
A Journey Unwanted

A world filled with magic, God's, Goddesses and more. A fantasy world if you will, most would relish and prosper in a world such as this. Who would not want to live out their fantasies? Not Mikoto Yukio, a young boy with a simple life. A simple life he was content with as long as he had his family. But the world is an unfair place and he finds himself in this new absurd world with something special. Now he must search for a means to get back home and to the few people he held dear. How shall this unwanted journey unfold. Can he remain himself in such an unfamiliar place?

PocketCat2 · Fantasy
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172 Chs

Chapter 153: Threats

The castle interior was as grand as he remembered upon crossing the threshold. When one finds themselves in the grand foyer, the ceiling vaulted high above, its surfaces painted with ethereal frescoes depicting seeming tales. The walls lined with rich tapestries, their colors deep and vibrant, while a polished stone floor reflects the golden glow of wrought iron chandeliers, each adorned with crystals that shimmer like stars. Flanking the entrance were colossal suits of armor, their visors fixed in watchfulness.

"Seems we're the first ones here," Mikoto noted. He sensed no other mana signatures in the castle barring the king and the court mage.

"I hope everyone doesn't take their time. I don't want to be here any longer than I need to," Mirabella huffed out, causing Lucinda to raise a brow at that.

"But do you not live within the castle?" Lucinda questioned.

"Nah, this place is way too stuffy. If I lived here, I'd have to constantly hear about how much of a failure I am by the old man," Mirabella said with a scoff. "He's probably gonna change his tune now that I actually have Arcane Ascendance."

"Your father?" Mikoto uttered out as the princess nodded in confirmation.

"Guy always expected too much. I was never like Valerie and Astrid. I never excelled in anything but destruction. Back then, I knew nothing about Inheritors, so focusing on destruction would've done me no good at all," she explained.

"That's terrible. No father should dissuade their child because they never excelled in what they wanted," Lucinda stated with furrowed brows at the prospect. She quickly sent the princess a reassuring smile. "If it helps, I always found you quite impressive even before you awakened Arcane Ascendance."

Mirabella could only lightly chuckle at that. "You're too nice for your own good, Lucinda."

"Well, being kind is free and takes no effort," the spawn of Octavia shot back. "At any rate, now that you have attained Arcane Ascendance, there will be a lot of pressure on you. Many will put the pressure on you because you have this unique power," Lucinda spoke from experience, Mikoto noted. He recalled what she had told him. Being a spawn of Octavia put her in a difficult position. The kingdom sought to use her because of her power. That was only amplified when she no doubt discovered Arcane Ascendance. Lucinda was too kind to retaliate. But it seems she would spare others that fate of loneliness. "But worry not, as a friend, I will be here for you at every step," she reassured. Mirabella smiled at that.

"Thanks, Lucinda," the princess mumbled out. Mikoto saw an opportunity for teasing but decided not to ruin the moment.

("Hm, the king is probably seeking to make use of me too, no doubt,") Mikoto internally mused, leaving the two to converse, ("It's expected fighting someone like Selwyn cemented me as powerful. Obviously, I plan to kill the animal and his filthy brethren, but only because I want to. Still, this kingdom will want to leech off of me further, no doubt. With how tense things are, they need strength.") Of course, he had no obligation to Galadriel, ("But still, from what Mirabella told me, I have a little more information on the inner workings of Arcane Ascendance,") He glanced at the girl in question. The look in her eyes seemed almost different. No longer did a passive glare decorate her face. Nay, her eyes held a deep understanding within them that he could not yet grasp. ("Mirabella gained access to Arcane Ascendance by accepting what it is she represented as the Inheritor of Aragorn. She does look much brighter than before, much happier.")

"Huh? What are you looking at me for?" Mirabella questioned with a tilt of her head.

"Just thinking you look brighter than the day's light,"

"Wha-" She blurted out with an incredulous look and an almost beet-red face. Lucinda looked just as baffled.

