
chapter 1

'Yawwwn...why is the bed so hard....sigh....i should get a new mattress.' I slightly opened my eyes. There seemed to be something running around....or maybe many things..people maybe? And a whole lot of noise. "Ugh" This is getting on my nerves.

I sat up eyes bloodshot "Geez louis!!! Do you have to be so loud???? I'm trying to sle..." I coundn't finish. How could I? You can't shout at bloodied people running around. There was rubble all around. And what seemed to be two colorful shooting stars going to space? "Am I still sleeping?" Maybe i was. That would make a lot of sense. " OUCH-AGH.."someone kicked me while running making me roll over. "Ok. Definitely not a dream." I said while massaging my back. I stood up to not get run over by my fellow sapiens. I decided to properly look around. There wasn't much to see really.... except for the weirdly shaped buildings and obviously non human figures."What is this.." And I found out what it was. As soon as I got my eyes on the sigh saying 'Capsule Corps' on the the half destroyed building. It all makes sense now. "I'm in dragonball" I said. As for why am i so calm. It could be because of the unholy amount of fanfiction read. I looked up at the sky again. It was blooming with various colors. From the various ki blasts I presume. A purple aura and a scarlet aura huh...yeah definitely dragon ball super. Thats probably goku and beerus fighting.

it seemed everyone was out of the area as no one was pushing me anymore. I finally looked at myself. Definitely not my body that's for sure. I was thin and horribly so. Also long disheveled hair and round harry potter glasses. I took the badge hanging from my neck. " So my name is Arthur Rook.... 21 years old. And I am a computer lab assistant huh. That'd make sense to why i look like this." I said glancing at my hunched back.

As I was musing on my situation realization finally came upon me.

If that's goku fighting beerus than this is definitely the start of the DBS saga. And I'm clearly a human. Just great. Probably the best setting for a fanfic huh. The author is having his fun alright.

Although I definitely feel like crying, I should do better right now. Imaging myself in the exact situation countless times I know exactly what to do. I turn around and run straight into the now destroyed capsule corp building. What I'm looking for is a dragon rader. Although I don't know if there'll be one here but no harm trying. I ran inside and went through every single intact room. But as expected I didn't find anything. After all this probably isn't even the one shown in the anime. After a while and I still found nothing. But I did find something useful. A clearance card and from what i could judge a pretty high level one at that. I know exactly what to do with it.

I felt keys in my pocket a while back. So i ran again to where I thought the garage was. Surprisingly I found my car or whatever it was still almost fine even after all that. I soon found out that I didn't know how to drive it. But since it was a Capsule Corp thingy it had an Ai. So I just had to give the destination to get on the way. unsurprisingly the roads were busy because of the riot. But there was no jam thanks to futuristic nonsense technology i presume.

I soon reached capsule corps headquarters. Just as I thought It was mostly empty. Since most of the residents were off to Bulmas' birthday party. And the rest gathering together to watch the maniacs in the sky duking it out. Some even ran away in fear.

"Hooo.." I stood in front of the main gate and took a deep breath. My survival in this world will depend on if can successfully pull this off or not.

I slowly approached the gate. There were guards outside loitering around. I didn't bother with them but went to the gate. After flashing my id to the ai I went inside. Reaching the main desk, I immediately told the reception lady " I'd like to quit."

....After 2 hours of going back and forth I finally got out of the building. With a month of salary and some extra compensation at that.

What? What did you think I was gonna do? A human should always act civil. That's what my teacher used to say.

"Oof.." I sat down at a table in a nearby restaurant. I am hungry....

after a sumptuous meal of twenty minutes

I sat back on the chair and began to think what I would do from now on. The dragon balls are a no go since Bulma has a monopoly over them.

My best option would be the korin tower. But that would have to wait. Like for a long while. What can I do now is train...yup...that would be good....


I jolted and looked up. Oh boy. The waiter looks really angry. It seems I was geeking out like certain green haired boy.

I smiled and said "I'm sorry. I was thinking about something."

"It's okay, sir. Would you like to order now?"

Oh, he composed himself real fast there. Impressive.

"Sure. I'll have....."


I came out of the restaurant stuffed. The food of this world was similar to asian food on earth. So it was delicious.

An hour later and I was standing in front of a simple apartment. It was apparently mine. Took me a while to find the exact location. And you can't really ask people about the location of your own house. At least I have the keys...

After freshing up; I laid down on my single bed. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I guess all that running around made me sleepy again.

"I guess I'll use my one only super power."


Yes. Arthur Rooks' super power was sleeping on command.

A skill that according to many, had transcended humanity.


I woke up refreshed. It was already dark outside. Guess I slept really well.

I freshened up and sat on the bed with a bowl of instant ramen. I started going over my account information. I didn't have enough saved up. But I'll just have to make do with this it seems.

I spread my arms wide open. I slowly stand up. I straighten my back and hold my head high.

Now finally it's time for the big reveal. The time for my grand plan to be laid bear on the surface of this planet. Behold! My mind blowing world shattering constipating super duper ultra plan...

100 PUSH UPS!!

100 SIT UPS!!

100 SQUATS!!






Nobody clapped.

It was because nobody was there to. Or maybe there was someone, but they were too dazzled to even try.

My plan is highly logical. The saiyans of this world also break their limiter like saitama when they transform; albeit temporarily. If I can somehow break my limiter as a human like saitama than I'll be at least as strong as a super saiyan 3 . But than again the power systems of the two worlds are different. So I'll just have to see for myself.

Although there is no guarantee that I'll succeed and even if I do it'll probably take a long time. Saitama had to train three year to become as strong he was in the anime.

Well I have to take the risk to survive. I won't gain anything if I just sit around doing nothing.

I'll start tomorrow. The author might drop the fic if I don't.


It's been a week since I've started training. And I'll have to say IT IS NOT EASY. The first few days weren't that difficult; compared to now I mean. With this body's condition doing one pushup is like winning a war. But I still somehow made it through , anime logic I guess.

I'm exhausted all day. Really wish I had some sensu beans...

Three weeks of training later....

"...I feel like dying. I don't think this stupid body ever had any exercise.

It's like my bones are going to beak just by walking." How did saitama did this.

Maybe this was a bad idea. This is not freaking one punch man. This is not even an anime. Everything is real. I can end up crippled at this rate.

I was laying on my bed, eating my morning banana.

It was summer. I was sweating profusely because I shut down my AC.

"Maybe I should just stop now. This timeline of dragon ball is pretty safe compared to the others." But what after the canon. What will happen then? There is no guarantee that this timeline won't be destroyed like future trunks' timeline. Or zeno won't just erase us because he couldn't play hide and seek!

"I have to do something and this is the only way I can think of now."

With whatever will I could salvage, I got up from my bed while groaning.






Thus began another day of saitama style nutjob training with bountiful panting session.


hello dear readers!!

Honestly there's nothing to learn from reading my nonsense. But if you still insist on gaining something...you can gain the virtue of giving away power stones.

Hope you enjoyed.