
A Monsters Wrath

Summary: The story follows a Humanoid Aragami who was given the name Flare Von Kollegg. Unlike all other Aragami with the prime instinct to devour, Flare manifested the instinct to kill all Aragami not realizing he's an Aragami due to his human appearance. By default he assumes all humans are friends and all Aragami are enemies, however his ignorance will cause him problems. Let's hope he lives a better life than other Aragami. Note-1: This is a fan series I came up with after falling in love with the series God Eater, this isn't Canon to Main series and I use the games as reference and I also draw some material from the side series Code Vein that's related to God Eater. I'm simply a fan making a story about my oc, however the character 'Flare Von Kollegg' is my personal creation. Lastly all credit for the source material goes to the true creators of the God Eater series, Bandai Namco. Note-2: If you have questions about the series I'll be making posts and updates on my Twitter. Note-3: I might change the name later on.

Flare_Kollegg · Others
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7 Chs

Episode 1- The Calamity

It has been 10 years since Flare had manifested and began hunting Aragami, slaughtering and devouring without regret so long as it wasn't a human or anything that looked like him. Though throughout the years Flare has yet to meet another person, however he began learning through barely working TV and radios he found along the way. While the things he learned weren't always useful they did help him learn to speak to a small degree, with what little he learned he was able to identify that the name he gave himself meant burn or burst.

It was a fairly peaceful day as Flare spent more time roaming around, he had gained quite a lot of strength by eating Small, and Medium-Type Aragami cores. While not as good as Large-Type core the fact that he's done this for 10 years made him quite physically strong, however he wasn't aware of what he could do after devouring Aragami so as of now all he knew was that it made him stronger. Flare carried around a backpack full of items that interested him and made things easier for him, such as binoculars, a watch, medical items, and food.

Flare saw a huge structure surrounded by a wall that looked like it was still in good condition, he quickly took the binoculars out of his bag and looked at the place through it. As Flare looked closer he saw a moving vehicle approaching the wall and once the vehicle stopped he saw people climb out, dropping his binoculars he yelled in excitement quickly putting his belongings in his bag before running in their direction. By the time Flare arrived the people he saw had gone inside so he tried bashing his way through the door they used but couldn't get in, he kept trying until someone yelled at him and pointed at a smaller door.

Flare was rather quick to nod and ran up to the door finding two guards at the door, luckily for Flare he looked extremely human being 6'2ft tall, black long hair, and sapphire blue eyes. The guards were stern as they told Flare that he couldn't enter without taking a test, not knowing what the test was he pulled up his sleeve holding his arm to the guard. "Then do test, arm..." Flare said as he looked at the guard.

The guards being a bit confused by Flares way of speaking chose to do it for him as they put a patch on Flares arm and began to wait, after about 5 minutes the guards pulled it off revealing that Flares skin turned orange where the patch was. As orange meant that Flare passed they told him to go to the nearby truck to take him to Fenrir's center, once the door was opened he went to the truck showing his arm before being taken to Fenrir HQ. Once inside he was escorted to the God Arc aptitude test center were he was meant to get an armlet, however he was instructed to put each arm in the machine where the two armlets must be aligned with his wrists.

A man dressed in white with white hair introduced himself as Soma Schicksal, beginning to explain "Now that you're here you will fight as a God Eater, like you said you wanted to kill all Aragami. If that's the case, then you will take that God Arc and kill Aragami. Just try not to get your fellow God Eaters killed." Once Soma finished speaking the machine clamps down binding the armlets onto his wrists linking his blood to the God Arc, however something went wrong.

Flare began to violently try thrashing his arms around trying to break free as the Bias Factor went into his blood, in a complete outrage from the pain of the Bias Factor fighting his Oracle Cells he started pulling on his arms. However with the armlets merged to his wrists he couldn't break free, all he could do was struggle until the process was over. Once the machine opened up Flare quickly reeled back with his God Arc in hand but the problem was that he had entered a rampage, using his new Short-Blade to escape Fenrir while trying to avoid hurting people resulting in him taking his rampage out on Aragami.

Flare spent three days killing Aragami scaling from Small-Type to Large-Type Aragami in a complete one-sided slaughter, after the days went by he managed to calm down as Fenrir had dispatched a unit to retrieve him. Unfortunately it was a bad time as when Flare looked at Fenrir he watched as black smoke blew up from Fenrir, he felt uneasy as he began to run away from the black storm. As he ran he eventually found his way into an underground parking lot and closed himself into the underground elevator, spending weeks inside it until the storm subsided before he slowly came out. Looking around at the melting wasteland seeing no humans nor Aragami as he looked back at Fenrir, seeing the ruined Fenrir completely ruined him as he thought he could finally be with humans but couldn't.

Now all Flare could do was walk away with his God Arc in hand wondering if he'd ever see humans again, after The Calamity he went back to killing and eating Aragami until he came across something new. He saw a new Aragami called a Dromi and it gave him the same uneasy feeling that the storm gave him, he prepared his God Arc and began to attack the new Aragami. The Dromi firing its ice projectiles and attempting to devour him, however Flare quickly learned how wield his God Arc and channeled electricity through his God Arc without realizing it. And with a few hours of fighting Flare managed to kill the Dromi and quickly used his God Arcs devour function to eat most of the Dromi's corps, soon eating what was left and eating the Dromi's core.

Flare stood there sighing in exhaustion as he looked at his Short-Blade God Arc, it had sustained a lot of damage in the fight as it was barely holding out. Flare spoke to himself "Stupid monster, ruined my weapon..." before he started walking away once again, roaming around once more thinking about one thing. Would he be able to meet any more people after such a Calamity?