
A Love at Stake

Author: Khauro
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  • 12 Chs
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What is A Love at Stake

Read ‘A Love at Stake’ Online for Free, written by the author Khauro, This book is a Book&Literature Fanfic, covering FAMILY Fanfiction, HARRYPOTTER Fan Fiction, ANGST Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: If you had one day more with your son, what would you do? That's the problem faced by Lily Potter, who loses Harry in an...


If you had one day more with your son, what would you do? That's the problem faced by Lily Potter, who loses Harry in an attack, then wakes up to find she has another shot. It takes a tragedy to teach her to put love and time for the family ahead of work and bad memories of the past and open up to her son. Timeline: (AU) Takes place a day before Harry's 16th birthday after his 5th year at Hogwarts. Genre: Angst/Drama Warning: Major character death Disclaimer: All of J.K. Rowling except the plot

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I loved it and hated it .loved it because it was a good au world done perfectly from lily pov. Hated it because I am person likes perfect happy ending . Even though I know they are not possible in real life .


The writing quality is good, better than most on this website. I like the story but I feel as though it doesn't have a specific direction or end goal that it's working towards. I feel like this kind of story is better off being a One-shot, than a many chapter novella. If it had an overarching story, I think I would rate the story higher. There were moments that were quite moving, so I enjoyed that. Keep writing! Even though the ending is non-conclusive, I would be open to reading this for binging purposes. Good job. :)


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