
A Love Named You

One day the chaos emeralds begin to act weird as Sonic and his friends have to go and investigate what is going on. Little did they know that the chaos emeralds teleport them to a new world that has more well built anthromorphic creatures from butterflies to a jack-o-lantern head.

Bri_9130 · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Sonic feels his head buzz in pain as he looks around to see that he is a huge flower patch with the sun glazing over him. He slowly sits up and grabs a hold of his head as he looks around to see that there are tall flowers towering over him. He blinks concernedly as he begins to stand up slowly while trying to gain his footing. He remembers the chaos emeralds glowing weirdly and swallowing everything whole. He feels his head buzz worse than from before as he tries to walk before he falls onto his knees.

Everything is making him buzz out of control. Sonic can't believe that everything happened so fast and in so little time. He than remembered Sally and got onto his feet to try and find his girlfriend. He slowly walks through the tall flowers to be met with something walking towards him. He smiles as to think that it might be Sally, but he soon realizes that the figure does not resemble Sally's figure at all. He turns around and begins to quickly walk away from the being before he got swooped off his feet. He turns to see that this figure is a tall male. Holding onto Sonic tightly didn't make his head any less tolerable. He needs to get away from the being before something happens.

This being doesn't even have a head from what he knows. Sonic struggles to get out of the creatures, but he soon quickly gets knocked out by the creature. He feels his eyes become heavy before closing them. Hoping that this all is just a dream...

Sonic feels his body become cold as he slowly opens up his eyes to look around that he is in a room filled with potions and a huge pot. Heads lined up across the walls as Sonic soon realizes that he might be stuck in a similar situation as those before him. He no longer feels his headache other than pain, he hears footsteps and voices approaching him as he soon closes his eyes again and pretend to be asleep.

"Are you sure that this creature is a hedgehog?" A female voice says in disgust.

"Yes, ma'am, they are blue as well. Thought that you might want to see it." A distorted voice said.

The door to the room opens up as Sonic could feel his feet become colder than the rest of his body. He isn't sure what is going on, but he doesn't feel normal. He feels like he should be walking more than running. He needs to escape.

"Ah here is the little rodent, my, this thing is so short." The female voice is in front of Sonic now.

Sonic wants to run away or try to fight them off, but he can't because he feels rope wrapped around his arms.

"My gosh this thing is disgusting. I don't want it here, but it could make good potions. Especially its fur and blood. The bones can be stripped out once I have done used up the blood and fur." The female voice says as though she is plotting something.

Sonic doesn't want to be here anymore, he wants to be in Sally's arms and no longer near the woman who is plotting to use him for things that he hasn't consent too. He opens up one of his eyes to be met with a long black dress.

"Oh its awake now. Gross." The woman says in disgust.

Sonic frowns, "That's Sonic the hedgehog for you, lady."

Sonic soon feels a slap across his face as he turns to be met with the woman's face. Her eyes are mainly black with only 2 small dots in her eyes. He felt scared and useless in this situation. He is used to being hit, but this woman is different, but he soon sees that her breasts are hanging and that he could see that they aren't entirely covered. He felt embarrassment come onto his face as he turns away.

"Looking at a woman's breast is something a man would do." The woman says while standing up. She crosses her arms underneath her breasts, "Sonic, isn't it? What an odd name."

Sonic looks back at the woman, "I don't need you to speak to me about what my name should be."

"And I don't need your tone." The woman turns away.

Sonic looks closely at the woman, her back is almost entirely covered minus around her shoulders and neck area. She wears a long black dress that is skinny around her body. Her arms are covered by the dress. Her feet aren't shown as she wears a black witch hat the almost covers her short white hair. Sonic looks away as he feels himself becoming scared of her presence. He wants to know what her name is, but he can tell that she is worse than all of his enemies put together.

The woman turns back over to Sonic, "Is there more of you?"

Sonic turns more away from her, "No."

"If I find out that you are lying, I will cut your tongue out." She turns away and walks out of the room.

Sonic looks back at the door to see that the woman is no longer in the room. He feels relieved that her presence is nowhere near him. He looks around the room to find a way to escape. He just realizes that he is in a chair that is bigger than him. Probably for the woman...

Sonic begins to scoot onto the edge of the chair and jumps off. Luckily he wasn't exactly tied to the chair, probably the woman thought that he was going to stay being knocked out, but unlucky for her, he doesn't want to be here any longer.

Sonic looks around the room for anything that he can use to cut off the rope. All of the counters are taller than he is. He runs up the counter to find a bone knife sitting far from him. He looks over at the door before looking back over at the knife. Sonic runs over to it and was able to cut through the rope.

Feeling relieved, Sonic runs over to the door and jumps up to grab onto the handle. He opens up the door a little to see that 2 guards are guarding the door. He thinks for a moment, these things aren't used to something like him. He could easily run out of here. He smiles and opens the door wide and runs out of the room. Hearing screams behind him, he isn't as fast as he normally is, but the speed that he is going at it perfect enough for him. Anywhere, but here is good enough for him. He runs up to the oncoming front door and bursts it open. Hurting his arm in the process. He feels his speed returning to him. He smiles that he smells the outside air again, being inside that building gave him shivers.

Sonic runs away from the building. Feeling the wind against him as he goes past the oncoming trees and grass. Now he has to find the others before the crazy lady finds them.