
Chapter 23: Cassandra

I watched Nicolette and Oliver fly through the air, not so much concerned about Nicolette as I was about Oliver. Nicolette landed with a belly flop, Oliver, at the last second, landed like a cannonball. Nicolette struggled to the edge of the pull, gasping for air; the shock on her face would have been funny any other time. Oliver broke the surface of the water and gasped as well, flopping his arms until he realized he could stand with his head out of the water.

Part of our training? I had no idea. I did know everyone came with lies and baggage, and I could only assume Estelle arrived the same way. Maybe another one of Edius' henchmen? The others stood frozen in place. They were as much in shock as I was. Any minute I expected Nicolette's brother and sister to come outside, wands in hand, ready to send Estelle back beneath whatever rock she emerged from. Though from the looks of Estelle's powers, that would be a mistake on their part.