
A Morningstar in the Multiverse

Read on as we follow the son of Lucifer morningstar and Lilith of Eden explore the multiverse and learn more about himself along the way. the first few chapters will be info dump so you guys the audience know what I'm talking about and don't complain about me giving the Main character powers out of nowhere, as he will be unlocking more and more of his power set along the way *Warning, will be R-18 chapters* if you don't feel comfortable with that kind of content feel free to skip them oh and with the harem list it is all of the possible harem members. actual harem members will be confirmed along the way! READ THE AUXILIARY CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!! PLS!!! they are there for a reason!!!!! #LongLiveTheOutcasts find me on discord: https://discord.gg/2fh4YvwT

Alex_Santo · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Summer Rose???!!! and Jaune Arc

a few weeks before the Canon starts one of the new recruits came up to me in a hurry.

"Sir!" the recruit said

"what is it?" I asked

"one of the scout teams found someone on the border of the grimmlands sir." he replied

"and?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"she matches the description of Summer Rose sir!"

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" I shouted

what are the odds that one of my scout teams would succeed where no one else has.

"who was the ranking officer present?!?!?!?" I asked quite shocked

"lady artoria sir" he replied.

"of course it was" I stated with a sigh

due to how long she has wielded Excalibur for, artoria can sense holy energy, and silver eyed maidens have a natural affinity for holy magic. knowing this information I was unsuprised that it was artoria who found Summer.

"what is her condition" I asked

"not good sir, she appears to have been extensively tortured, as well as having gone with minimal food and rest for quite some time now. it will take her some time to recover." he stated.

"what's your name soldier?" I asked

"Private Jaune Arc sir"

well what do you know

"congratulations then Sergeant Arc, you've just been promoted" I state with a small smile

"thank you very much sir!" he says with tears in his eyes

this has been a very productive day.