

The girls excitedly opened the boxes.Inside each box was a bunch of artificial roses arranged in a nicely decorated vase,a friendship bracelet and a small note.

"Flowers as a sign of our blooming friendship"the note read.

"Thank you so much"the three girls said in unison.Jonathan smiled charmingly at them.

They then continued chatting about their hobbies,the places they had visited and some funny moments.

"There was this one time we went to a fancy restaurant.We gave our orders and sat down.As the order was taking a lot time to be prepared,we decided to play a game of truth or dare."Cathy said controlling her laughter

Just as she was about to continue,Sandriya forcibly closed her mouth with her hand.

"No not that.Don't tell him that"she shouted holding her hand against Cathy's mouth.Guessing that it was something involving Sandriya,Jonathan became more curious.

"What happened tell me.I really want to know"Jonathan asked showing more interest in the topic.

"No you don't"Sandriya replied hurriedly

"Sandriya spilled"Cathy tried to continue but Sandriya tightened her grip around Cathy's mouth.

"Come on Dearie.I really want to know"Jonathan said teasingly.

"Shut up you idiot"She yelled her face turning red.

Cathy freed herself and ran into the kitchen.Sandriya chased her around the house.Jonathan and Elena laughed hard at the way the two played and how chidish Sandriya was.

Elena then asked"You like her.Don't you?"

"Huh?!"he turned to Elena

"I asked if you liked Sandriya?"Elena repeated her question.

"Yeah I do."Jonathan answered without hesitation.

"Then you should tell her"She said.

"I think you got me wrong.I like her as a friend.She likes me in the same way."Jonathan clarified

"Then what does ' changing the school for her ' supposed to mean?" with that the atmosphere started to become a little tensed up.

"True I found her character interesting.But that doesn't mean I love her"he replied untroublingly as he turned and stared at the ceiling.


Before she could continue

"What are you both discussing so seriously?"Sandriya's voice made them both turn towards the kitchen

"Nothing"Elena shrugged her shoulders.

"Really.I heard something like love her.Am I hearing things then?"Sandriya asked back as she crossed her arms.

Elena sighed in relief as her friend didn't hear the entire conversation.But just then

"I was telling her how much I love you"Jonathan said as he winked his eye.

Elena and Cathy froze in shock.Was he proposing to her?

"WHAAAT?I don't love you.You idiot.Erase that thought off your memory"Sandriya yelled at him.

"I can never erase it my love"he said mischieviously

"Oh yeah.I will help you with that."Sandriya said as she balled her hand into a fist and aimed right at his face.But Jonathan blocked her attack.

"Hit me all you want.But not a single one will land on me"he laughed

"We'll see about that"saying so Sandriya started hitting with all her energy.

Jonathan blocked her every move.He then turned to Elena

"Now tell me how am I supposed to love this crazy woman.She is trying to kill me for just a fake proposal"he said still blocking her attacks.


Only now did Sandriya realise that Jonathan was teasing her all this time.Seeing she had stopped hitting him,Jonathan put his hand down.But just then a hit landed right on his chest and he fell to the ground.

"Serves you right for messing with me"Sandriya said.

"You really are strong Shorty"Jonathan said as stood up rubbing the place where her hit had landed.

They were just friends who enjoyed teasing one another. Elena giggled seeing the two.

"Now why are you laughing?"Sandriya turned her attention to Elena.

"Its nothing".Elena said.

"Everyone look at the time.Its already late"Cathy said pointing to the clock"Only if we leave now will we be able to reach home before it gets dark"she informed.

It was 5:30 pm.

"In that case,I will make us all a cup of ginger tea and you can leave after that"Jonathan stood up and went into the kitchen.In 5 minutes he returned with a teapot with hot tea and 4 tea cups.

They finished the tea , packed their belongings and went down the apartment in the elevator.Once they were outside the apartment,Cathy and Elena said goodbye and headed in one direction.As they lived in the same neighbourhood they walked together.Sandriya on the other hand lived on the opposite side.So she had to walk alone.

"How about I walk you home?"Jonathan offered.She thought about it for a while and said yes.

So the two started walking towards her house together....

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