1 Is it love at first sight?

I was in my favourite forest, i was thinking about if i ever will love someone. That forest was as empty as a graveyard. Everyone said it gave them an eerie feeling but to me, it felt magical. I was sitting on my favourite tree. Writing about my dream prince, When he came. He was tall, handsome and he was wearing a gold plated crown with a blue gem in the middle of one of the spikes. He saw me and said "Young lady, do you need any help?" i replied with a really shy "no.." But he reached his hand out to me and helped me down from the branch i was sitting on. He asked for my name so i said "Alleia" he then said "Im Adrien"

I thought about it for a minute.. Prince Adrien!? Was talking to me... I bowed down quickly and apologized for wasting his time. But then he said hes inviting me to his castle. For a grand dinner. He put me on his white horse who was nearly as charming as him. Then when we arrived at the white castle with a sultan looking roof, and a statue the prince himself. He helped me down and then told a maid to give me a room, once the maid led me to a beautiful room, with purple banners and dazzling paintings she handed me a beautiful blue dress.. She said to put it on and come to the dining hall.. For some reason i didnt ask where it was. I just put it on and went, When i finally found the dining hall, i saw the prince sitting beside the table placing his arm on the chair beside him. Once he saw me he took his hand off and pulled the chair out for me. I was so charmed. Then he just told me about how the castle is and complimented me a lot. Then i heard him talking about how he will ask me to stay with him forever because he thinks hes in love... I quickly ran back ti my room whilst the maid handed me a night gown. I put it on and just couldnt stop thinking about Prince Adriens Charming sentences.. I feel asleep soon and the next thing i found myself getting shaken by a maid telling me theres a special event..
