
Chapter 9: Plans

"Kraven?..." I questioned.

The night is getting darker. The crashing of waves and the howl of the cold breeze is our only companion. The old bulb on the ceiling chose that moment to flicker off and on, startling me.

With his scars, his glowing golden eyes and his bared shark like teeth, Kraven look as eerie as that night when he stole me away. Goosebumps that doesn't do with the cold pepper my skin and I shivered.

"What do you mean we're going to bed?" I asked.

I'm not a religious person but I prayed silently that he doesn't imply what I think he mean by those words. A smirk tugged his lips at my obvious fear. I know that expression so well.

My face drained of color at his statement. Scratch being smart, I'm choosing to flee rather than endure his cock tear and stretch my insides with it's size.

My chair loudly scraped the wooden floor as I tried to stand up.

I barely moved an inch when his tentacles lashed out to capture me again. Just like last time, they rendered me of my capability to move and I thrashed and squirmed in his hold.

"Where do you think you're going, moy solnyshko?." His deep baritone voice alone made my hackles rise in alarm. Thousand of warning bells rang for me to run.

Breathing hard, I look at his crazed eyes. They gleamed of complete malice, no trace of the easy going man just minutes ago.

"Kraven, untie me"

My calm is rendered useless because I am thinking too fast, breathing too hard, hyperventilating at the new situation.

"You'll run again" he breathed.

'I have nowhere to go,' I wanted to remind him.

His tentacles brought me closer to him and he buried his nose into the crook of my neck. "You're my mate, I just need to claim you so you won't ever leave me" His growl shuddered my entire being.

Hands outstretched, he held my waist captive, digging his nails on my curve to the point of pain. The other held me by the hair, pulling at the strands to expose my throat to his mouth. A purr of contentment resonated from him when he suddenly sucked at the neck.

I whimpered. This is exactly what I feared will happen.

"Kraven...I-I.." I stuttered. My eyes wildly scan the kitchen for a way out but landed on none. In my state of panic, and idea popped in my mind and I depended on it.

The brute isn't right in the head. Begging won't help, crying or fighting back so I changed my tactic. He's insane so I need to play by his delusions.

"Kraven, please untie me..." I whispered as softly as possible. He's still sucking on my throat, kissing his way up to the corner of my mouth but paused at my lips. Those golden eyes blinked up at me and I gave a coy smile.

"Please...?" I breathed out, batting my lashes. My cheeks ached at the fake smile plastered on my face but I maintained the pretense. He tilted his head at me, probably trying to discern my intentions.

"Why?" he narrowed his eyes, skeptical. His cold tongue lashed to lick a path from my cheek to my brows. I tried not to be revolted at the slimy feel.

"Well..I- I wanted to pee and I don't want to soil your bed while we..." I trailed, shaking my head when his tongue went to the other side of my face.

Licking. Sucking. Painting my face with his essence.

Damn this horny Kraken.

"There's a latrine outside. I'll accompany you, myself" he pulled my helpless body closer to him, rolling his hips. His erection dug into my bare thighs and my eyes widened in terror.

"No!" I shouted, horrified. "Please...Kraven, I really need to" To emphasize my point, I shake my legs, trying and failing to be released from his tentacles. He halted his ministrations at my newfound struggle.

"I promise I won't stray too far besides I have nowhere to go. You said that yourself" I met his direct scrutinizing gaze with unrelenting sincerity.

His nostrils flared at the notion of letting me go but he did nonetheless.

After a minute, he finally rid me of his stifling tentacles, gently placing me back to my chair. I have to bite the inside of my cheeks to contain my victorious grin.

I refused to be raped, to welcome unwanted touches on my body when I had just run away from my assaulter in New York. I had escaped a rapist once, I'm sure I can do it again. As infuriatingly handsome this creature is, it doesn't change the fact that he's going to force himself on me.

" 30 seconds. I'll be counting. Now, go before I lose my patience, malyshka" he gritted the words. One of his hands impatiently palmed his hard cock, shamelessly stroking himself and grunting my name. I need not to be told twice and turned away before I'll witness more of this depravity.

The Kraken has no semblance of decency but that is expected since he's not human.

My deft fingers discreetly took the clean cutlery from the table. Kraven is busy on pleasuring himself that he didn't notice when I slipped away with the blunt knife.

Pushing the steel rusted door that lead outside, I slammed it behind me and stumbled at the sand that met my bare feet. I heaved the breath I've been holding and stared down at the possible thing that can save me.

