
The Summoning 

Yawn "man what time is it" waking up Yamato looks around the room seeing he's still in the messy study. Looking around he finds a clock on the wall, Reading it he sees that the time is [10:33]. "!!!! damn I overslept, I need to rush to school as fast as possible." 

Yamato hopped up as fast as possible and rushed to the door, But when he got there he realized something, " oh wait it's Sunday, I don't have school today, nice".


After this however he looks at his arm and sees the command seals On his hand and is instantly reminded of last night's events. " oh right, the summoning. I wonder if Grandpa has gotten anything through his contacts"

 Thinking of this, Yamato exits the library and heads to the kitchen, where he sees his mother preparing breakfast, seeing this he heads to the dining table for a Hearty Breakfast. After eating a bowl of cereal and eating some bacon and eggs Yamato heads down to the basement to find his grandpa. 

Walking down to the basement Yamato sees a giant area cleared out and being prepared by his grandpa, seeing this Yamato got very excited and rushed down to speak with his grandpa.

" Grandpa, Grandpa, is it ready yet can I start the summoning?"

"Ha ha ha, not yet my overly excitable grandson, although I do need your help with this last part"

" yes yes I'm willing to do anything, just hurry up please"

" alrighty then, in order to make the ritual Circle we will first need to gather the materials necessary for it, thankfully the materials are really easy to get. The first thing we need is five Candles"


"And 10 Milliliters of the Caster's blood"


Takanashi Looked over to his grandson's stiff expression and chuckled "All right come here boy let's get this over with."

"Ahh wait I'm not ready yet"

 Seeing this Takanashi quickly rushed over and grabbed Yamato, strapping him to a chair, he then pulled out a giant syringe connected to a tube leading to a blood Bag, and pointed it menacingly at Yamato with a glint flashing in his glasses. All the while Yamato was screaming his lungs out, Unfortunately no one seemed to be able to hear him for Takanashi had already set up a bounded field preventing sound from escaping.

 with the summoning ritual finally set up and Yamato thoroughly exhausted Everything was prepared for the summoning

 putting his game face on Yamato stepped up to the summoning Circle Preparing his chant

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation 

Let green be the color I pay tribute to / Let my great Master Hiroyuki Takanashi be the ancestor

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare. 

Your body shall serve under me. 

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail 

If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here! 

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. 

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"

 Suddenly a Cascade of Lights appeared from the summoning Circle,Creating a tense atmosphere as a figure emerged from the smoke

 seeing this Yamato fell back on his butt watching the figure in front of him in disbelief

 suddenly the figure asked "I ask you.....are. You .my .master?

Emerging from the fog a tall figure wearing a hard leather armor with metal braces on the hands and feet along with a hood concealing his face on his belt lay a gourd bottle and a sword as well as a bow on his back.

After a moment of awkward silence Yamato Sudden came out of his awkward stupor and responded " ah, yes, I am your master" 

"Vary well master, I shall serve you for the duration of this war, you may call me archer"

"Ha see that grandpa, I actually did it, I summoned my own servant"

"Yes, yes Yamito now check his stats"



Class: Archer

Master: Yamato Takanashi

True name: $&#!@#&$ (The cursed Hunter)

Sex: Male

Hight/weight: 187 cm 78 kg

Alignment: Chaotic Good


Strength: C

Endurance: A

Agility: B

Magic energy A

Luck F

Noble phantasm ??


Class abilities 

Magic resistance A

Independent action A


Mind's eye (true) A

Cursed release (divinity) B

trap making B+


1:$%&# #%&@$ deadly posion $&#$%# @ day

2: $O&#@!# B@#E

3:S@$ $h@!G@$ %0 F@&@%$ when dark

4: Sealed divinity

5: Curse 0% 7$#%&


"Whoa you so strong Archer, but what's this, your cursed?"

" I'm afraid so master, I never managed to get all the curses removed before I perished, thankfully I got rid of the most harmful ones after doing many quests for the Gods. I ensure that it won't hinder US during our battle for the Holy Grail"

"Ya, right thank you archer" 

"Yamato, archer, now that we have summoned a servant we need to head to the cathedral in order to register for the holy grail war."

"Right grandpa lets set off"


End of ch 3

Well thank you everyone for reading this this is my first web novel that I have written and I hope it becomes something great.

 hit me with them stones.

Next chapter