
Chapter 31

<Shin P.O.V>

In this entire area I was almost omnipresent.

Watching and waiting as the elf girl venture further towards his position.

He sensed two more beings entering his senses not far behind the elf woman.

It was the annoying elf mage and what seemed to be a very buff male elf with no feminine features like most of the other males he saw.

Steamed hissed out of my mouth as the burning anger welling within was bursting to come out.

There was certainly no problem with dealing with these… insignificant beings.

That monster he fought from before toughened him up a bit.

He couldn't tell how much power the creature had at the time but now he could do so easily.

These elves were no exception.

The abilities that he held could easily wipe them out.

He only had to use one and it would all be over for now.

But I don't want to kill them exactly.. no.

'I want them to feel Fear'.

<Lillian P.O.V>

Using my magic I was able to move swiftly through the trees with the help of the trees themselves.

By using their branches she willed them to capture her every step without falling.

The trees themselves were silent.

Not a single rustle or swoosh from the leaves and branches aside from the magic Lillian was using.

She tried to track where Amanda was at and the creature.

She however could only feel the presence of Amanda moving forward before stopping not far ahead of her.

Fastening her pace she began to descend from the high tree branches going down like walking on stairs.

Landing on the ground with a thump she saw Amanda standing still with the broken sword in hand.

With a battle pose while looking around.

The area she was located in held very few trees and was more of a very small meadow surrounded by giant dark trees.

Amanda earlier could hear chirps and rustles of animals through the forest but when she fell through a bush and landed here she heard everything go silent.

Distress oozed from her very being as it was way to quiet.

The giant footsteps that she had been following kept going into the distance but it was blocked off by large shadows.

Sweat crawled down Amanda's neck as she quickly grabbed her sword and concentrated on putting energy into it.

In an instant the hilt of the sword glowed a bright yellow before and outline of a large sword before materializing into a steel body.

Swirls and outlines carved its way onto the sword making it look stunning.

With just a look anyone would think it could cut through a solid rock.

Holding the sword in front of her, Amanda looked around cautiously.

She could feel something watching her at this very moment with anger.

Looking all around she couldn't see a single thing.


Lunging around behind her she aimed her sword in blind fury as she swung it at the noise.

However, before her blade could make contact with anything it was covered in a blue mist that held it in place.

There Amanda saw the little mage holding out her wand while looking at her.

"What are you doing here little one." Lillian said before deactivating the magic letting Amanda's blade go.

Amanda looking at the mage rested her blade on her shoulder before answering..

"It is none of your concern, I will handle this beast myself." Amanda said with slight hostility.

Lillian blinked a few times seemingly dumbfounded by what she heard.

"Y-you want to take that thing on by yourself?!" She said with a yell.

Amanda nodded with a smirk before she turned around lowering her sword before continuing forward.

Before she could take another step she felt herself standing in place held by an invisible force.

Looking down she saw that she was covered in blue mist like the magic Lillian used to stop her blade.

Lillian walked up to her side with her staff glowing blue.

"You cannot take this beast on yourself child. It will destroy you within moments.. I can feel it's power.. but not all of it." Lillian sand looking into the forest.

Amanda stayed silent as she gripped her sword.

"If you continue further you will get yourself killed! Go back home to your children, they don't want to see you get hurt or worse!" Lillian said with worry and anger while looking into Amanda's eyes which held no expression.

Silence filled the air once more as the two looked at each other.


In the distance Lillian and Amanda heard a voice calling out from where they came from.

The shouts got louder before they could recognize what they were saying.

"Lillian! Amanda!"

'Dandi?' Amanda thought while looking around.

From the bushes the big burly man jumped out and sighed with relief before walking over to them.

"What are you two doing out here!? We need to get back to the village now!" Dandi said sternly while looking around.

"I came to get Amanda who recklessly charged off to fight this thing!" Lillian said looking at Amanda still halted in place.

Dandi sighed before walking over to her.

"Listen, I know that this is about your husb-" Dandi said before being cut off by Amanda.

"THIS IS NOT ABOUT MY HUSBAND!" She yelled with anger and veins appearing on her face while she bared her teeth at him.

Moving back in surprise Dandi looked at Lillian before looking back at Amanda.

Lowering her head to look down at the ground tears fell from her face which was noticed by both of them.

"Everyday.. Me and my children are constantly laughed at… They think I'm a tasteless and weak woman who can't do anything for herself." She said while gritting her teeth.

"If I can slay this beast we can finally stop being harassed by those damned barbarians and finally get recognized for our feats." She said raising her head before facing towards them.

"After all, the blood of my father flows through m-".


Amanda couldn't finish her speech as the sound of hot breath came from the shadows in the forest.

Lillian quickly released Amanda before grouping together.

Dandi brought out a massive spear that was being carried on his back holding it out in his hands.

Lillian readied her staff with glowing green lights flowing around her body.

Amanda held out her magical sword and readied it with a glowing red light flowing around the steel body.

A chilly breeze sounded through the air..

The trio stood in a circle back to back while looking around slowly with fear and caution.

Shadows seemed to start to cover up the forest around them.

Squishing even further into each other they started moving in a spiral observing the darkening forest.


An incredibly deep clicking noise entered the long ears of the three elves.

It seemed to have come from the direction that Lillian was facing.

The three came from huddling and looked at the direction of the monstrous clicks.

There stood two massive flaring green eyes full of fury and rage.

It was as if there was a literal green fire burning within them.

Lillian moved away in fear despite being hundreds of years old.

Dandi felt his knees almost give in while Amanda just stared at the eyes with anger plastered on her face.

Steam appeared slightly below the two massive eyes which is where the nostrils of the creature likely were.

Lillian tried to think of every single creature, demon, monster, and spirit that she could match with these eyes.

The massive creature from earlier could possibly be the owner of these eyes.

She remembers it's cold stare that had green and red eyes.

Looking at its right eye she looked closely and there it was.

On the right pupil there was the same red color within the flaming green color.

Cold sweat went down Dandi's neck as he gripped his spear feeling his palms lose blood.

As he watched the steam leave the darkness under the eyes and listened to the clicks and growls coming from them, Amanda was thinking of how to deal with it.

Maybe the eyes were its weak points, where is the creatures heart located? Did it have a heart? Can she obtain the energy from this creature like other monsters?

Questions littered her mind but they were soon interrupted.


Behind them came a hunting laugh of what sounded like a girl.

The three were reluctant to turn around as the still big and angry eyes stared directly at them.

Dandi, covered in sweat, slowly turned around and looked into the darkness.

There he saw two small glowing white dots jumping from one spot to another staying close together before they both stopped.

Slowly both of the white dots were exactly parallel and looking straight at Dandi.

From the shadowy darkness came a tall creature… covered in a golden yellow.

To be continued

Author here: I haven't been uploading as fast because I got a new job! Also my left leg is legit killing me, like whenever I sit down or try and stand up it takes a full thirty seconds for it to adjust to my movements causing unbearable pain.

I'll try and upload more chapters for you guys to enjoy.

Have a lovely day..

Watch your back.

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