("Anyway, if I'm to get Arcane Ascendance, then I need to accept the concepts I represent? That doesn't make sense. I do not deny magic or war. But I don't revel in war, I guess,") Something hit him just then, ("Navigation then? It was a concept given to Octavia upon her former lover's death. She doesn't really represent it. It's why Lucinda and I don't have any Familial Arts concerning Navigation.")

"Hey! You can't just say that kind of thing to a girl and keep quiet, you know!" Mirabella bellowed with an accusing tone.

Lucinda looked somewhat irked as she looked at Mikoto sheepishly. "I'm inclined to agree."

Mikoto could but shrug. "What's wrong with what I said?"

"P-people say that to people they like, really like?" The beet-red princess stuttered out.

"How was I supposed to know that?" Mikoto questioned, folding his arms. "What I meant was that you look happier than usual. I'm not one for romance."

"What? How come?" Mirabella asked immediately. Something else was laced into her tone he could not quite discern.

"Well, I only ever cared for Familial love. I just find the whole concept worthless. Why forsake freedom to be with someone else? I can't see myself committing that much or relying on someone else to such an extent," he answered simply.

"That...certainly is a unique way of looking at things," Lucinda noted with a distant look in her eyes. "Love is a complex subject, but....I think you should not write it off yet."

"And why's that?" He asked, no curiosity really laced. He may have been young, but the subject of love was yet to plague him.

"The strong often find themselves alone, used, and forgotten," Lucinda muttered slowly. A small, almost serene smile crossed her features. "It...it would be nice to have someone by your side to combat such things." She seemed to long for that 'someone'. Perhaps if she had that during her childhood, it would not have been so unbearable.

"Who really needs that 'someone' when you're strong?" Mikoto inquired. "But eh, I suppose you're right. The only people I need in my life are my mother, sister, and the rest of my family back home. Though without them, I'm content with just power."

Mirabella scoffed at that. "That's a stupid way of thinking."

"What? Is someone mad I don't love them?" Mikoto joked in a juvenile tone.

"I ain't mad, you damn idiot!" She exclaimed with a red tinge in her cheeks once more.

"Sound mad there, Mira," he teased.

"Come now, I do not think you should tease Mirabella like this," Lucinda could but sheepishly try and defend the princess.

"All in good fun," Mikoto merely said, noting the large castle doors open once more.


"Princess Astrid, wielder of both Divine and Magic artifacts Codice Ruptor and Leifa Allr. Rowena Isadole, Inheritor of the Goddess Astraea. A Goddess who embodies the realm itself and sanctions and protects it. Aerinon Lacroix, the spawn and Inheritor of the God of Darkness Xylohr. Maerwynn D'arce, the Forsaken God Vagnir calls to her. She is his will and horror manifested in the flesh. The spawn of Octavia, with magical prowess unmatched and a wielder of harbinger, rarely she finds equal. Mikoto Yukio, the second spawn of Octavia and wielder of the legendary Sabre. Of the two, he is certainly more dangerous. An innate understanding of battle and a lack of mercy. Dante, Inheritor of the God of Strength. When it comes to physical prowess, he has no equal. His strength rivals that of the Gods themselves."

Aegraxes listed off, and Zephyra Illusora displayed the images of the aforementioned few for all to see in the dark conference room.

"That there should be two spawns..." His form fit in well with the dark room, a smile split onto Aelfric's face as the Zephyra Illusora briefly showcased both Mikoto and Lucinda. "Which one to break first, I wonder..."

"I've an interest in the boy, so stay away lest I take your head, Aelfric." Opposite of Aelfric, her golden form contrasted against the dark space, Rhiannon leveled a glare at her fellow Ancestor.

"Oh my, such ferocity to your brethren?" The Ancestor of Wisdom mused.

"If that ferocity is directed at you, all the better," a third voice stated casually. A young man, their eyes were a striking red, and their hair a dark blue-black with some lighter gray-white highlights, styled in a slightly loose, updo. He was dressed in elaborate, ornate clothing. The garments were primarily light cream, white, and blue. Detailed gold and brass-colored designs and patterns embellish the fabric, creating detailed embellishments on the collar, sleeves, and sections of the clothing. It was overall formal. Furthermore, a small, decorative pendant was visible near the chest area.