"Okay..." I whispered against the dark.

It's so cold in here.

My teeth rattled, limbs shivering from the chilly wind that tore at my hair but that didn't deter me from leaving the comfort of the lighthouse. I have limited time to execute my plan but that but what I truly need is courage to do it.

If only Yannah is here...

I shook my head at the unwanted thoughts. There's no use dwelling in ifs. Yannah is gone. Permanently. It is still hard to accept but it is the truth. She's never coming back but she trusted me that I would survive, live for the both of us.



However, that won't happen as long as I am in the hands of this strange creature that already claimed me as his.

Sucking on the salty air of the sea, I clutched the blunt knife and braced myself for the onslaught of pain I was about to experience. The moon is full, glowing brightly at the dark waters and illuminating the steel when I stabbed in on my inner thigh. Not too deep but shallow enough to draw blood.

My jaw locked, trying to contain the sounds of agony but sobs wracked my body at the feel of my flesh being torn open. There is no other way to outsmart the Kraken.

There is nowhere to hide in this island and I cannot fight him. I cannot survive the waters because I don't know how to swim. I'll surely drown or be eaten by the beast of the seas. I'm taking a leap of faith but I hope that the risk is worth it.

" That's it...that's...Fuuuck!" I bellowed in pain, dropping the knife on the sand.

Blood oozed from the wound in my inner thigh and it throbbed in sync with my palpitating heart.


From here, I can hear the heavy approaching tentaclesteps of the Kraken so I hurried. I'm losing time and I cannot afford this to fail. With haste, I gathered the blood on my inner thigh and smeared as much as possible on my bare cunt.

That done, I kicked sand to cover the knife and limped towards the steel door, in time for Kraven to open it. His golden eyes are wide in panic as he scanned me from head to toe. His eyes paused at the blood on my hands then to the juncture between my legs where I'm currently bleeding.

I tried to act flustered but I cannot stop the sweating of my palms when he still doesn't stop staring. He sniffed the air before his hands gripped my body and hauled me inside.

My mind is reeling, looking for his reaction, wondering if I failed but Kraven merely held me. Legs tucked, he carried me in his arms and I circled mine around his neck, ready to strangle him if I must.

"Oh, my solnyshko..." he whispered.

Does he know?.

Am I going to get raped?.

Did it work?.

So many questions yet not obvious answers.

He wordlessly carried me upstairs and I held my breath for his reaction. He's taking me to the bedroom but his brows are creased with worry.

" Kraven we can't" I pushed at his shoulders to gain his attention. "We can't have sex. I'm on my period"

I hope he is disgusted by it like the senator.

He didn't replied to that. By the time he gently seated me to the mattress, I'm ready to bolt if my plan failed. He shifted back into his human form and he used his legs to kneel right before me.

His cock is still hard and raging but his focus lay on the blood staining my skin.


He gripped both of my thighs, parting them and positioning himself in between. Before I could protest, he hauled both thighs on each shoulder, baring my bloodied cunt to his face.

"You're bleeding, let me see" he murmured, pulling me closer for inspection. This isn't the result I expected. Not at all. I thought he might be appalled by the blood and leave me. However, the opposite seemed to happen.

Gasping in fear of being busted, I tugged at his roots, wrenching his head back. Kraven growled when I tried to clench my legs shut but his body avoided it.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"I wanted to see, malyshka" he insisted, seething in impatience when I pulled him by the hair, distancing his face from my cunt. I'm doomed if he'll see the wound on my inner thigh.

"No you can't" I tried to break free from his hold but his arms are twice stronger than his tentacles.


He cut me off by raising my shift, gathering it around my hips to expose my deceit. His face twisted in a snarl at the bleeding wound on my inner thigh before glaring at me.

I waited for the hit, for the unwanted assault on my body but what I saw when I stared down surprised me. Kraven is clenching his jaw, intently staring at my cunt and the blood covering it.

"Naughty solnyshko" he gritted. "You need to be punished"

That's the only caution I got before he dive in and placed his cold mouth against where I'm most sensitive.

Yelping in shock, I clenched his hair in my fingers, trying to pull him away but his cold tongue lashed. Skillfully lapping the blood on my pussy and drinking from me.

The sensation is new, so good and utterly wrong but I pull him closer, shoving his face in between my legs. He sucked at my clit, giving it a little bite and the pleasure shuddered my entire being.

Mission failed successfully.

Ps: I don't know if I'll continue writing this anymore lol