

Today is February 14th, 2023. Valentines day.

Here's where we are... And Here's Where ill start.

Here's the breakdown... My Name is Jay... I'm 16 and all that and I Live your not so average but yeah kind of still average life in L.A... I go to this "Supposed to be" Picture perfect school... And yeah... I'm Dating this guy... For Story Purposes we are gonna call him... Adrien. I know that's not his name so don't go reading this and be like... "Ew Why would you date someone named 'Adrien'..." Please... I know what I'm doing... And Don't go reading this and be like... "Wait a minute... I know that's not your boyfriend's name..." Please. I just said for story purposes... All Drama Aside, Here's my Not so Traumatic but yet still Traumatic Villainous but Heroic backstory... At Age 7 or 6 I had a "Experience" with a Much older family member that kind of set the stage for everything the world see's about me today. I tell myself had it not been for that moment... I would've had a normal life... But HERE WE ARE. Me and my parents never really had that picture perfect relationship... My dad never really was around 24/7... He was always going outta town for somethin' My Mom was always working and I would just go to school and So would my Now much more annoying sister. I was never the best at school... Due to my Absurd ADHD I'd Focus on everything and Everyone... Except School... It wasn't until My High School Years when life hit... My mom and Dad got into it and before I knew it Dad was on the run... Every now and then id see him... we'd hang for a day or so... My family knew of my Sexual preference during this time frame...Although they were Highly displeased. They hated it. Especially my mother. This Revelation of me Experimenting with my heart's desires... Sparked the Abusive Aspect of my family history... Because of this I Never had a normal life... I never went trick or treating... I never Went to a friends house... I never went to birthday parties... No one every came to my house. I never Experienced these things most teenagers would've experienced. Every time I wanted to id be questioned and interrogated aggressively... I hated it... Every time I wanted to do something my mother would always suspect the worst of it... then id become the liar... there was no Argument with my mother... What she thought was just how it is. and Therefore I never asked my parents for anything. Especially Not anything relating to my friends. Not that I had any...

Sometime during 3rd Grade my stupid self trusted too many people and didn't know what I was talking about and carelessly blabbed that i wasn't straight and it spread like wildfire... It had it's pro's and its con's but most of it included just con's, I'm not a man of regrets but my biggest one was coming out at a stupidly young age... During this time period most children were educated by their homophobic parents that Gay was bad! and Men are to fall for Women and there be no other way to live. Well... Obviously I didn't exactly listen to that standard. It was so controlling and well... I had already discovered I had some sort of Attraction to a guy. I wish I didn't though.

Around the Age of 11 My mother Forced me to play football for 4 Years... She felt as if i needed a more Masculine Outlook... And in all honesty... I didn't like football at the time... 75% of the time I spent on the sidelines... and I messed up 10% of the time on the field.

Now. I live with my Grandparents and my Mom and my Sister.... A year ago the last time I seen my father he told us we had a baby stepbrother because apparently he had a Second Family in Texas that we didn't know about. Now... My father is Imprisoned... Atoning for his crimes that he committed in Texas. We still get calls every now and then...

Living with my Grandparents now is not easy. Nothing is easy for me i promise you. Everyday I'm awakened at the break of dawn by my Stuck up and Arrogant Grandfather who believes that everything he says is right and what he says do is 20 times more important than anything you got going on. I've been through 36+ Failed relationships... My Mother was Abusive and my Father is no more... Neither is our Housing... I'm already moving here in a broken Mental State...

I didn't hit me until the start of 10th grade year how Important my Academics were. I realized that if i wanted to get out of the hell hole of Mopping the floors and Washing the dishes and Emptying the Pot and Throwing out the Dog food and Consistent yelling everyday and Deadly Stares... the only way to escape this was my Academics, Simple concept but Hard task. I Started Prioritizing School but my Grandad Started Prioritizing himself too. I would come home and Everyday he'd look dead in my eyes and say "We got a lot of work to do." As if he did anything while I was at school all day. Every night we'd clean up the kitchen and I'd come home from school to a stack of dirty dishes and 99 Demands... I got no appreciation from him... a Good Job from my grandad would be like Winning a Nobel Peace Prize. My reward from him apparently was a roof over my head. and a bed to sleep in.

My Grandma on the other hand was really nice... She's Damn there handicap so Ultimately I had to do a lot for her too... I had to makeup her bed and Help her cook and Help her get in the car and pump her gas and Put water in her CPAP Machine... Basically I do Everything for my family and get NOTHING in return. I dont ask for much. At All. And my mother knows this.