"Hostility should not be amongst us few brethren, no? We are the only of our kind after all." This time a young woman's voice smoothly cut through the air. She had a striking split-color hairstyle; one side was a light silver, and the other side was a deep navy blue. Her eyes were a vibrant red, and her expression composed. Her lips a soft, muted pink.

Her outfit was a stylized, modern-looking garment in shades of blue and black. The collar and details of the top seemed detailed, with gold/bronze accents. The fabric texture was rendered with minute shading, giving the costume a sense of depth and design.

"Fighting is something we need to be used to at this point, Aurélie," Besides the now named Aurélie, the larger Britha uttered.

"I suppose so, but this new era is interesting," Aurélie mused, staring intently at the Zephyra Illusora as it displayed Mikoto once more. "And that boy..."

"Careful there, Aurélie. Rhiannon already laid claim to that boy. We know how she gets when she does not get what she wants," the young man from before voiced without reservation.

Rhiannon merely let out a scoff. "I should take an eye as compensation for the blatant disregard of my being here, Aithne."

"Are you are all done fighting? I would like to confirm some things," Aegraxes cut in. "You all seem to have a keen interest in the upcoming festival despite varying agendas."

"I care not for the chaos Rhiannon and Gisèle seek to unleash. But I've little purpose in this new era. As such, all I can do is seek out more worthy opponents to combat. Opponents such as this Mikoto Yukio," Britha informed. Rhiannon merely chuckled.

"You are much too tame for your own good, Britha." The strongest Ancestor joked.

"Hm, I'd rather not do much if I am being honest," Aithne stated disinterestedly. But he shrugged with a sigh. "However, I'll no doubt be pressured to. And besides, I've quarrel with one of the Gods. Maybe I'll take it out on their spawn."

"This era and festival are both intriguing. I wonder to what end Octavia would create such a thing," Aurélie pondered with interest. "The concept of spawns, the Inheritors, and Divine weaponry. Such boundless concepts, and mayhap I can find my destined one in this era." The Ancestor turned to Aelfric. "You were unsealed some time ago before you were once again sealed. How was it in the past?"

"Much the same, I fear, dreadfully boring." Aelfric's voice swept around the room with aloofness. "Granted, I had fun ruining that spawn of Octavia and dear Lyra. Ah yes, I recall I even made a spawn of my own in that era. It most likely long since perished, but I sensed some familiar mana in that capital city."

"How repulsive to think a spawn of yours may be trouncing about," Aithne said with a sneer as the Ancestor of wisdom sent him a grin.

"I see, while I care not who you all choose to side with in the end, merely stay out of my way," Aegraxes stated as he folded his arms. "You lot no doubt care little for this realm, so you would not be bothered with the seven calamities I intend to unleash."

"On the contrary, with knowledge like mine, things get dull with time," Aelfric cut in with a wider grin. "The seven calamities, each designed to utterly bring about the destruction of this realm. My, what an interesting concept."

Aurélie snorted. "You're beginning to sound like Gisèle. Speaking of which, how fares she?"

"I've taken the liberty of healing her wounds. Weak as she may be, she provides moderate entertainment," Aelfric answered.

"Something that must be changed in the near future," Rhiannon mumbled, glancing at Aegraxes. "The ruler of Vel'ryr must count himself quite fortunate, would you not say?"

"That remains to be seen," The Fate Walker merely said.

The Ancestors, powerful as they were, each was unpredictable. But they served their use. They would be instrumental in peeling away wildcards that threatened his plan. ("And Ezerald and Beatrice's training has been progressing smoothly. At their pace, they too might be ready for this festival.")

The Divine Blade Nihil and the Ancestor, pieces of a larger puzzle. And the last piece hinged off of the victory of this festival. And then the calamities would plague the realm and bring about an age long forgotten.