
Chapter 34

"mom, its two days already and you don't even care if Liam is back or not.... What kind of a mother are you?" Gabriella yelled at Laura.

"How dare you speak to me like that? Oh... I can see your brother has succeeded in possessing you" Laura yelled back.

"You know how your brother can be.... He leaves each time he gets angry and comes back anytime he is calm" Laura said after calming down for some seconds.

"Yes..., he leaves each time he gets angry and comes back anytime he is calm... But he has never stayed out up to a day" Gabriella said as a matter of fact.

"Whatever... I am really exhausted, I can't deal with you stubborn kids right now" Laura replied not giving a damn.

"Mom..." Gabriella couldn't say a thing because Laura went to her room.


Amelia just finished dressing Liam's wounds when David and James came in.

"Good evening ma" David and James chorused.

"Evening dear..." Amelia replied.

"Have You gotten any clue?" Mr. Vincent came in.

"Yes... I saw the man on black cardigan this afternoon and followed him" David said and paused not sure on whether to continue or not.

"And....?" Liam spoke.

"Diana's father sent him" David replied and Liam sighed. He knows Mr. Robert can be cunning and crafty but he has never expected this.

"Did You get to know who the man was?" Liam asked.

"Uhmmm.... Gary, yes Gary. That's his name" David replied.

"Gary?" Liam was surprised.

"You know him?" Mr. Vincent asked

"He works in my late father's company" Liam replied.

"Please, don't let Cassandra and Gabriella find out." Liam added.

"What do we tell them?" James asked.

"Tell them... It was a coincident" Liam replied.

"So You want to lie to Cassandra?" Mr

Vincent asked making Liam feel guilty.

"No... If she knows the truth, she will be worried" Liam replied.


Gabriella was about to eat when someone knocked at the door.

"Hold on... I'm coming" she said while heading to the door.

"Uncle Leonard!..." Gabriella exclaimed and then hugged the man at the door.

"My angle... You have grown so much" Mr. Leonard said patting Gabriella's head.

"Of course I'm a big girl now" Gabriella said playfully and then helped him with his laugage.

"Wasn't expecting you..." Gabriella said.

"Yeah... Wanted to surprise you guys" Mr. Leonard said.

"Have missed you so so much" Gabriella said enthusiastically.

"Miss You more my dear" Mr. Leonard replied.

"By the way, where is Liam?" Mr. Leonard asked. Gabriella wondered if she should tell him what happened or not. 'Guess it will be better to ask Liam first' she said inwardly.

"Uhmmm... I guess he went out with some friends..." Gabriella replied.

"Oh... What about your mom?" Mr. Leonard asked.

"She went out... Food is ready... Come join me." Gabriella said.

"Let me go take a shower first" Mr Leonard said and went upstairs. Immediately he left, Gabriella brought out her phone and called Liam.

"Hey what's up" Liam said.

"Uncle Leonard is here... And I'm wondering if I should tell him what happened" Gabriella went straight to the point.

"Uncle Leonard... Thank God... Tell him everything and if possible... Bring him here" Liam said.

"Ok..." Was all Gabriella replied and ended the call.

Liam was extremely happy. At last the person he has been waiting for has arrived...