

"Don't stop, Ruth. Run, run!" Thea yelled again while moving her hands. Before Edwin turned her around and got a chance to see her face, Ruth pulled her hand up and jabbed his nose. Edwin wailed in pain as he felt his nose go numb with pain. Instinctively he freed Ruth to cover his nose with both hands. He bent over a little as his eyes watered because of pain. "You!" He hissed in anger as he leapt again for Ruth. But she managed to run before he could catch her again. Her head turned around in shock when Edwin's hand tore her dress when he tried to grab her. It also surprised Edwin as he had not intended for this to happen. He looked up from the piece of cloth in his hand to see gorgeous hazel eyes. He stood rooted to his spot as his mind went blank. Ruth managed to get out of the property and ran with Thea without looking back. The guard came panting, but Edwin didn't notice him as his eyes were still trained on the gap in the wall, through which Ruth escaped. He slowly looked at the brown fabric in his hand, and the image of those alluring hazel eyes flashed in his mind. He clutched the fabric tightly in his hand, and the word left his lips in a whisper. "Ruth!" ******************* They say that there are only two types of people in the world - good and bad. Good people get happiness in their life while bad ones have to pay for their wrongdoings. Easy right? But what if you have to side with either BAD or BAD? Whom will you support? Join this journey full of secrets, past mistakes, love, hate, revenge and GREED...GREED of Power and Lust. Welcome to A MAZE OF GREED! ******************** The cover of the book belongs to its rightful owner and I do not own it. I am only using it for my book cover. If the owner wants to take it down please contact me and I will do it immediately. Instagram account:- author_rutujap Discord:- https://discord.gg/wpyvsh42

rutujaP · Fantasy
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1058 Chs


Eloise was restless after hearing about the episode that happened at the dinner hosted by her parents. She was worried about Harold. A little too much worried that her own thoughts and feelings startled her.

But for now, her priority was being there for Harold.

But how?

She had made it clear to him that they should stay away from each other and not get any closer than a professional relationship.

And now she wanted to be there for him when he was hurt by her parents, humiliated in front of many. She wanted to be there to soothe his pain and let him know that he had a shoulder to lean on.

Her own conflicted thoughts baffled her. She couldn't figure out what she wanted from herself and that man.

After spending hours contemplating and trying to untangle the mess of her emotions, she decided to think about it later. She left her chamber to go to Harold and talk to him, see if he was doing okay.