't worry we'll cure him. Take this as a thanks" He handed him a small envelope and took my cage.

He lifted the cage and saw me, I finally had a full look on his face.

He was a white man with a few strands of white hair and blue eyes. He stared at me with a cruel smile and said with a grin, "Hello little fella."


"Hufff…. Huff…"

How long has it been…

My whole body hurts… my eyes and skin burns… my ears feel like it is filled with water.

My mind feels hazy…

"Sir…. he's beyond normal even at mutant standards… be it cold water, hot water, or even electricity he's showing obvious signs of pain but never shouts or cries… he's holding it in by his sheer will."

"Fascinating…" The man who bought me from that doctor said. His gaze was filled with ecstasy and joy.

They've been torturing me for hours after feeding me something that tasted awful. Now I'm sure that the doctor lied about my disease and sold me to this sick fuck for money.

"Could it be that his mutation gives him pain resistance?" He asked the person next to him.

Honestly… if it wasn't for my pride and will, I'd have given up and drowned myself in this water they're spraying.

I can't even move a bit, my whole body hurts… I feel very weak.

The water force cornered me to the edge of this room, making it easy for them to aim.

"Not possible sir, his body is reacting to pain… he's holding the screams in." The person said the same thing again so that the dumbfuck could understand.

"So he's doing it willingly?" The dumbfuck asked.

"Yes sir."

"Spiteful kid huh?... Put him in a cell with the other kids… the $50,000 better be worth it"

"Yes, General Stryker!!" The person saluted.


My life was just worth that much huh?

Some things never change in humanity…


Stryker Eh?

Couldn't let me lead a kill-free life, could you?

I'll make sure I rip the hearts of every single one you love in front of you and feed it to you raw while it's still beating.


Next chapter