
Chapter 1:A Mountain's Calm Wind's The Beginning

...Once there was an old tale about a powerful nation that was so advanced in technology this nation was praised by every living thing and surpassed the technology of humans and that Nation was called Cherīpetaru or Cherry Petal. for multiple reasons as the Nation was full of life and peace Cherry Blossoms covered the land and became the Nation's variant wildlife.

But one dark day for the first time in Cherīpetaru the sunny sky's did not shower the land for them. They sky darkened with a thickening smell of ash and flames as a monster from deep beneath the core of the the Earth had awakened and risen to attack the land.

Many people of the land of Cherīpetaru tried to escape but inevitably came to there doom and filled there lungs of there last breaths of pure air before they no longer lived and traveled to their destined afterlife.

but it is said a Hero had risen from the ashes along side the monster it was a gardian of the land and fought the creature with a godly like weapon called The Z-Crest and fought for years until they both fell back into the core of the Earth but it is said that both rise every ten thousand million years and every time is the same battle.

At this point the people of Cherīpetaru have adapted and have learned how to prepare a way to escape and hide.


The Wind's of Cherīpetaru blew in the distance...

in a rather large village called Tetsu no mura (The Village of Iron due to there amazing arts with Iron and other ores but mainly iron due to it being common in Tetsu no mura)a young man(are main character whom we will be following carelessly for this story cause why not) awoke to the sound of bustling busy street's because it was a monday. Bara no shinigami(or Shin for short) got out of bed and dressed himself and went to the kitchen to make a cup of instant noodles.~ noodles are always a luxury even in the future ~ After eating his noodles he left in a hurry as because today was the day for his first day of class in The National school of Iron arts.


yeah so im barely starting this story so anyone who reads this please share and enjoy the book thank you and i will make the next chapter so -Author <3

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