

 In the morning, at around 8:30, I was getting dressed, had styled my hair, and had my shoes laced up. Suddenly, my phone screen lit up. I received a message - it was regretting to inform me that today was a holiday; the office renovation work was not yet completed. Reading the message, I felt the warmth of the blanket inside the bed.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" With that, once again, my phone screen flickered. This time, I received three consecutive messages. The first one was from Larry: "Let's party." The other two were from Mark and Carl. They had forwarded the same message. Lazy people!

"Ring! Ring! Ring!" Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I was right there; I quickly opened the door. "Surprise!!!" Larry, Mark, and Carl all shouted and entered with fake laughter. I was stunned looking at the three of them. I can forgive Larry and Mark, but Carl's loud voice pierced my heart. But more than fear, I regretted that I wouldn't feel the warmth of the blanket now.

"Max! Do you intend to stand there all your life?" Larry yelled, and I turned and started walking towards him.

"Why not! Let's go to the library. I have free passes, and there's also a chance to attend a painting exhibition. Then we can go to the club at night." Larry pulled out his old jeans from his pocket and threw them on the table.

"I'm ready for the painting exhibition," Carl took the TV remote from Mark's hand and said, "I'm not ready!" Mark replied grumpily. "Exhibition, not a party," Mark clarified, glancing at Carl, who mumbled, "I think we should relax at home." I whispered in a low voice, and silence fell for a few minutes.

"Did any of you hear what I said?" I suddenly opened my mouth, "Mark!" "Is this your favorite channel, isn't it?" Carl said, leaving the TV remote on the table. "I think we should go see the painting exhibition," Mark said, glancing at Carl and adding, "What?" I suddenly said, "Come on, let's go!" "By the way, Max, what were you saying?" Larry tapped my back.

After joking around, we all went to see the painting exhibition. Where my eyes were fixed on a painting. It's a blue board with white streaks etched on it. I had been thinking for the past half an hour, what could this painting mean?

Meanwhile, I began to hear strange voices from behind me. I turned around and saw a stout man, Carl's boyfriend, holding Carl's hand and shouting loudly, "Pablo Picasso!" "You're great; don't say no!" Carl yelled back, and before you know it, he was holding his girlfriend and shouting, "Hay!" But that "Hay" was for his girlfriend, who was standing behind Larry, and when Larry went to talk to the woman, then how does that man suddenly come from somewhere and grab Larry's collar and shout loudly, "Pablo Picasso!" "You won't say it?" He shouted and threatened to break Larry's hand.

"Léonard! Leonardo da Vinci is the best! No one else!" Carl yelled in response, "So you won't say it!" The man threatened him, fuming with anger, and the next moment he twisted Carl's arm and punched him, causing him to fall to the ground. The man started to leave. Before long, before Carl's other hand also broke, Larry and I intervened and settled the matter.

Carl sat in the club with a bandage on his left hand in the evening. He had been trying to lift a glass for quite some time, "Why not? Louder," Larry said, putting his hand on Carl's shoulder, and said, "You shouldn't have provoked that fat guy." Larry said and swayed in the air. Meanwhile, the waiter served me another drink. When I looked back at him, now I was seeing that the man was holding Carl's collar and as soon as Larry advanced to talk to the woman, then that man looks at his girlfriend and punches Carl on seeing the stranger. After that, the man started to leave. I saw this again, Carl was in the middle. Before Carl could beat him again, Larry came in between. After seeing this scene, we all went back to my house. Then Larry tells us, "How did he think that the woman was saying 'Hay!' to me?" But that "Hay" was for her boyfriend, who was standing behind Larry. And when Larry went to talk to the woman, then how does that man suddenly come from somewhere and grab Larry's collar and shout loudly, "Pablo Picasso!" "You're great; don't say no!" Carl yelled back, and before you know it, he was holding his girlfriend and shouting, "Hay!" Larry was amazed.

"After all, none of us paid attention to the fact that the woman was not saying 'Hay!' to me, but to her boyfriend," Larry asked, "No, I didn't see it," I answered. I put a bag of ice on Mark's injured eye, as I remembered seeing it on his left eye, and said, "I didn't see it." "Yes," but when the punishment comes, everyone disappears," Carl said.

"Yes!" But when you didn't come to school, I?" Larry said. "Okay! Okay! First of all, I didn't even realize when I saw her boyfriend, then later I realized that he wasn't saying 'Hay!' to Larry," Carl clarified.

"I told you before that you should stay at home and relax," I said quietly. "Come on, let's go!" "I'm very sleepy," Mark said and opened the door and left. "Wait, I'm coming too," Carl said, running after him. Larry left too. "Oh!" "Hey, sometimes you have to answer me," I yelled.

"Did you say something, Max?" "Let's sleep now; we'll talk tomorrow," Larry said and walked out of the door. I slowly opened my eyes.

"No!!! It's only 9:30 now. I'm late." I yelled. I got up straight from the bed and ran towards the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth, combed my hair, changed my clothes, put on my shoes, grabbed my bag, closed the door, and ran towards the stairs.

"No!!! Aaah! Aaah!" I screamed as I fell down the stairs. "No - no!" "How did this open, useless shoelaces!"