Hello Guys This is An MLBB base story and All Characters are not mine ... Im not good at english so there will be incorrect grammar so pls bear with me I hope you enjoy my story.... In the Land of Dawn where Blades and Magic are common many heroes appear from one from another to prove their superior artes and skills and lancelot is one of them Lancelot hails from the Baroque family in the Land of Dawn, where at a young age he showed excellent talent in the art of fencing, garnering the praise of the masses, so much so that he became lost in the admiration. When the magical tribes invade, Lancelot, who had just awoken from a drunken state, arrogantly faced the entire army alone. After winning a few battles, he dropped his guard and Chased the retreating enemies in arrogance but little did he know the magical tribes set up an ambush that catch him off guard that lead to his defeat . Since both forces suffered a massive casualties the magical tribes retreated and leaving lancelot alone on the mountains. After coming in contact with Princess Odette, he soon became enamoured with her purity and also soon understood how wrong he was to be so arrogant and shallow in the past. When he was recovering at the Swan Castle Lancelot soon realised the magical potential of the Regina family, he was able to integrate it into his fencing, culminating in the shadow step maneuver. Now he once again sets foot in the Land Of Dawn to test his new skills
As a Member of Baroque Family , Lancelot is expert and capable of all weapons , He displayed an exceptional talent in noble swordmanship since from a young age and as he grows up lancelot continues to develop his skills and created his own techniques with which countless opponents have been defeated with. Due to the praise of the masses lancelot became arrogant with the rumors roaming around that magical tribe are planning to invade their kingdom. as soon as lancelot heared about this , lancelot head out alone to face the entire army and with lancelot exceptional skills he defeated the magical tribes at ease and as he won a few more battle lancelot let his guard down and chased the retreating army but he didn't expect that the magical tribes to be so cunning to set up an ambush in the mountains that leads to his demise . The Magical tribe thought that they kill lancelot and retreat to recuperate their casualties and prepare for their invasion .
Due to Lancelot tenacity he manage to survive the ambush and plan to recuperate in the mountains before going back to the Kingdom of Camelot .
In the Kingdom Of Camelot , The and King and Ministers is Discussing about the incoming invasion but suddenly a guard barge in and interrupting the discussions.
Guard : "Your Majesty , Lancelot The Leader of The Knights have charged at the entire army of the invading forces and force the invading army to retreat but the current location of Sir Lancelot is still unknown".
King Arthur : " That Arrogant Brat " Clearly angry at Lancelot Actions he look at the guard and said " Go back to your post and report back immediately if you find some news regarding the invasions " .
Guard : "Yes , Your Highness" and leave hurriedly.
Prime Minister Brantley : "Your Highness, im afraid Lancelot is ... "
King Arthur : " Let's drop this discussion here we need to prioritize to the safety of our kingdom prepare the Army and Be aware of any in coming ambush."
Prime Ministers " Yes, Your Highness we shall ... suddenly a guard barge in.
Guard : "Your Highness, The Magical Tribes are invading from the east gate and we recieve heavy casualty and Soldiers station there is can't hold on any longer they need reinforcement quickly " the guard said urgently.
King Arthur : " Prepare For Battle , Call the Knights of The Round Table " King Arthur said and sat down to his throne and think of the matters at hand .
East Gate Of The Kingdom Of Camelot
Soldier 1 : "We Can't Hold out any longer is the reinfor... Arghhhhh "
A Member of a magical Tribe : "Kukuku hahaha your King have roam for too long we shall let the world know the might of our magic kukuku".
Soldier 1: "hehe Wait for the arrival of sir lancelot and the Knights of Round Table and your Tribe will soon begging for death " The soldier said as he lay in the ground heavily injured.
Member Of the Magical Tribe: " kukuku are you talking about the pretty boy with a stick sword haha we have already dealt with him kuku he's pretty strong but also stupid he thinks he can face our mighty army alone , too stupid " said as he pinned the soldiers to the ground.
Soldier: "What happen sir lancelot how's that possible sir lancelot is invis..." the soldier lost its life in disbelief not believing the fact that his leader is dead .
Merlin: "Thank you for upholding your duties til the end your name shall be engrave to Hall Of Honors and we shall comemorate your families "
With the Arrival of The Knights of The Round Table They out numbered the magical tribes
and easily captured them one reason is the damage cause by lancelot is great that it greatly reduce their army.
In The Mountains
In the past few days lancelot is spending his days recuperating his wounds oblivious to c
chaos events happening in the Camelot .
Lancelot POV
' As far as i remember , There should be a pond near here'. i search around the mountains for a bit and i found the pond im looking for.
As just i was going to jump in i was shock to what i saw it was heaven .
i saw a beautiful girl and with sunlight kissing her white rosy skin and complimenting her jade like face she stand in the middle of the pond graciously like a swan.
as i was mesmerized in her she was in state of shock when she saw me .
And Before i Could say anything i pass out ...