
08-Learning Magic (2)

The old book opened projecting a blue hologram of a human body in front of Silvio.

[Magic is essentially a tool to bend mana to your will. Mage's require two things to cast magic the mind realm and the mana circuit. The mind realm is the place where a mage casts and imbues magic with their willpower. While the mana circuit is where mana is stored and converted into magic.]

The body was lit up as Theo displayed countless blue veins running across the body. Like blood flowing through a body, bright blue mana flowed through the veins. At the head of the hologram, a foggy space filled with magic circles and runes was shining.

[Trick magic is the process of emitting mana controlled by your will to "trick" the mana into thinking it's something else. For example, within your mind, you would constantly imagine fire as you emit mana. By doing so you could create sparks.]

After Theo spoke at the head of the hologram a small image of a flame appeared. With its appearance, a chain reaction happened as the mana circuit flashed blue and mana flowed throughout the whole body. The blue mana flowed out of the body and into the air. Slowly the liquid mana became a mist-like ball in front of the hologram. The image of the flame within the mind flashed and within an instant, the misty mana changed into a small fireball.

Like a kid in a candy store, Silvio couldn't hold in his excitement after understanding how to use trick magic. Without waiting for Theo to continue he began to practice. Following the steps he learned from the books, Silvio silently tried to feel his own mana. Looking into himself he felt a steady flow of energy constantly pouring into him. If he had to describe it, the sensation of mana felt as if he was under a warm waterfall. Unlike divine power which gathered at his chest, his mana seemed to submerge his whole body. The next step was to circulate the mana throughout the body.

However, 10 minutes later a skeleton was on the floor grinding his teeth in frustration. Despite easily perceiving his mana flow, Silvio couldn't circulate his mana whatsoever. No matter what method he tried the flow surrounding him wouldn't move.

"Theo, what the hell am I doing wrong? I followed all the steps but my mana refuses to move."

[Oh, the problem is quite simple. Host is attempting to circulate your mana through the skeletal body. But that body is merely an avatar without any circuits. Remember you are now a lich both your mind realm and mana circuit resides within your phylactery.]

Realization dawned on Silvio's skeletal face and he closed his eyes once more. Instead of feeling around his body Silvio moved his mind towards the red jaded amulet lying on the floor. A strange feeling overcame him as he realized he could control the amulet as if it were an arm. He willed the mana to flow through the red jade and towards his skeletal body in the cave. Blue veins began to appear all over the red jade as the mana began to rapidly flow. Silvio suddenly felt the gentle waterfall around him turn into a rapid river.

Now at the final step, he attempted to emit and imbue the mana with his will. Silvio constantly chanted the word fire and imagined fire as best as he could. Few minutes passed quietly before finally, small sparks appeared in front of Silvio. The sparks lasted less than a few seconds and burned his white skull black. Even though his face just got burnt Silvio couldn't care less. His soulfire eyes were as bright as they could be.

"YES!!" Silvio screamed so loud if he had any vocal cords left they probably would've burst.

[Congragulations Ho-]

Before Theo could even finish his sentence another pair of sparks burst open. The old book could only watch flabbergasted as the skeleton continued to burn himself black by summoning spark after spark. Unbeknownst to Theo, Silvio Morell's childhood dream was to become a magician. Unfortunately, he had to bury that dream and choose the church for survival. But once he got a taste of the drug known as magic there was no going back.

Theo mentally chuckled as he watched the skeleton roast himself.

'I was quite worried he would get frustrated. But it seems that won't be a problem.'

Time passed and the sparks Silvio created became bigger, brighter, and hotter. Luckily Silvio was a Lich if not he would've already burnt himself to a crisp. Despite his entire upper half being covered in burned marks, he didn't stop. Like a drug addict, he continued to conjure sparks as if it was the most magnificent drug in the world.


After about 4 hours of nonstop practice, Theo finally spoke up again.

[I have no problem with you practicing nonstop. But do you plan on becoming a fire specialist or are you gonna practice anything else?]

Hearing Theo's question the lich covered in soot finally stopped his mad practice.

[Although fire is undoubtedly useful in fights the other 5 elements have their uses as well.]

Silvio nodded his head with a contemplating face.

"That's true but what else should I practice? I doubt I'd be able to master them all in a short amount of time so I'd at best practice 1 more before we need to book it."

[In its trick magic form I believe wind, light, and water to be useless for our current situation. I believe it's in your best interest to practice either darkness magic or earth magic. Darknesses' binding effects would help us keep our foes tied down. You also have a natural affinity to darkness which would shorten the time needed to train it. While learning earth magic would be useful for our defenses. Although your body's immortal you mustn't forget your phylactery isn't.]

Silvio went silent and his soulfires dimmed as he weighed out his choices.

"I'll keep it simple and pick earth magic for a balanced offense and defense." Silvio replied after much contemplation. Theo gave the book equivalent of a nod and Silvio began his practice with earth magic.

Unlike fire magic which he used back to back there was a noticeable gap between every earth magic spell he cast. Silvio's lack of affinity with the earth element made the manifesting process much more difficult. 1 hour passed and he could barely summon a pebble. The pebble was a far cry from the defensive tool he imagined earth magic would turn out to be.

'Shit this is harder than I thought. Should I just switch over to darkness? No, I need a defensive tool lets just try a little longer.'

Luckily by the 2nd hour, Silvio figured out the key trick to using earth magic. Instead of emitting mana and manifesting earth, he would manipulate the earth present to take the shape he wanted. After 3 more hours of grueling practice, Silvio could freely form small rock spikes and rock walls.

'Good enough' Silvio thought before collapsing to the floor.

10 hours of nonstop magic practice had left Silvio's body battered beyond belief. His skeletal body felt no pain but its structural integrity could no longer hold him upright. He laid down as his body began to restore the cracks and burns that covered his skeleton from head to toe. Although he wasn't physically tired the mental strain of 10 hours of magic wasn't small.

[Good work your talent with magic was even better than I expected. It's impressive you achieved such mastery with only 10 hours. Although I would love to give you more time to practice, we need to leave once your body and mana have recovered.]

Silvio didn't speak as he just nodded his head in response. Maybe due to the mental fatigue of casting, the reality of his situation had finally hit him.

'In the span of a few days, I was tortured by a shadowy monster, reincarnated as a lich, and contracted with a talking magical book. This situation sounds straight out of some children's book.'

Silvio chuckled at the craziness of his situation. Although he was laughing his eyes were somber and filled with determination. Being a former member of the church he knew all too well how dangerous his situation was. If word got out a lich was near Lerwick a team of templars would swiftly bring the Sword of Damocles down on his head.

Stuck waiting for his body and mana to recover Silvio decided to draft up a game plan.

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