
Chapter 9

Serafall was a fun gal, not sure if she still counted as a gal since she was over a few centuries old but she looked like one so I believe it counts.

I also believe that I had scored some brownie points with her while we were teasing 'So-tan', a belief that came from the fact that her affection rose from ten to twenty during our teasing spree.

"Enough!" So-tan looked ready to cry under my hands due to embarrassment and her face looked closer to that of a tomato rather than a human, or a devil whatever. Though I think that it is very telling that her affection didn't drop at all throughout the teasing session.

"Thank you for bringing the fallen to us alive, it will be helpful in our talks later on. To show my gratitude I shall not unleash my magical girl powers on you for going after my So-tan's purity!" Serafall exclaimed with a huge smile and sparkles around her as she twirled her magical girl wand in her hand.

"And I am thankful for that." I smiled cause I really was, especially since in canon Sona had claimed Serafall had the power to freeze all of Japan with a twirl of her wand.

"Whelp, it is nice that So-tan has a good friend. If you need anything, tell So-tan to tell me. I would not only think of a way to help, it would also increase the amount of times she calls me!" The Satan of international affairs said with a big smile before taking the captive fallen and leaving with a blue magic circle.

"I believe this meeting was… productive." Rias said, her voice betraying how amused she was at the expense of her childhood friend. Who looked like she wanted to see how long it would take for the Gremory heiress to drown inside a magical water prison as she sniffed with tears on the edge of her eyes.

"And I believe that you are right." I said with a smile. "But I also believe that it is time for us to go home." I said and as I motioned to Paul, who looked like his whole worldview had been shattered in the last ten minutes. Kinda easy to forget demons of Nasuverse weren't exactly like Serafall or the other girls in the room.

"Very well." Sona said as she tried to act like none of the teasing session had happened and that she was still the cool and strict student president everyone though she was. But we knew better.

"You sure you don't want to stay for a little longer? I would have liked to introduce you to the rest of my peerage." Rias said with a pout, making me wonder why the fandoms hated her so much while they loved many characters for simply being cute. She was adorable too damn it!

"Maybe tomorrow." I waved at her and then left the room, followed by Paul who was still working as my professional bird carrier.

Though on the way out of the school, I saw something interesting. By mundane standards.

Two girls had cornered another girl on the corner of the building, giving off a less than pleasant aura.

I would have walked away without much thought if it wasn't for the people in the situation. A girl with brown twin tails and another girl with pink hair cornering a bespectacled girl with braids.

Murayama and Katase seemed to have some sort of issue with Aika. Might as well drag Paul with me to see what was happening.

<POV Change>

As she returned from putting her brand new prisoners to their cells and prepared for her talk with Azazel, Serafall had to groan. Her chair squeaking under her small stature as she slouched on it.

Today had been a real roller coaster for her, just like ever other day she had to deal with international problems caused by the dumbasses she had to call her people.

She honestly had to wonder how many more devils she would have to punish before they realized that she didn't like them causing problems with their peerage 'recruitment' methods.

Sure they were devils and doing things in a less than moral way wasn't exactly surprising even if it was something that should belong to the past but for some some of the younger devils always tried to recreate that past. Especially the incompetent ones.

And lastly she learned that the town where her little So-tan resided had a pest problem in the form of crows and that they had been dealt by the newest supernatural element in the town.

Cyrus Samson.

She had to chuckle at the absurdity of the young man, her super cute little sister and her friends hadn't realized it but Serafall was one of the strongest and the most perceptive devils, a requirement to deal with politicians from other factions, so she could pick out even the least noticeable things about people around her. So she could clearly see it.

That boy, more like a young adult, had divinity in him.

It was a small thing, not enough to be even classified as a demigod. But it had quality to it. The kind of quality she saw from major gods during meetings like strongest of Asgardians or Olympians. It honestly felt like if he had enough divinity to be a god, he would be a major god or even a head one.

It wasn't surprising that neither So-tan or Rias had realized it. They never actually stood in the presence of a god so they probably thought that it was just some holy power due to being descended from a saint. Holy and divine energies were similar after all.

Though after talking with him and bonding with him over teasing So-tan, she was about ninety four percent sure that he didn't have any nefarious plans against her and her friend's sisters. He actually seemed rather fond of them.

Heh, the descendant of 'Donkey Jawbone' Samson was friends with the sisters of Satans. The church and heavens would have a fit when they heard about it. Especially Gabriel, that pigeon bitch always seemed to have a soft spot for the original Samson.

Wonder what kind of expression she would make if Serafall bedded him. The thought alone made the Satan of International Affairs feel wet under her skirt.

But before that, she had to make fun of Azazel and his incompetent subordinates with meanie politician talks.


How do you people feel about gender bent characters? Depending on the answer some characters may be turned into girls.

Yes(if so who?)


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