

The ship's main hall buzzed with laughter and animated conversations, creating a symphony of voices that reverberated through the air. The tantalizing aroma of exquisite delicacies wafted around, teasing the senses and causing mouths to water in eager anticipation. Graceful servers skillfully maneuvered through the crowd, their trays brimming with an array of culinary delights. From succulent roasted meats to delicate pastries bursting with sweet fruits, each dish was a masterpiece crafted to delight the taste buds of these fortunate souls.

I observed the guests indulging in their favorite treats, relishing every bite with evident delight, their eyes sparkled with joy as they discovered new flavors and textures. It was truly captivating to witness how effortlessly they embraced this floating world.

It seemed as though the gods of the sea had bestowed their blessings upon Ladytide on her maiden voyage.

From the moment we had set sail, the narrow sea, notorious for its tumultuous waves and violent tides, remained astonishingly calm and serene.

Such tranquility prevailed that, come evening, most of the courtesans and other passengers ascended to the top decks to witness the sun gracefully bidding farewell to the endless expanse of water. It was a sight that truly took one's breath away.

The sheer ecstasy that coursed through my veins when I witnessed my passengers reveling in a once-in-a-lifetime experience aboard my majestic vessel was indescribable. It was a sight to behold, as men and women from all walks of life engaged in animated conversations, their worries seemingly evaporating into thin air.

Meanwhile, on the ship's bridge, the brilliant Ternesio Terys was surpassing all expectations. I couldn't help but marvel at his genius, and I was willing to wager that even in this modern era, he would have achieved remarkable feats with his extraordinary IQ.

It only took me a month to train this former captain of the Braavosi Titan Daughter, and considering the abundance of advanced technology aboard the Ladytide, I half-expected him to believe it was all magic. However, to his credit, he adapted effortlessly.

Now, with his hands firmly gripping the wheel, Ternesio gazed through the unyielding glass windscreen. Even this seemingly mundane feature of the modern world had initially caused quite a stir among the crew. None of them had ever encountered, let alone seen, such a concept before. Captain Tenesio, on the other hand, reveled in his role as the master of this magnificent sea beast.It was an honour that many captains would kill for.

As for me, once I witnessed Ternesio's mastery of the controls, I was content to let him work his magic. Owning a ship was one thing, but navigating uncharted waters was an entirely different ballgame.

One fateful dawn, just a week after departing from Braavos, Ladytide found herself in the vicinity of the free city of Pentos. Our mission was to pick up some pentoshi magisters and the prince, who would accompany the sealord to Yunkai for an upcoming negotiation.

Furthermore, the sealord had been cordially invited to witness the grand festival of prosperity in Pentos, marking the beginning of a new year.

As we approached the port, the majority of the guests eagerly made their way to the top deck, affectionately referred to as the sunset roof. Little did they know, they were about to witness a spectacle that would be retold for generations to come.

The port was teeming with a throng of onlookers, undoubtedly drawn by rumors of the ship's grandeur. The moment the ship came into view, the harbor erupted with screams and cheers. It seemed as though the Pentoshi had spent the entire night eagerly awaiting Ladytide's arrival.

Now I know Ladytide was a modern marvel in a medieval world. But the reactions I witnessed on people's faces when they first laid eyes on her were simply astonishing.

The thunderous roar of excitement continued until Ladytide finally docked. A makeshift barrier of Pentoshi guards had been erected to prevent the onlookers from getting too close, but it now opened as a group of extravagantly dressed men made their way through. Leading the pack were two figures, and I couldn't help but recognize one of them.

It was the unmistakable face of Magister Illyrio Mopatis. Judging by his pompous swagger and opulent robes on the man beside him,I knew it had to be the prince of Pentos.

Meanwhile, the sealord Ferrego Antarion was already making his way to greet his subjects. It was clear that the Pentoshi magisters were hiding behind Mopatis and the prince, like scared little mice.

I had always heard whispers that the prince of Pentos was nothing more than a puppet controlled by the magisters. And now, seeing Illyrio Mopatis extend a welcoming hug to the sealord, I knew that the rumors held true.

"Welcome, Sealord Antaryon," Magister Illyrio said warmly, embracing him. "We are truly honored to have you grace our humble city of Pentos."

The Sealord beamed with grace, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Ah, Magister Mopati, the pleasure is truly mine. Your reputation for hospitality is renowned throughout Essos".

As the magister turned to introduce the prince, I couldn't help but notice his eyes darting toward the courtesans, who were giggling merrily as they disembarked from Ladytide.

From a respectful distance, I observed this exchange, feeling a tad out of place among such an esteemed company. However, as the owner of the ship that brought them here, I knew it was my duty to be present.

Moreover, lately, my sixth sense had been tingling with unease. It was as if a foreboding cloud loomed over me wherever I went.

Although I had received extensive training from the patient togruta Shaak Ti, I hadn't yet encountered many real-life situations to put this ability to the test. Yet, suddenly, it was manifesting on its own.

Something was definitely brewing in Pentos. Something wicked. However, I couldn't fathom whether it would affect me, my ship, or any of my passengers.

But there was one thing I refused to let happen. I would not allow any harm to befall my guests before reaching their destination. And certainly, I wouldn't let any harm come to my ship on her maiden voyage.

This meant I had to keep my eyes peeled. Just by observing the Pentoshi magisters, who cowered behind Mopatis and their prince, it was clear they were up to no good.

My senses were on high alert. Neutrality was no longer an option; I had to prevent any danger from reaching my clients. However, since I lacked concrete evidence, I had no choice but to let them disembark.

The Sealord had initially informed me that we would need to dock in Pentos for a couple of nights because he had been invited to attend the festival of prosperity. I had no objections to this arrangement, considering the Sealord was the main guest on this voyage. Plus, it gave us all a chance to witness the renowned Pentoshi festival, adding a little extra spice to our journey. Now, I must admit, I wasn't particularly thrilled about an event where the main attraction was the deflowering of two maidens by the Pentoshi prince. But hey, no harm in indulging in a little cultural curiosity, right? So, I agreed to go along with it.

I discreetly pulled Captain Ternesio Terys aside and gave him strict instructions to have armed men on standby within the ship. No one was to approach the Ship without proper notification. Once we had gone through all the necessary precautions, I left the captain to his duties and joined the Sealord and his Pentoshi host. It seemed the Sealord had already finished introducing his entourage, and the group was now making their way out of the harbor.

As we walked, my hands instinctively reached for the hilt of my lightsaber, cleverly disguised as a normal sword. I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to it unless absolutely necessary.

Finally, we were led to one of the nine-towered mansions belonging to Illyrio. This surprised me a bit, considering in the original canons, this manse had already been given to Kal Drogo.

Speaking of which, being in Pentos had me itching for any news about Daenerys and her whereabouts. Since we were sailing towards Yunkai, I needed to know if she had managed to acquire those dragons. There was something about those magnificent creatures that made me believe they had a bigger role to play in my own journey as well.

That, however, was something I'd have to deal with later. Magister Illyrio told us the festival would start at sunset and we should be ready by then. He then asked for permission from the Sealord and left, but not before I noticed his eyes fixated on the hilt of my lightsaber with a peculiar expression. The moment I saw that, the same sense of dread I'd been feeling washed over me once again.

I no longer had any doubts that something was about to happen, and that it was bound to affect someone in this room. Overwhelmed by everything, I excused myself and made my way back to the ship.

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