3 A New Life

"So sorry for what happened." I told the boy, he seemed to have maybe some white hair with blue eyes kinda, as I continued on my path. The boy came up to me, saying "It's alright, I see you're a guardian as well." I looked shocked, turning to him. "How do you know?" He responded with "I can read emotion and stuff, what about you?" Having someone to talk with that is around your age and understands you is nice, but being able to really understand how you feel is amazing! "I'm a guardian of water and ice basically." I responded, as we both headed over to the castle where we met some people, all guardians. I stayed alone by myself in the castle as the guardians were chatting, due to my introvert personality. I looked around, before taking out a book, then quickly putting it away shoving it into a corner as I stood up and walked inside the castle. There, the four guardians were at it again. Remember the strong giant guy, the imp, the energy guy and the really dark guy? They were inside the castle this time, with another person who went by the name of "Ace". He looked like a semi-dragon, with golden armour and able to breathe fire, this was definitely a guardian of fire, maybe lava as well. They seem like the same thing, the two elements. Let's go back on topic. After I came out, the sun was setting, everyone was gone, wind blowing a little and only me and the boy remained as I stayed near a stand. The stand had fruits of every kind as I grabbed the book that was near it, it was my book. I took a fruit, eating it and then sighing, as I could hear leaves falling, that's how silent it was. I twirled with a bookmark made out of permafrost, before putting the bookmark in and closing the book, shoving it under the stand again. I walked inside the palace, as the boy came over as well, before stating his name. "I'm Seraphim, or Seraph for short." To me, Seraph for short sounded obvious, but whatever. "I'm Nyle. Nyle Gorivon."

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