
A Little Grudge

After a mugging in Brooklyn, a young man is brought to the Naruto World as Kakuzu, just before the age of the hidden villages. He is enthralled to meet a new family, but when that all goes to hell, he has few options left. The one he takes? It won't end well for his enemies. Somewhat AU. Taking liberties with the timeline, as, to be fair, there really isn't a good one before the third war.

King_Rattata · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

I Don't Remember This From Naruto

Kahiko cocked his head and nodded. "I assumed that would be the case, seeing as you sought out our small, seemingly unimportant caravan. But I cannot give you the thing you want. No one can know the secrets of my ancestors, nor can I allow the chakra vein to remain connected to anything on this plane of existence."

Despite just being a small boy, he was already extremely eloquent and respectful. However, the content was not good news for the Takira, and Sun Staff's glare was evidence of that. "You mean to say that you are willing to give this information to neighboring clans for protection on travels, but not us for anything in existence. Unreasonable!"

The boy's cheerful confused look morphed into one of annoyance. "Why do I need to explain myself to you?"

Ryeta, far more cocky and extroverted after two and a half years as a village leader, looked down to the boy. "Because if you don't it'll end poorly for you."

With a flick of his wrist, the guardians from the different clans circled around Kahiko. "You all seem strong, but I picked out some of the strongest rogues I could find over my past few years of travel. You may win, but not without a few casualties. Are you sure the information I have is worth that much?"

Kakuzu did think the info was worthwhile, but he also knew the endeavor would be pointless as the boy would never tell anyone the secret. Nobody else seemed to agree with that idea after the guardians sent out a rather large chakra wave, readying themselves for battle.

Seeing that the others were already giving up hope of solving the matter peacefully, Kakuzu began to look around for someone he could use to get the discussion a bit more civilly. Sun Staff was angriest, so nope. Red was out too, he followed everything Sun Staff told him, no matter what. His friends were on his side, but not high enough rank. Groundhog was a maybe if he had no other option, but just like Red, tended to follow . Next was Strawman. Another possibly. Brickhead and Kidd don't seem to want to fight, but Kakuzu didn't know if they would side with him over Sun Staff.

'Damn, and to think Sun Staff had taken my side until now. 'Power corrupts,' wasn't it? Well I'll agree with that quote!'

Kakuzu turned to Brickhead, who was grimacing at the use of force when it didn't seem necessary. "Brick, will you help me out here?" Go left!"

Brickhead gritted his teeth, the hair he was nicknamed after was still, like a rock, even as the wind sped up. After a couple of seconds, he nodded and ran around to Sun Staff's left. Kakuzu grinned at the fact that he made the right choice and ran to Sun Staff's left. Meanwhile, he secretly put two hearts in each of his thumbs and let them drop to the ground, leaving him with only a single heart.

He pulled out a kunai and held it in front of the neck of his leader, who still hadn't moved, while Brick intercepted Groundhog and Red. "Hey, Ryeta, can we try and keep this civil?" Kakuzu asked.

Sun Staff soon dissolved into a puddle of water, appearing three feet to the left. "I don't believe you have the right to tell me what to do, Kakuzu. I am the strongest, so I'll make that decision." Kakuzu was immediately slammed twelve times by a staff, and was sent flying backward into the forest.

Groundhog also had trapped Brickhead in a genjutsu, while Stigma, another rank 5, held back Kakuzu's friends.

Suddenly the boy, who had been watching everything, clapped. His three guardians sped forward, the dreadlocked one, who was somehow already drunk again, held his swordpoint to the throat of Sun Staff, Groundhog suddenly was covered in cotton, completely unable to move, and Stigma was held up by the throat by a hand belonging to the last guardian, about 1000 meters in the air. All of this happened in an instant. Sun Staff was another illusion, but the drunk already knew where he would pop back up, and his shadow was holding Sun Staff in place through a Nara hiden.

Kakuzu walked out of the woods, and his thumbs that he left behind exploded into larger monsters, one with a water and lightning heart, the other with the meteorite and fire. Kakuzu had left the earth heart within himself. The monsters enveloped both Strawman and Red, holding them in place despite their struggles.

Brick and Kidd both worked together to hold Blackblade down, meaning six of the eight Rank 5ers from the Kawakami clan, were tied down. Not all of their names actually denoted their abilities, and the weaker Rank 5s weren't notably strong, only the top 1% of the clan. Only Blackblade, Sun Staff, and Strawman were near the level of Kages from Naruto's time, the strongest, Sun Staff, being about as strong as Hiruzen before he died. Strawman was a genjutsu user, and now that he was held down, could do nothing.

The boy nodded thankfully to Kakuzu, Kidd, and Brick, and he grinned. "Now, are we going to be able to do this the easy way, or the hard way?"

Sique walked up, last name likely Nara, not Jasper, and pointed to the chief of the strongest clan in the country. "Do you want me to undo the genjutsu placed on him?"

The small eyes of Kahiko grew wide, as he asked at the same time as Kakuzu. "You mean to tell me he's in a genjutsu?" Sique nodded, and walked over to the chief, flaring his chakra, but it did nothing. Or so it seemed at first.

A black liquid flowed out of his ear, covering the left half of Ryeta's face. "This wasn't supposed to go this way! I made so many contingency plans, but this was an ending I didn't expect! How did you even find out about the genjutsu in the first place?"

Black Zetsu cocked its head, grinning up at the Nara. "Well, I didn't really know for sure, but I figured someone who was known for being almost too kind of a leader to those who respected him wouldn't just attack a kid for telling him 'no.'"

A nod, and Zetsu turned back into a liquid, seeping into the ground with the Mayflower Jutsu. "Well, I suppose I'll have to come up with a few more ideas. Then, until next time."

Kakuzu quickly did a Targeted Sandwich jutsu, and the Nara tried to catch Zetsu with his shadow, but the tarlike man was already gone. Kakuzu punch the ground. "Dammit!"

Sun Staff looked around. "What is going on here?"

I like the idea that Hashirama and Madara weren't the only insanely powerful people previllage era. After all, if they were, then Konoha could have easily taken over the world. Also, yes, this is an AU. I mentioned that in the description, and the other continents, powers of the ancients, and other OP characters that are here are not from Naruto. Black Zetsu's plans were already shattering because of Kakuzu when the latter was only eight, since Madara was told about Zetsu when the war happened. Also, if you are thinking this isn't Zetsu's personality... well, hehe... I wonder why that might be?

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