
A Mafia's Redemption(GL)

Lin all tired and weak, from the torture she had gone through for the past days, now tied to a pole right at the edge of the cliff, looked up to her killer who was standing some meters away, and asked faintly "Why do I have to be put through all this?" "Am just carrying out an assignment." the killer responded, with no sign of sympathy whatsoever. Lin stared at her killer, obviously the masked figure wasn't going to show her any form of mercy. Already tired of life and had given up, she asked her killer one last time. "You really think, my dad is going to let y'all go after am dead?". The killer gave an evil grin. "Seems you have so much confidence in your dad..." He said clicking his teeth, and after exhaling. "Your dad wants you dead sweetheart." He said bluntly, dropping the bombshell, leaving Lin in utter shock and confusion. "That can't be true." She whispered although she could hear the doubt in her own voice, as the tears flowed from her already weary eyes down to her cheeks. She really didn't want to believe this but something was starting to make sense to her..She had gone through a lot already "Just end this please." She said exhaling deeply, as she closed her eyes. She could hear the echo of the gunshot as she waited patiently the bullet to pierce for through her... Yet nothing came through, she couldn't feel any form of pain or sting... "Isn't it meant to hurt a little?.. Or is she dead already.." She thought, as she slowly opened her eyes... What she saw was overwhelming... Her killer was on the floor instead... She scanned around, and that's when she saw a young man coming towards her... As the person came closer, she started to notice, that the person was also having feminine characteristics.... Wait that was a lady, looking really masculine.... Clad in all black, high boots, and a neat cut... She was lost in the eyes of this stranger and hadn't noticed that the lady had started to untie her. "What's going on?" A very confused Lin whispered, "Just follow me." The lady replied as she loosened the last knots that held Lin to the pole. Already freed Lin tried to take a step but stumbled. The lady turned and gave a smirk. "You were quite strong at first." And before Lin could fathom what she said, she swept her off her feet. And whispered, "Am not letting you go this time."

XOxomethyst · LGBT+
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43 Chs

Trying to rectify past mistakes.

Claire's P.O.V

I left his penthouse house fuming in rage. How could he do such a thing, what happened to all the preaching and talks about how one of the greatest treasures of been a Guan is the family bond. How we should love and always be there for one another.... Bla bla

"Take me back to the mansion." I said to Henry opening the car door myself. Henry guessing something was admist didn't bother to ask any questions, as he got into the driver seat and turned on the engine of the vehicle.


After the long, quiet drive. We finally got to the mansion. And after responding to a few greetings from some of the workers, and guards around. I walked into the house.

I had to act like all is well, I can't give anyone any hint that something was off. I smiled casually to the butlers and maids that welcomed me. "Welcome ma'am, your luggage please" one of the butlers stepped forward and offered.

"No thank you, I'll handle it." I said declining with a warm smile.

Besides it was just a backpack anyways.

As I walked up the stairs I could hear them whispering, but I just couldn't place or make any sense out of what they were saying. And right now, the arising problems in my family is way more important than the workers gossip .

And here I was standing and facing my door, I heaved a sigh, using my thumb print on the smart lock, the door made a click sound, turning the handle I entered my room.

The familar smell of comfort hitting my nostrils. Locking the door behind me. I headed to my secret compartment, to offload my weapons.

Few minutes later, I was out .

I headed to my closet to take out my undercover clothings from my bagpack. And when I was done with that I headed to the toilet. A warm bath was what i need right now. And after that I'll be heading to bed. I have no appetite to eat, and I have no zeal to see anyone

Case's P.O.V

I have no idea where my dad kept Lin, and I didn't bother.

I have decided to stay off my dad's business.

There wasn't any time to waste. Because his sudden zeal to get the Dominion Charter was something I couldn't understand.

My dad had been tracking, monitoring the Guans, since I was a little girl. Then the Chaplins were still healing from the wounds the Guans inflicted on them. I had never really understood what caused the bitter feud. But I am so sure that we are the rightful owner of the Dominion Charter.

My dad, suddenly started to suspect something was off, when he found out they had a daughter who was always kept in isolation and under strict surveillance.

And yes, I don't know how he did it. But somehow he got to know that the real reason why they had always want to protect Lin, wasn't only the was the last child, or because she is a girl. But because she was the only biological child of the Guans.

And since then my dad had been plotting, waiting for her to rebel and she did..

He had kept eyes on her while she was in Japan and was carefully waiting to strike. And now when his plan is falling into place. It's as though I was getting too involved and was somehow going to thwart something. So I choose to mind my business.

The Dominion Charter and acquiring it, is his business. I'll continue to do my job without any form of distraction whatsoever.

I rolled on bed , I have been finding it really difficult to sleep lately, my nightmares were coming back. And this time they were much stronger, sometimes too real.

That's it.

I am done trying to sleep. I walked to my balcony, and sat on my swing. The only thing that gave me comfort.

There haven't been any serious work lately. And that's one of the main reasons I was messing around. I slowly, started to push myself on the swing. Watching the the starry night blend with the city lights, the chill breeze of the night hit my face, as I took a long breath. I don't really know what I feel at the moment. As I couldn't process my emotions. Everything was just still, numb and empty. "Seems I'll be spending the night on this again" I muttered with a sigh.

Guan P.O.V

When Claire left earlier, I just knew I had to change my will. Yes I definitely have to.

The boys had helped me run the empire. And I see sense in what Claire said. I have been a truly terrible father, both to my daughter and to the boys . I'll be talking to my lawyer tomorrow morning and we would restart the process again.

And then we would face the Dominion Charter crisis together as a family.

I really don't know how Claire feels, but I could tell she was disappointed and upset about everything,but I'll make things right, definitely.

But then I'm still puzzled on why Luca knew for a while now, and never bothered to tell anyone about it.

Does he already know about it? About my will and that's why he decided to keep quiet about Lin's whereabouts..

No that's definitely not it. There has to be something.

"Stop overthinking" I said to myself, taking a mental note.

"Everything would be fine." I said assuring myself once again.

Lin's P.O.V

It's night time .

The cell, was now dingy ,cold and completely black. I couldn't even see my own feets. This was the first time in my

life that I have been in such a pitch black environment and deep down I was scared. Really scared.

Bringing my legs closer to my chest, and wrapping my arms around my legs . I could feel the tears pouring out of my eye.

I was trying hard not to imagine or create any scenarios in my head. But then I had this edgy feeling that I was been watched in the darkness and I dared not to look at the direction I felt the stare coming from.