
A Mafia's Redemption(GL)

Lin all tired and weak, from the torture she had gone through for the past days, now tied to a pole right at the edge of the cliff, looked up to her killer who was standing some meters away, and asked faintly "Why do I have to be put through all this?" "Am just carrying out an assignment." the killer responded, with no sign of sympathy whatsoever. Lin stared at her killer, obviously the masked figure wasn't going to show her any form of mercy. Already tired of life and had given up, she asked her killer one last time. "You really think, my dad is going to let y'all go after am dead?". The killer gave an evil grin. "Seems you have so much confidence in your dad..." He said clicking his teeth, and after exhaling. "Your dad wants you dead sweetheart." He said bluntly, dropping the bombshell, leaving Lin in utter shock and confusion. "That can't be true." She whispered although she could hear the doubt in her own voice, as the tears flowed from her already weary eyes down to her cheeks. She really didn't want to believe this but something was starting to make sense to her..She had gone through a lot already "Just end this please." She said exhaling deeply, as she closed her eyes. She could hear the echo of the gunshot as she waited patiently the bullet to pierce for through her... Yet nothing came through, she couldn't feel any form of pain or sting... "Isn't it meant to hurt a little?.. Or is she dead already.." She thought, as she slowly opened her eyes... What she saw was overwhelming... Her killer was on the floor instead... She scanned around, and that's when she saw a young man coming towards her... As the person came closer, she started to notice, that the person was also having feminine characteristics.... Wait that was a lady, looking really masculine.... Clad in all black, high boots, and a neat cut... She was lost in the eyes of this stranger and hadn't noticed that the lady had started to untie her. "What's going on?" A very confused Lin whispered, "Just follow me." The lady replied as she loosened the last knots that held Lin to the pole. Already freed Lin tried to take a step but stumbled. The lady turned and gave a smirk. "You were quite strong at first." And before Lin could fathom what she said, she swept her off her feet. And whispered, "Am not letting you go this time."

XOxomethyst · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Mr li xun.

Shyin's P.O.V

I wonder what was taking Luca this long.

He didn't respond to my text or anything.

We all have been waiting for an hour now.

Angelo had already dozed off on the sofa.

Jumpyo is been all fuzzy, lovely with his Pomeranian.

While I sitted close to the window. Working on my system.

Occupied with what I was doing on my laptop. I didn't realize Luca had driver into the premises until he horned.

"Guess who's finally here." I exclaimed, turning towards Jumpyo.

"Took him long enough." Jumpyo said with a sigh.

Letting his dog out of his embrace, he walked over to Angelo giving him a light slap on his leg.

"Wake up, lazy thing."

Angelo gave out a short groan, and rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry for keeping you all."

Luca announced, as he walked in.

"Had to take care of somethings."

He added taking a seat.

"Always got something to take care off."

Angelo said, in a sarcastic tone.

Luca merely rolled his eyes. Totally ignoring him.

"Let's get to business shall we."

I said, lightly.

"Yeah, we've wasted enough time already." Jumpyo said, as he brought out a folder from a side drawer.

"Don't f******g tell me , you kept something this important there?"

Angelo halfed yelled in surprise, pointing at the drawer.

Jumpyo just gave a shrug and walked to were Luca was seated.

"The license is ready."

He said handing the folder to, Luca,who was looking quite skeptical about collecting it.

"Is everything okay, bro?"

I asked, in concern, walking towards them both.

"It's just that, I wasn't involved in any of these from the beginning....."

"C'mon you're the eldest."

Angelo said, cutting him short.

"Yeah, he is right." Jumpyo added dropping the folder on the table.

Luca looked at me, waiting for me to say something, in opposition to what my younger brothers said.

But I stood still, my hand folded across my chest. With a blank expression.

"You should be the one to give dad the license." I said.

I could see the frustration on his face. He doesn't want to do this. But he has been cornered already.

Jumpyo started to open the file.

"Tell dad, that the only thing missing on the license is the Guan's stamp."

"He should be able to that in minutes." He added.

Luca gave a huge sigh..

"Guys I don't think it's wise giving me this..."

He said in a persuading tone.

"Don't worry, not like his going to kill you or something."

Angelo said.

He shrugged, and sigh again, but this time sounds like he had given up on trying to persuade us.

"Well, is that all?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"Yeah, that would be all."

I said, with a small grin.

"Well, I guess I should be heading to the mansion. It's getting late by the way."

He announced, picking up the folder from the desk.

