

"Let's get going then" The guardian stood up. Ghost looked him over carefully. He was human, with some facial hair growth, very lightly tanned skin, and a few freckles. His hair was brown and long, but tied up into a short, messy pony tail behind and towards the top of his head. His eyes were hazel; brown, orange, and dark green.

The guardian walked out of the crumbled tower and into the sun, his hair reflecting a golden-orange shine. He was in tattered clothes. A grey t-shirt and black joggers, with a small sports bag on his back -which he hadn't noticed he was wearing-

"Let's head this way" the ghost said, and the guardian somehow knew where he wanted him to go. He walked to a small run down house nearby. The windows were shattered, and the building was covered in holes and vines. He went inside.

He searched the house for a bit, and entered a bedroom. On the floor by a bed with no matress, lay a shotgun, covered in vines and moss. The guardian picked it up, and found a box of shells in a closet nearby. He scraped growth out of the barrel and chamber with a stick and his shirt, and loaded the gun. It was an old pump-action, and could hold 7 shots.

The guardian walked out of the house as his ghost said "We need a ship. To get you home to the Tower."

"Where do you think we can find one?" The guardian then spots an airfield in the distance, a few miles away, and instinctively starts moving towards it. It was a different direction from where the fallen and their tank was, so he was glad about that. His ghost had no objections.

An hour and a half later, they arrived at the airfield. The guardian had become hungry, it felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks. Although the ghost noticed this, he couldn't do anything.

"Just a little longer" he reassured him. The Ghost spotted a Small ship, about the length of a school bus in a hangar, and pointed it out. "There!" He was relieved that it had been so easy to find.

Then, he spotted fallen, a captain and it's crew. "Oh dammit" The guardian ducked behind an ammunition box, and then had the idea to look inside it. There was a standard military automatic assault rifle inside, with ammo and grenades.

"The fallen are probably planning on taking this stuff, let's shut them down and get out of here" The ghost urges his guardian. The guardian picked up and loaded the rifle, but as he reached for the grenades his ghost stopped him. "We don't need those, you have your own"

"Huh?" The guardian was puzzled.

"Okay, since we're about to get into a bit of a firefight anyway, try concentrating your energy into your palm" The guardian does so, and a small purple light appeared in his hand, and grew to the size of a softball.

"Now, try throwing it like you would a ball, while simultaneously releasing the energy" The guardian did this, and the ball flew towards the fallen, hit the ground near one, and expanded four feet in every direction from the center, it looked like a small Galaxy. The fallen the closest to it was consumed, and dissipated into dust.

The captain looked in the guardian's direction, and let out a screeching roar, and the fallen started to charge at him.

"Oh fuck!" He aimed the rifle, and started raining fire onto the approaching enemies. He had already taken out five, but was suddenly hit in the shoulder by a bolt of energy with a loud SHOOM!

"Aargh!" he ducked back behind the box "Fuck!" he reached towards the wound, blood was pouring out of it.

"I can fix you up, don't worry" The ghost's voice sounded in his head, and after a few more seconds, he noticed his flesh starting to grow back extremely fast, and there wasn't even a scar left of the wound.

"Holy shit" He felt around the area, and noticed that it didn't hurt anymore either. "That is absurdly unfair, isn't it?"

"Playing fair is hardly the way to go, especially with the fallen" The ghost pipes up with a malicious intent with his voice.

The guardian once again rained fire on the fallen, and took a shot at the sniper that had hit him earlier. All that was left was the captain. He had at least a dozen bullet holes in his armor, but was still standing strong, blasting some kind of burst shotgun at the guardian.

The guardian pulled out his own shotgun, and charged at the captain full speed. The captain did something he wasn't expecting, and launched the shotgun at the guardian. It hit him square in the chest, and he flew back ten feet. He was on the ground, winded, with broken ribs, too.

The captain walked over to him, and said something in a deep rumbling voice, in some language the guardian couldn't understand. The captain raised up it's leg, and pressed it's foot onto the guardian's chest, and started to put weight on it.

"Huuurgh" The guardian grabbed the captains leg, and tried to push it away, the captain just pushed down harder. "The shotgun" he thought he struggled to reach out his arm, grabbed the shotgun, and quickly fired a shot into the captain's neck. Purple blood sprayed onto the guardian, and the captain fell onto him with a thump.

The guardian weakly rolled the captain off of him and lay there, on his back, breathing heavily, blood dripping from his mouth. He felt the wounds healing and his bones moving back into place, and was unharmed in the next few seconds.

He sat up, pushed himself off the ground, and walked towards the ship. The hunger was unbearable. The ghost scanned the ship and said "This is gonna take a few minutes", but the guardian was asleep on the ground, and didn't hear that.