1 A One Time Job Offer

After the divorce Bluebell had to move out, Gabriel had already moved on to another mare and settled down, Bluebell on the other hoof could not, it was harder for her than she expected. Blue got a beautiful small cottage with a lovely big garden, she had moved in and got custody of her triplets, the rest stayed with him. Blue wouldn't be lonely at least; she opened her shop once more after years of building. Though she was still in her early 20's due to her being an alicorn, she would age slower than the average pony, Bluebell only had enough to keep them going until she got her shop up and going, her ex-husband offers help, but she declines even though he keeps asking her. Single mother of three exceptional fillies.  It was hard, she struggled a lot but never asked for her ex-husband's help, she wanted to be more independent.

Bluebell recently started to like a small café just down the street from her shop; it was hushed which she loved, peaceful and calm. She usually went there to meet clients that want custom flowers made, like a commissioned design. She went there daily to relax and get ready for the busy day. She saw a few ponies there, which was normal but they weren't the usual costumers.

She continued on her order and sat in her usual spot, had her usual tea and brownies before work when two ponies approached her, it was her friend she recently got to know, Komori. He sat down with her and smiled. She raised an eyebrow and smiled back, "Komori, how can I help you? You don't come here often. What changed? Who hurt you?!" she says jokingly and he chuckled, then he speaks "I came here to see you! I have an offer for you! It involves good payment~." her ears gently perked at this and gets comfy. "Is that so? What do you need?" the waitress comes with her drink and brownies, munching them she awaits his reply. He grins, "I heard you were a fantastic performer and singer when you were somewhat younger." Blue looks away, sipping her tea like she already knows what he is going to ask of her.

She sighs "Komori. I would be too rusty, not worth your customers time, you already have an incredible performer... I could never be that good anymore." her ears lower as she avoids eye contact, Komori sighs and encourages her, "I think you will do great! Don't be bringing yourself down on how long it has been!" She looks at him and starts to think; it would be fun; she felt as she stirs her tea. After a long pause, she smiles softly and nods. "Fine, I'll perform at your club but for a reasonable price." He nodded and reassured her "but of course! How about-" . So they discussed payment and went their separate ways; it was more than enough to help rebuild her shop! Finally, she can provide for her new house and her shop! It was now time to to get new gear, and practice!

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