
A Lord's Indifference

A man named Blake was questioned by an Mysterious Old Man about reincarnation, upon answering he was suddenly given a ring that was skull-like in details with two horn's on either side and a crimson like glow in it's eye socket, while the old man disappeared the following moment. On a certain night it glowed in red brightly then disappeared in the following moment, while waking up Blake suddenly found himself in another world where magic can control elements to make anything magical happen and superior physical strength that can destroy entire continent's. after knowing that this world had different races such as elves,dwarves,mermaids etc. He found out that he really did transmigrated to another world. thinking of the many mysteries and the chance to obtain power and find entertainment in this Great magical World, He had a huge grin that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. While adventuring he found a weird girl carrying a kid. She always has a cold expression while having a potential that could make even god's spit blood in envy. he can't help but think that by staying with her he can acquire a rival and entertainment at the same time. +notice: -this is my first novel i hope you enjoy it, and please give me suggestions if you have something that could help me make this novel better. -Though The first 20+ chapters are not good, It will get better so please give it a chance. -Please give me a good rating just to show me you support me and also like my novel.

Monarch_novel · Fantasy
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49 Chs

An Old Man's Revenge

=•{A Day Ago}•=

On a building in front of a supermarket, Unknown to the public, an illegal company was currently running inside it.

Plenty of Workers were seen here doing their assigned jobs.

Blake was also a worker here, just as he was about to leave early due to him finishing his job earlier than usual, he was beginning to pack all of the things that he had brought when he suddenly heard someone saying at his side:

"Tsk! I am having a good day, can't you just get out of my way and clean the mess in the comfort room or something?" Said the boss arrogantly.

Hearing this Blake can't help but say the thing on his mind.

"You may be in a higher position than me but that doesn't mean you have the right to speak to me like that," said Blake calmly.

Hearing this, the Boss can't help but shout:


Though Blake would like to say something that will piss his boss off, he decided to keep it to himself only. As he still remembered that he can't find another job that will pay high enough to pay for all his bills this following month Due to not having finished high school, so he just gritted his teeth and said:

"I apologize, Due to how hot today is I was not able to think clearly"

Hearing this, The boss's mood quickly returned to normal.

"Hmmph, You better watch your mouth next time or I'll fire you, but because I am in a good mood today I'll only lessen your pay for the following next months." said the boss as he walked back to his office.

Seeing this Blake only gritted his teeth hard and clenched his fist to the point where you can see blood dripping.

==={Blakes POV}===

'If only I can find a job that pays me enough I would have left this job immediately, but that ain't happening due to me not having finished high school. Still, I don't regret it, because I would have died of hunger due to us not having enough money to buy food.'

'I would have been able to finish high school if I had support from the government, but who would have known that they would suddenly cancel the government support that I would receive?'

'So instead of enrolling in schools to learn something to have a better future, I was lifting bricks on construction sites that accepted me just so I could feed myself.'

Remembering all of that, I quickly discarded them all as I kept complaining about my current boss.


'I just finished my whole work for today, I should be in a good mood because I can go home early but because of that bastard My mood suddenly turned to the worst.'

'If only this world isn't unfair, I would have been living a good life by now, if I were given a second chance, I would either work harder to achieve my dream or start my own business and see what will happen.'

'But, second chances aren't possible as I don't believe in anything that isn't a fact or an opinion with good logic.'

I checked the time on my phone and kept a poker face while quickly gathering all of my items.

'I better go home, 15 or so minutes and it will be nighttime.'

*Moment's Later*

'Hm?' while walking I suddenly felt something calling my very soul into an alley between two buildings.

'What was that? was that my imagination a few seconds ago?'

While looking at the end of the alley he saw an old man that was looking at him, 'Hm? that's weird why do I feel like this Old Man doesn't belong in this world?' thought Blake, while still looking at the Old Beggar at the end of the alley.

'Why do I feel like I will miss something important if I just ignore this old Man, Should I check on him for now and see if what I felt earlier was just a mistake on my part?'

While looking at the Old Man with curiosity showing all over his face, Blake was suddenly walking towards him unconsciously.

==={Old Man's POV}===

As he saw that someone was walking toward him he finally felt a little excited.

'Hoh? It looks like Fate has brought the two of us together.' thought the Old Man while looking at Blake.

Upon noticing the eyes of the Blake that looked like a deep abyss that has seen what atrocities a human could do to their fellow humans.

'Hm? looks like this boy will bring a great change or perhaps a calamity If I were to send him to that place.'

He thought while feeling ecstatic in his very soul itself.

'Oh? looks like that place will soon be experiencing a great calamity If I bring him to that place' thought the Old Man while showing a grin as he suddenly has an idea of how to take revenge on that world.

'HeHe, I will repay you all for what you have done to my family by sending this monster there, I don't care if he will bring destruction as long as he will have my revenge.' He said as a blood-like colored glint passed in his ruby-like eyes immersing in a small bloodlust.

A few seconds later Blake was now in front of him with curiosity all over his face, Seeing this he can't help but think: 'What a weird guy...Well, he can be weird for all I care, it's not like it's my problem anyways.' while shrugging.

'It looks like I'm gonna die now, I'm finally gonna disappear once and for all, Finally! I'm gonna be given the salvation called death...' he thought as he felt his whole body losing strength. 'Even if that's the case, I still need to complete the task that was given to me.'

"Boy, you look bored," he said in a neutral tone.