
A Lord's Indifference

A man named Blake was questioned by an Mysterious Old Man about reincarnation, upon answering he was suddenly given a ring that was skull-like in details with two horn's on either side and a crimson like glow in it's eye socket, while the old man disappeared the following moment. On a certain night it glowed in red brightly then disappeared in the following moment, while waking up Blake suddenly found himself in another world where magic can control elements to make anything magical happen and superior physical strength that can destroy entire continent's. after knowing that this world had different races such as elves,dwarves,mermaids etc. He found out that he really did transmigrated to another world. thinking of the many mysteries and the chance to obtain power and find entertainment in this Great magical World, He had a huge grin that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. While adventuring he found a weird girl carrying a kid. She always has a cold expression while having a potential that could make even god's spit blood in envy. he can't help but think that by staying with her he can acquire a rival and entertainment at the same time. +notice: -this is my first novel i hope you enjoy it, and please give me suggestions if you have something that could help me make this novel better. -Though The first 20+ chapters are not good, It will get better so please give it a chance. -Please give me a good rating just to show me you support me and also like my novel.

Monarch_novel · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Gaining A Fox Companion

I quickly went in front of it and tried to look at Its wounds carefully with my right arm.

As I tried to grab the fox, It suddenly tried to scratch me with its paws.

Though I can dodge the attack, I choose not to move because:

"You sure are a feisty one"

I tried to make it understand me, by saying:

"Little one, I am 4 tiers higher than you, and I am currently wearing enchanted clothing."

"So you can't hurt me no matter what attack you use."

As I said that it suddenly attacked me with its skill.

It hit my chest, Then suddenly a notification appeared in front of me.

[A Skill called 'Supreme skill: Absolute Penetration' has been used on you.]

[You have lost a total of 1 [HP], You currently have 99/100 [HP] ]




[You have taken damage after you said it can't do damage to you]

[You need to regain your lost pride back, As the master of the System, You need to stand tall and mighty while keeping your pride and glory close to you at all times]


[Mission]: Regain your lost pride

[Reward]: +50 shop coins

[Penalty]: Your every Stat will be lessened by a total of -10 Stats points.

'Well, looks like I don't have a choice.' I thought as I shrugged my shoulders.

'System, Do you have a way to heal the wounds of the fox?'

[The System recommends the host buys a healing pill for only 20 shop coins.]

'I will buy It...'

[The host had received the healing pill, It is currently in the host's inventory]

I quickly grabbed the healing pill in my inventory, I looked at the fox in front of me and said:

"Here, eat this, this will help you in regenerating your wounds," I said as I was holding the healing pill in my hand.

The fox looked me in the eyes And quickly ate the pill as if it understood what I said.

After it healed all of its wounds, It went near me and extended its paws.

'Uhm? What do I do?'

'Do I just grab it?'

[The System suggests the host take it and shake it...]

'Ok? I ... guess?'

As I grabbed its paws, The fox suddenly made a bark-like howl.

As I saw that It was just about to become dark an hour later, I said to the fox:

"Look Little Fox, I'm gonna be honest with You. I am currently trying to go to another Continent, would you like to come with me?"

The fox nodded its tiny head As if it understood.

'System, Is the fox a male or a female?'

[The Gender of the fox is 'Female']

'Oh? it's a girl?'

I thought as I suddenly asked the fox:

"You will be traveling with me from now on, So I will be giving you a name instead of always calling you little fox."

The fox nodded its tiny head again.

"Hm? How about Kereina?"


Howled Kereina as she kept running around me while having a smile on her face.

=•Day 7•=

On a huge tree that stood above a small mountain, A young man with a devil charm with skin that looked perfect while having a look of indifference currently watching the View in front of him with a fox.

The beautiful yellows, reds, and oranges of the morning sky shone without hindrance, The trees and the grass field were currently shining as far as his eyes can see.

This place was known as the Grand Forest, It is the largest forest in the whole World. It simply looked grand and neverending, so the people named it the Grand Forest.

Throughout this whole world, millions of geniuses were born every day, each with the dream of standing at the pinnacle of the world. While this man just reached almost half of a Demi-God's level in almost a week.

The man suddenly said:

"Kereina, You need to level up before going with me, so I don't always have to look after you every moment."

Kereina just tilted its head at me.

"Haiz, look, do you remember yesterday you were attacked by that spider?"

Kereina nodded its tiny head.

"You would have died if I didn't rescue you."

Kereina just looked at me while extending her paws, pointing at me.

"Why are you pointing at me?."

"Look, Kereina, I can't always look after you, You need to be also strong if you want to follow me."

Kereina just stared at me, A few seconds later she looked determined as her eyes were glowing slightly.

"Good, Looks like you understand now."

"Now let's start traveling, while I will look for tier 1 beasts you can fight on the way."

Kereina just nodded her head cutely.

'Look's like I made a good decision of keeping her, she looks cute.' I thought.

As if Kereina had read my thoughts, She looked at me with a smile on her face.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the given mission 'Regain your lost pride']

'Hm? I just suddenly completed it?'

[You will be given a total of +50 shop coins]

'System, Open the shop function.'


[Shop] [331 coins]








'System, Open the Technique section'



-Hand to Hand: Blood Hand

-Movement: Light As A feather

-Body: Enhanced Body

-Hand to Hand: Spear hands

-Movement: Explosion Steps

-Body: Diamond Body

[+99 more]


'System, Show me the description of the 'Movement Technique: Light as a feather.'

[Light As A Feather (Technique) ]

[Your movement will be both silent and unpredictable, and your [AGI] will be boosted by a total of 10%, (Cost:249 coins) ]

'System, I will purchase that movement technique'

[You have purchased the technique 'Movement: Light As A Feather']

[249 coins have been deducted]

[You only have about 82 coins left]

[Your movement has been boosted, You will now be 10% faster]

'Hm, That's great.'

As I glance at Kereina, I said:

"Now then shall we start hunting?"

"Auh!-Auh! Said Kereina.

"Oh! You're trying to communicate with me."

"That's good"

'System, can you show me Kereina's status screen?'

[It is possible, But first, you will need to send her a Companion request.]

'Ok, Send her a request...'

"Kereina, You will see a blue box in front of you, I need you to press the first button ok?"

I tried to explain it to Kereina in simple words.

Kereina stared at me and nodded.

As Kereina suddenly received the request, I guided her on what to do.