Last year on February 23rd, 2022. I started dating Adrien... And Me and Adrien have known each other for Years... We've been best friend's since 5th grade but last year i had a mental breakdown... I was already having a bad week but I had just had it this time...

It was February 20th, 2022. A Girl... We are gonna call her Lillian... She Had accused me of doing some utter B.S that I Didn't do and I was already upset that day for some reason and she walks up to me wearing a crop top with her boobs damn there hanging out and some skinny velvet material Skinny Black Pants... She's always been a girl for attention... I'm not one for insults but her personality was all over the place and She acted like and dressed like a "Slut" from time to time... She Obviously Couldn't be trusted... She started a ruckus a while back saying guys sexually assulted her by giving her a hug. then claimed that she had to go to the mental hospital for it... We were all fed up with her. Even though the next 2 weeks she goes around telling people she needs a Hug for a "Tik Tok" she's filming... Well this girl walks up to me and Accuses me of some B.S Accusation right after she ruined my theater life... and Then calls me a Bitch Straight to my Freaking Face! At that moment I had just had enough... I was at school and I looked around me and I promise you no one was there! I decided in my mind that That day was going to be the day I die. and i turned around and started to venture off when suddenly behind me i hear my name called. and I turn around... and There he was... Adrien... Now I swear to You! Nobody was there! and I mean Nobody! This man Appeared out of thin Air! But he ran towards me and i froze... And as he ran up to me i crumbled... I cried. I couldn't hold back the endless river of tears that followed the realization that someone was truly there for me and i was about to lose it all. He ran up to me and I Hugged him. I hugged him really tightly. and ever since that day I have called him My Guardian Angel.

The Next Night... He texts me... and he says "Hey do you want to be my boyfriend" and I'm shocked... Reason being... If you know anything about Adrien you know he has long beautiful black hair... His personality is Quirky but his hair when its not tied up in a ponytail is a sight for sore eyes... He's like Rapunzel on the cover of vouge... He's just beautiful... and I've crushed on him for years. And from time to time he'd be pretty funny... Well this night he texts me and he says "Do you wanna be my boyfriend" and im like "Yeah!! That would be amazing!"... Well I was left on delivered for quite sometime... and then he texts me back and says, "Well you see it was like a dare from one of my friends I cant actually date you because I have a girlfriend right now." I felt played. But its whatever... Stuff happens. but we went on... A Week Later i stayed afterschool... And im just upset about something that happened that day and he walks up to me again and just comforts me... I was with my Best friend Elder and His friends and Adrien and Adrien see's me upset and we walk off to just talk... and He confides in me. He talks to me and im just ranting to him about how my family hates me and all that but then he says to me... "Y'know I'm Bi" and im Just shocked but not so shocked because... I knew him Asking me to be his Bf was too good to be true but the fact your bi means that the opportunity is still alive! We are still alive!

After Minutes of Intimate Conversation, I felt better... Vulnerable... but better... He had to use the bathroom... So out of just (I dont want this moment to end) Energy... I decided I had to use the bathroom too!...Even though I didn't have to use the bathroom... Something about him just dragged me in. Moments after chilling in the bathroom. I told him how I felt. "For years I've had a crush on you"- And all that corny cringey stuff and then one thing led to another and then boom before i knew it we engaged in a Very Passionate Kiss. It was Magical. It was Unique. It was actually my First High School Kiss. It was just wow.. and then it was at that moment we became "Best Friends with Benefits."

Every Other day we'd kiss, We wouldn't leave each other's side without doing it at least once. It was amazing. It was fantastic. Life was good. Every time i was with Adrien I was At peace.

Another Week Later

Adrien Texts me again... He says... "I broke up with my girlfriend." I'll never forget it... It was February 23rd, 2022, 9:00PM... "I broke up with my girlfriend..." Adrien Says, "Oh no im sorry that happened is there something I can do to help?" I Replied. "I was Actually wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend." And do you know what I said... NOO! Just kidding I didn't say that. "Ofc I'd love to be your boyfriend!" I replied... And from that day forward Adrien and Jay was born.

I was never one for Relationship Loyalty... When me and Adrien Started dating I Told myself I would be better at it! I promised myself that I would be better at it... High school Scheduling spit all of us apart. It wasn't just Me, Elder, and Adrien anymore. During First semester it was just Me and Elder... and then Second semester their Schedules Flipped and then it was just Me and Adrien and his friends. So we had to get in where we fit in. Me and Adrien remained in a Low key Boyfriend-ship and didn't tell anyone until our 7th Month mark and I'm Glad we did because... I had an era of relationship turbulence.

