


I cleaned up and left the house with a feeling of disappointment.

I stood outside the house and walked to the roadside. I called an uber to come get me home.

After a few minutes, the uber that i had requested arrived and i hopped in to head home.

After what was somewhat a long drive, i arrived at my apartment, unlocked the door and went in.

I took a seat on one of the sofas reminiscing on what had happened earlier.

I took out my phone from my black colored handbag and dailed number of the guy who had told me that Kayla was the one who had ratted me out.


"Where is she?" I said immediately full of anger.

"Hahahaha... i see, you seek revenge huh?" The voice said over the phone.

"Where is she?" I asked again now impatient.

"Chill, relax, I'll send you her location"

"Good" i responded and ended the call.

After a few seconds, my phone beeped. I looked into my phone and it was Kayla's location. Without wasting anymore time. I took a few things from my bag and rushed out of my apartment.

When i got to the road, i put out my hand to stop a cab.

"Reefa avenue" i said as i got into the cab.

After a few minutes drive, we got to the location. I followed the map which led me to the door of a beautiful house which seemed to have been built with bricks. The house had flower pots at the entrance and a lawn which was separated by a pathway to get into the house.

I moved to the door and knocked.

And as i expected, Kayla opened the door.

"Well hello... what do we have here?"

Kayla said peeping out the door a little.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?" I said with an expressionless look.

"No I'm not"

"And why is that?" I asked

"Cause I don't want too, now leave" Kayla said as she began closing the door.

I kicked open the door hitting Kayla on the face and throwing her off her wheel chair.

Her knee was wrapped with a white bandage that was meant to stop her from bleeding out, which was now a little reddish.

"What are you doing?" Kayla asked shockingly.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I said as i walked closer to her laying on the floor.

"I'm going to make today your worst nightmare" I continued now having an evil grin on my face.

"Wait, wait, stop" Kayla said now dragging herself away from me.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She kept talking.

"Of course you don't, but by the time I'm done with you, you Will definitely remember" i said as I rushed towards her and stepped on her injured knee.

"Oh God!!!!" Kayla screamed in pain.

"Please stop, please" she said grabbing hold of her leg as tears rolled down her eyes.

"Oh you're not sorry yet..... I'm just starting". I turned her facing upward

And started punching her with both arms. Every punch got harder as each blow landed on her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Kayla kept repeating and blood gushed out of her face.

I stopped for a moment staring at her so full of hatred.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked breathing heavily.

"Why....did...you....do....it?!" I said loudly.

"Because i love him!" Kayla exclaimed. I was shocked at the reply that she had uttered. I got up away from her, my hands were shaking.

"I'm sorry but i do....and he had to know the truth" Kayla was still speaking.

I jumped back on her, this time punching her harder until she was no longer recognizable. Blood was everywhere on the floor and walls. I backed away from her and walked to the dinner table to take a sit. I pulled out a chair and sat down staring at Kayla's body lying on the floor. I turned my head a little looking around the house and saw a bottle of wine on the table. I took a glass and turned a little wine into the glass.

Rather than take a sip i gulped everything all at once and flung the glass. I Picked up the whole bottle and walked to the passageway where Kayla was lying and dailed 911.

"Hello, this is the police, how may i help you?"

"Hello?, please, i came to see my friend and met her lying on the floor unconscious, she's bleeding, please be fast, I don't know what happened" i said acting scared and trying as much as i can to be believable.

"Ma'am, please calm down, we'll be on our way" the police officer said.

"What's your address?"

"Reefa avenue, house no7"

"Okay stay put, we'll be right on our way".

"Thank you" I responded and hung up the phone.

I leaned in towards the face of Kayla.

"I don't care if you're hearing me or not...but rat me out again and I'll kill you for real this time".

After i had said all i had to, i went out the door and shut it behind me.

"Now, you're next Liam" i said then took a sip out of the bottle of wine that i had taken from the house.

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