

There is a significant event in the Horizon Hotel ballroom, the anniversary event of Global Corporation, a large company engaged in building, apartment, and high-end housing development. The majority shareholder, Phillip Collins from the United States, always takes the time to attend his company's anniversary event every year.

After the dinner is over and the guests have left the venue, all that remains are the employees of Global Corporation because soon, there will be an event that is only held after the company's birthday event.

This event is called, Find a mate. This event was conceived by Philip Collins himself when he bought a majority stake in this company. Before this, the majority shareholder was the Meyer family. Currently, the Meyer family is only the second largest shareholder in the company after most of their shares have been sold to Philip Collins.

This matchmaking event is intended to match fellow employees in this Global Corporation. Later, male employees, representatives of each division, will appear on the stage. Female employees must choose from under the set, which determines that the matchmaking will not be, is a male employee. He can decide who the girl will be accepted as his soul mate.

After the couple agrees, they will receive luxurious facilities in the form of the most expensive room in this hotel. They will also receive all the luxury amenities for two nights which are all paid for by the company.

In previous years, some couples invented during the matchmaking event, and their relationship lasted until marriage level. However, some did not continue to the marriage level.

One by one, male employees who were single or claiming to be single went on stage and were chosen by the girls scrambling to raise their hands because they wanted to enjoy the luxurious rooms and facilities for two nights at this hotel.

"Li ... get ready you. a little bit more, Mike, your handsome boyfriend, will be up soon," said Rani, a bespectacled employee minus Lilian, a beautiful, thin-lipped employee who was pensive while staring at the stage.

"What the hell are you ready for? although there will be many girls who choose Mike, but, Mike definitely choose Lilian, " said Lenny employee rather fat body sure.

"Not necessarily. that Lita is so interested in Mike, she could have used magic to get Mike to choose her. right?"Rani argued.

"No way. Mike wouldn't be tempted. He will choose Lilian, our beautiful friend," Lenny argued again. While Lilian herself still looked pensive, as if she hadn't heard the two friends talking.

On stage, there was a significant change that made many people laugh. It happened because of the ascent of a young man to the stage. the rise of the young man created a great stir. There were a lot of shots from under the stage.

"There is an office clerk who is looking for a mate."

"Hi....you want to clean the floor or what?"

"Hi...no one will choose you."

"Hahahaha...the last one is Mike's voice, " Lenny told Lilian and Rani.

"Yes. it's a bit of a bully, but Mike's right. who would choose that guy. his name is Arsen, he's just a Cleaning service in our office. how dare he go on stage? the matchmaking event is only for permanent employees, " Rani said to two friends.

"I don't think there's any harm in that. he is also an employee of our company. so, he also has the right to participate in this matchmaking event, " Lilian said suddenly.

"But, poor thing. surely he would have waited in vain on the stage. surely no woman will raise her hand to vote for him," said Rani.

"Not necessarily. his body is athletic, his face is handsome, he is even more handsome than Mike, " said Lilian.

"Cooking anyway? how can you lower your own boyfriend? Mike, the dream guy who is crazy about many women, his career is also great, just five months of work, he immediately occupied a high position as director of Finance in our company. noh! what else is lacking? you're very lucky, Van, because Mike chose you as his girlfriend," Lenny told Lilian.

"No, no. I don't feel lucky," Lilian replied coldly.

"Len.... poor thing, Len. the Cleaning Service, until now, no one chose him. "no," Rani said to Lenny.

"Reluctant! "I'll tell you later," Lenny replied.

The young Cleaning Service named Arsen is still standing on the stage. Fifteen minutes had passed, but none of the female employees had offered her until he became the laughing stock of many people.

Suddenly, there was another significant change on the hotel Ballroom stage. a man went on stage and was immediately greeted by the cheers of many women. This guy is Mike, " Hahahaha.... you have a lot to learn from me if you want to be a woman. Look at me, " Mike told Arsen.

And sure enough, as soon as Mike stood next to Arsen, which means Mike was already available or available to choose from, things on the stage became very exciting. About thirty women, scrambling to raise their hands to vote for Mike, Mike seemed to be laughing and smiling mockingly at Arsen beside him.

"Look. they're fighting over me, not like you, hehehehe..., "Mike said with a laugh at Arsen.

The pride Mike styled like a bodybuilder on stage made more women begin to raise their hands to try their luck to be chosen by Mike.

Mike enjoyed these moments; Mike enjoyed being the center of attention of many girls. From the very beginning, Mike had already planned to choose a woman, that is, Lilian. The most beautiful girl in the Global Corporation. The girl who three days ago accepted Mike's love and Mike intends to take their relationship even further in a luxurious hotel room this evening.

But, something had happened; until this moment, Lilian had not stood up from her seat. Mike was about to receive Lilian immediately when Lilian stood up and raised her hand. But Mike patiently waited; it could be; Lilian was waiting for the right moment. Because at this moment, the situation is fascinating.

Finally, Lilian stood up from her seat. Lilian walked onto the stage, approaching Mike. Mike was already smiling broadly at Lilian's arrival. Lilian came to Mike, who was waiting for her on the scene, step by step.

Lilian's hand was raised, but Lilian's arrow was not pointing at Mike but Arsen.

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