In the vast reaches of space, two figures could be seen floating in what could be considered the center of the universe, having a conversation that could very well change the fate of potential omniverses....
(Pov change: 1st person)
"So you're saying I've got three wishes, the most used fanfic cliche ever ?",???
" Yes" sounded a voice that seemed to echo across all of space
" have no idea how much I've planned for this, thank you for the opportunity I'll make sure to use it the best that I can",???
"State your wishes", the echoing voice sounded again
"Ok ok ok come on focus, alright first wish..... I wish for a lab that I have access to at any point where my soul is disconnected from my body and where I'm in a realm of death and rebirth, within this lab I want all knowledge possible in all the possible universes and all technology possible in all possible universes, anything that I create in this lab of mine will not be able to leave this realm unless I use a wish to do so or I am still within this realm, and all knowledge gained in this realm would be sealed in my mind and only unlocked when my soul disconnects from my body again.",???
"Interesting....wish granted, state your second wish.", Stated echoing voice guy.
"Can I be allowed to keep my second wish till after I have completed what I need in my lab.",???
Checking a book that magically appeared in his(it's, her, idk let's just say his) hand, echoing voice guy nodded his head in approval, choosing to stay quiet this time for reasons unknown...
(Billions of years later in the same realm.)
"System, how have the projects gone, the ones in relation with colonizing different universes."
[ There has been an increase of 93% in the overall colonization rate in the last 50,000 years]
"I see...commence Project Rebirth."
For those of you confused(aka all of you) I the great Narrator Sama will briefly explain the Project titled Rebirth so basically Project Rebirth is a DNA farm where all the (human) DNA of a universe is extracted and analyzed to find the best possible DNA strands which are then combined to form a genetically modified powerhouse, and before you all ask why only human DNA here's a brief flashback to about 2,655 million years ago
"Your probes.....", echoing voice guy states
"Yeah... what about them ?", ???
"They have recently touched upon a reality where they should not have visited, a reality that has supernatural abilities on a high scale is not something a being of your stature should be interacting with , stay in realities that do not have supernatural abilities on a high scale.", says echoing voice guy with a shocking amount of words (even I was surprising and I'm the narrator)
(Flash back end)
And that's how we got here
[Initiating project rebirth please hold 1%....2%.... 65%..... 73%.... 92%..... 100% Project complete .]
Lights flashed and suddenly 17 different test tubes appeared in front of him, all from 17 different universes, labeled from weakest to strongest, glancing up from his desk he looked around his lab filled with technology that could advance any species lightyears ahead in their development, with chemical stains on the walls and cluttered desks covered with books and stacks of research notes. Rising from his chair he exclaims. "After so long it is finally time, I will miss this... it's finally time to leave.", ???
Collecting all of the test tubes he brings them toward an old-looking machine perhaps his first creatio, placing all the test tubes inside a chamber a monitor comes to life.
" Using the DNA in the test tubes run all possible simulations until you find the most efficient DNA strand with the most possible growth potential keep in mind that the Rna is highly sensitive if the DNA is unbalanced it fucks the Rna and vice versa.", ???
[Affirmative....starting simulation 1 of <value currently unknown>... simulation compete]
"Send the projected scans of the DNA chain to my pad and also the simulations on the development of the Rna aswelll.", ???
"No instability in the nucleotide detected so far but I still need to run tests on this, hopefully, this slight deficiency in the cytosine won't form some malformed creature that will destroy my entire Laboratory although that might just foreshadowing, the nitrogen count is pretty low though if that's a good or bad thing only the tests will tell, The RNA is over producing proteins through the ribosomes i need check if the DNA is causing that, this might cause some deformities though it might just be the reason behind the strength of the people from these basically a whole shit ton of things need fixing....sigh just great I thought I'd finish this and leave, sadly nothing is ever that easy when it comes to creating a super genetically altered being.... that names still being Workshopped,
back to work.....again.