49 Christmas.

"You are on witch weekly" Dumbledore placed a magazine on the table with Blair's photo on it's cover with the title.


Blair cringed a little by looking at it. If it was up to him, He would have personally oblivated every single person who knew about him except his close friends.

"Do you really have to show me this abomination."

"Don't be like this, It's the best seller magazine in the wizarding world, Nearly 70℅ of the witches have a subscription of it," Dumbledore said while smiling widely.

"And why do you have this."

"Minerva has a subscription for this magazine. She just let me borrow it so that I can show you."

"I would have been totally fine, not knowing about it." Blair gave a sneer at the Magzine, "Anyway what kind of DADA teacher did you hire? He can't even handle a damn immature troll."

"Sigh, He performed brilliantly during his interview, But right after that the vampires attacked him and you can see his state now. The contract has already been signed, So he will have to teach in Hogwarts this year."

"It was just a vampire attack." Blair murmured.

"Sigh, Blair not everyone is strong-willed like you." Dumbledore got up for his chair and began to stroke his companion, Fawkes.

"Why did you keep the stone down there, you could have just kept it in the headmaster's office, the safest place in Hogwarts."

Dumbledore didn't answer him, he just gave Blair a wide smile before taking out a red stone from his desk drawer.

"Of Course, I should have known."Blair sighed." Do you have any suspicion, Who might the thief be."

"I have a fair idea," Dumbledore said, His smile suddenly fading. "I just don't know his current disguise."

"Just tell me who you find suspicious I will volunteer to interrogation him or her."

"Blair, Both of us know that you can't just kill a person in this peaceful times" Dumbledore sighed.

"But no one has to know," Blair said before turning around and leaving the headmaster's office.



After that day life again went to normal without any special events other than the Malfoys trying to get the custody of the Black twins, Apparently, they couldn't stomach the fact that two of the successors of the most Ancient black family were in the custody of a Mudblood. They took the case to wizengamots, but were denied the custody because apparently, Sirius had written to make Him and Remus the Godfather of the Black twins in his will. Even if that traitorous bastard did it to maintain his cover.

They tried to take Sirius as Remus was not available right now but Dumbledore pointed out that if Sirius sr had made Blair as Melania's Godfather then the custody of Sirius jr should be granted to Blair and with that, the matter was solved, But not before Blair indirectly threatening the Malfoys.

The Black twins didn't even know about the hearing until it was published in the daily prophet and frankly it didnt affect them one bit, as long as their guardian is Blair.

Months went by in a blink of an eye it was already Christmas. Blair and the kids have decided to stay at Hogwarts. There was no one at home anyway other the Lucas, Who would work at Hogwarts most of the time.

"You kids go enjoy Christmas and don't disturb me for today." Blair was sitting in his office with the Black twins, Aurora and Harry standing in front of him.

"But dad you never celebrate Christmas with us" Aurora whined.

"Sirius can you please take your sister and celebrate Christmas," Blair said while looking directly at Aurora.

"Yes father, Let's go" Sirius didn't ask any question he grabbed both of his sisters' hand and began to drag both of them out of the room.

'He really is the smartest of this bunch'

Sirius never pestered his father by asking any unnecessary question to him. He knew exactly when to pester his father and when to quietly listen to him.

Harry followed behind them.

After the kids left he took out his wand and placed a locking charm on the exit door. Before taking out a bottle of whiskey and began to take huge gulps of it. Even though his drinking addiction has lessened significantly, He would still drink himself to sleep every Christmas. He regretted ever suggesting Olivia to go out to celebrate Christmas in the Diagon Alley that day. It was just supposed to be their first Christmas celebration they ever had in their life but turned into the worst nightmare which will haunt him his entire life.

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