Around October of 2022 I started attending this church, It was a beautiful place... It changed the way I saw the world... I started listening to church music and everything. I was a huge asset and whenever I couldn't be there id cry. This church was truly important to me. and Everything remained well and swell that was until July of 2023... We went on a trip... Remember how I said I wasn't the best with relationship loyalty... well... I stayed good for 5 months. (Facepalm)… At this heavenly church... There was this guy... For story purposes we are going to call him Jedidiah. And he was one of the Hottest guys that when to that church. He slid in my Insta Dm's one day asking if we were friends just out of the blue! and I responded and said we were... apparently he was talking to someone on snap he thought was me but wasn't me... and the guy he was talking to got fed up with him or something... Now I kid you not this guy... has a rep for girls saying he was abusive and mean to them and manipulative and even abusive. but hey... at the time I didn't take any of that into account because it was the summer, I hadn't seen my boyfriend in months and he had left me on delivered for damn there all of the summer. So long story short...This guy... Jedidiah... He was so hot... So beautiful... and Such a dream guy that I fell head over heels for him. When he wanted something I got it for him. when he needed something i got it to him no matter what it took, I lied, Stole, Cheated and everything for him. Because thats how bad i wanted it. I Gave him over $600 In my money for everything. But he'd be so Verbally Abusive. He'd get pissed off at me for putting a period at the end of my sentence. He felt like i was judging him by doing that. He'd get mad because we were friends with benefits but some nights I wouldn't show him parts of me he wanted to see that he'd always show off. and he'd curse me out and treat me like crap of these things. whilst he was talking to 20 different girls. When I wouldn't have money to give him he'd guilt trip me into getting it some way some how from some where or some one. I didn't realize how much he didn't care until it was over. How'd It End you ask? Well... July of 2023 this beautiful church took us on a trip... I Knew that my Association with Jedidiah was toxic and I had to let him go so before going on this trip I told myself. After this trip... we are over. So I informed Adrien I was heading out of town on a trip... that of which he read three days later... and at this point I was fed up with both of them... I need a boyfriend who wont use me for money and who wont ask me to change everything about myself and who will respond to me in a timely manner and prioritize me. and so the trip began.

On the way to Birmingham Alabama, I talked to this guy... He was Beautiful, His curls in his hair could just speak romance to you. We are going to call him Grayson for story purposes... He was perfect... and an amazing distraction from Jedidiah, I spent every moment of every day with Grayson... we even had somewhat PDA Moment's together, and well... this upset Jedidiah... He got Omega Jelly... And texted me huge paragraphs about how im replacing him and everything and he wasn't wrong... I was fed up with his crap and I wanted to move on... and I didn't care about his little pathetic plead for me to be apart of his life still... at the time I was happy with Grayson. and To what I thought... Grayson was happy with me. and I was 99.9% Sure Grayson was who I was meant to be with. He was just perfect and funny and we went together like PB and Jelly... when he needed something I was there... if he didn't have money to buy something we went together and I paid for it for him. We were just perfect. and on the second night of the trip we stood in front of one another and I told him about Jedidiah and all the crap he put me through and how Grayson was just so much of a relief to me and how I was happier than ever with him and how everything was just right and ok with him. and since that moment things were all laughter and butterflies until the next day... I'm in the Arena sitting next to Grayson when I get a text on my phone from someone I knew claiming to be Grayson's Boyfriend... They weren't mad at me but they said to me that they knew I had been doing things with him and they would've appreciated if I stopped. Grayson never told me he had a boyfriend. all this time I thought we were just perfect together and you were fucking lying to me. I was ready to risk it all for you and You were hiding a filthy truth the entire time. and I wanted to confront him about it but. I was so devastated that I said nothing and hid in the bathroom crying for the rest of the day. When I did come out of the bathroom. I ran into Jedidiah. and I apologized to him. I told him how much he meant to me and my stupid self told him I needed him and all that. and we repaired things but I was still upset from Grayson's heartbreak. and then that night we returned to the hotel room.

Out of sadness I texted Adrien. Classic Adrien didn't respond in time... So I ended up texting Jedidiah instead. and He happened to be 10 Floors below me. We were both alone. So I told him I was upset... then he asked me what room I was in... I told him 1319 and before I could say anything else he told me he was coming up. I jumped out of bed to get ready because like I said... Jedidiah is so freaking hot you just dont know... And when I tell you... Omg. Yes. but... anyways he came to the room like 3 minutes later to be an emotional support and one thing led to another and we started kissing and then one thing led to another and he we did other things... I was overly excited after he left because I had just had a moment of a lifetime that not many girls get to experience.... Ehem. Correction... not many guys get to experience. Jedidiah and His brother see girls as tools to exploit. It's a Surprise Jedidiah doesn't have an STD. In all honesty. but anyway. Out of being Super happy My Upset mood changed into a Simping House maid mood. I was room mating with a couple guys who came on the trip with me and when they returned it slipped. I told them what me and Jedidiah did. and Just one of them couldn't keep it a secret. They all blackmailed me. They agreed that if I didn't confess to what I had did They'd all accuse me for it. I thought I could trust them all but they betrayed me. So I decided that... Honesty is better than lying. and I Confessed. I told the Pastor of Thine church what had happened and he lied to me countless times afterword's. Long story short. I got home from this trip to a Phone call from Jedidiah.