"Zài jiàn"

Angelo said.

"You guys staying for the night?"

He asked, facing me and ignoring Angelo.

"Yeah, they are."

Jumpyo replied.

"Hmm." He said with a nod and waved goodbye.

As he walked out of the house, closing the door behind him.

Sighing, I walked back to where I was before.

" Luca is acting really off." Angelo announced.

"Yeah, there's definitely something up with him." I said with a sigh.

"His assistant was arrested." Jumpyo said bluntly, making me and Angelo turn to face him in shock .


I asked, in utter disbelief.

"Where did you get such news?"

Angelo asked.

"The organization staff WhatsApp group." He said rolling his eyes, as he held his phone up.

"Woaaah, you're on that?" Angelo asked, in shock.

Jumpyo rolled his eyes, ignoring Angelo.

"I'll be in my room."

He said, walking towards the stairs.

"We should really check that group out."

Angelo said to me.

And I nod in agreement to what he said.

"No wonder he always knows every gist before me."

Angelo added as he turned on his phone.

I rolled my eyes and turned to face my system.

I have more important things to do other than to scroll through a group chat to go through some gossip.

When I'm free I'll ask Luca about it.

Luca's P.O.V

By the time I got to the Guan's mansion, it was slightly dark.

I had a long day today. So I'll just find my dad, and give him the document.

Then head to my room.

"Where's Mr Guan?"

I asked one of the older bulter.

"Last time I served him, he was in his office."

The older man said with a warm smile.

"And that was?"

I asked, as I looked around the house.

"About fifteen minutes ago sir."

I looked at him and smile.

"Thank you."

And I was racing up the stairs. If I don't find him in the office.

I'll have to wait till tomorrow morning.

It's a serious issue, and can't be handled in his room. Besides if his not there, it means he has retired for the night.

On getting closer to his office. I could hear some voices inside.

I sighed in relief, he is still in the office.

"You should be available tomorrow, do you know how important this is ?"

I could hear my dad, angrily speaking over the phone.

I couldn't help but feel bad, for the person he was talking to.

I didn't want to eavesdrop on purpose. But he was loud enough for me to hear.

"Mr li xun, the can't you see how bad the situation is at the moment."

And that got my attention..

Mr li xun, is my dad's lawyer.

I suddenly remembered, Ray had sent me his contact card, I've been so occupied with Noah's case, I didn't get the chance to call him.

I really should talk to him as well.

Whatever my dad's hiding, he would definitely have a clue.

I knocked slightly on the door.

And after a few minutes of silence.

"Come in."

He said.

I slowly turned the knob of the door. And walked in quietly.

He was startled. He wasn't excepting me to be the one by the door , at that time.

"Uhm Luca.." he said stuttering.

"My brothers insisted that I should be the one to bring the license."

I said, in a defensive tone as I held up the folder.

He coughed lightly.

"Yeah, right." He said as he waved his hands, signalling me to come forward.

I walked as fast as I could to his table, and dropped the folder on his desk.

I bowed, and was about to excuse myself.

"Seat.." he said, leaving me confused.

"I need to talk to you." He added.

I quietly sat down, and watched him slowly go through the license.

"Looks exactly like the original." He said with a small smile.

"Angelo did a great job." I said, in a low tone.

"Yeah he did, so our securities are in Cuba at the moment."

He said, dropping the license back on his desk.

"All, undercover...and I have spoken to the Chaplins. We would be getting your sister soon."

He said with a smile.

I guess, the anger he had towards me had reduced or something.

"You should stamp the license."

I said, pointing at the space created for the stamp.

"Hmm, okay "

He said.

I watched him quietly as he brought out the official stamp, and stamped on the license carefully.

He hasn't told me to leave yet, so i was still seated.

But I slowly found my eyes drifting towards the safe.

I could feel the rush of anxiety.

As Noah's words echoed in my head.

My dad, cough jolted me back to reality.

"You and I would be going to see the Chaplins together."

He announced, leaving the the news to sink .

"When the time comes for us to do the exchange.. you and I would be going together.

Is that clear?"

He asked, he is clearly giving out an order.

I exhaled, and giving out a small smile.

"That won't be an issue dad."

He looked at me, without any kind of facial expression.

"That's all I have to say, are you sleeping here tonight?"

I stood up from my seat, and gave a short nod.

He looked at me and shrugged.


He said, in a dismissing tone.

"Good night." I said, walking out if the room but not without giving the safe one last glance.