HE WAS PISSED. Turns out he was just kicked out of the church permanently and so was I. On the phone Jedidiah says, "You Bi--- You ruined my life and im going to ruin yours!!!! I'll Sue you!!! I'll Ruin your Fu--ing life! I'll tell them You Raped me! and Frame you for EVERYTHING!"

Fast Forward 2 Weeks, School Starts back... Now i kid you not i had to atone for the countless amounts of money I took for Jedidiah... I had learned my lesson. Love and Trust no one. I Still had Adrien. And Honestly he was all I had Left. so Seeing last year he saved my life and he hasn't left my side and I have no other friends... It became 20 times more important to me to preserve my relationship. A Week later Rumors Spread like Wildfire and time was cutting short to act so I decided to just tell Adrien what happened on the trip. He reacted way better than any of us thought he would and it caused no issues in my relationship whatsoever. It came to my realization that me and Adrien were BINDED together by some Universal force.

A week later... My Favorite Faculty Staff member dies. Her name was Mrs. Stacy Hornsby. She passed away in a Car Crash that morning. I cried. I cried for almost a week and a half and all the grief and loss plunged me into therapy. Although i didn't get a Therapist until This year. and By the time me and my Therapist did meet everything was ok again. I was purely cursed after that trip for the rest of the year... something bad happened to me every week. but Nothing happened to my ever lasting relationship. 3 Weeks after coming back to school Adrien Came out the closet and On his own started telling people we were dating... To me this was Revolutionary. And soon later. Jedidiah's brother Mark Comes up to me and Says... "is it true your dating Adrien" and Adrien was right behind me so I couldn't say no. Soo i Replied... "Yes. Yes we are." and Then the next day I run into Jedidiah and he says to Adrien, "So that's your boyfriend?" and Adrien replies, "yes" and Jedidiah mumbles under his breath, "Faggots." And walks away. But hated our relationship ever since. Then 2 weeks after that the rumor reaches me that Jedidiah who is a senior in high school by the way was just Expelled for being in possession of Marijuana on school campus. So I haven't had to see his face all year although I still wonder to this day. where his life has managed to take him.

Now. Me and My Mother has become engaged in therapy, We have the Same Therapist and doing this has grown our relationship to an extent... She wants what's best for me now even if it scare's her because she can see the side effects of being a depressed teenager dawning on me and she doesn't know what to do. Like i said earlier... Me and my mom's abusive past prevented me from coming to her for anything. thanks to therapy... the Physical Aspect of the abuse has stopped. but the verbal aspect can still get turbulent from time to time. I respect my dad more than i do my mom... Last time I saw him he told me just what I needed to hear from one of my parents and that was... "Son... I want blood children... But its your life and you decide and dictate what you do with it. It doesn't matter to me if you date a man or a woman or adopt children. Id prefer you do it the right way but... Its your choice and if you want to do that then go ahead. I wont be any less of your father than i am now. I love you" Now had my mom been that understanding and loving and calm and caring. we'd talk more. I'd come to her more. but no. she'd disown me! If i decided to pursue a Non-Straight lifestyle. She hates it! She always uses hate speech and slurs towards the LGBTQ+ Community. But it is what it is. What she doesn't realize is that when she Throw's hate at the LGBTQ+ Community she throw's it at me too! and it hurts so bad. but it is what it is.

Things progressively get better... Nobody is the same person they were one year ago. Last Weekend My Mom let me go to Adrien's House!! Of Course she doesn't know me and Adrien are dating but she was pretty easily convinced. And I think this was because I cried to her and my stepdad about how I need a life and how i need to be let out the cage and how I feel nobody is taking account of my progress and how stressed out I am everyday trying to do the best I can for everyone. but yes! Congratulations. you have made it to the end of my Life Story. The only way from here is Up and Forwards. As I told my therapist. I see a bright future. I see a time where I will get a license get a Job, Go to college, and just get the hell away from this nightmare im living in. Ill finally be happier. Ill Finally be Okay. Ill Finally be able to breathe. Just in...

A Matter of Time.

Next chapter