
Chapter 1

***Percy Pov***

he was holding my wise girl in his arms, she made some noises as if she was waking up from a deep sleep, she opened her stormy gray eyes and looked at him and said, "Percy? W-where are…?" she did not finish that sentence as she looked around.

"I wish I knew wise girl," he answered, "I've met someone, and they seem to call this Place a Dungeon, under what they call Babel, now they might be demigods as well, seeing as they were fighting the minotaur when I awoke."

She gave him a look and asked, "the minotaur? He's here?"

He nodded his head, and then added, "yes, though he did seem to be different somehow, but if I had to venture a guess, Gaia did something to the earth while we were asleep."

"You mean dead, Percy, how did we wake up anyways?" she asked as she started to lift herself up from the ground and stand up. It was then that Percy noticed that they both had holes in their clothing, and then he remembered, it was the spot where they were impaled by the stone sentry.

He touched the bare skin and said, "don't remind me, and I'm not too sure myself just remember falling asleep, and then I felt Hestia once again and heard someone screams for help, next thing I knew I woke up and broke free from the wall, now, we need to find out what this place is."

Just then they heard the sounds of breaking stone, and as he looked at the walls, he saw that it was breaking away, and they were greeted by the sight of a big red ant, making its exit out of the wall.

Then he heard another wall break, and another, and another, soon they were surrounded on all sides, Percy noticed that Annabeth had her Dracon bone sword, they quickly moved to stand back to back, then Annabeth said, "those monsters… they spawned out of the walls, just-"

"Just like Tartarus." Percy finished as he swung his sword, cutting off the head of the nearest ant, making it burst out into black smoke, living the same Gem as the Minotaur had left behind him.

It was then that he heard Annabeth let out a great heave, and then the unmistakable sound of piercing through hard-shell and getting to the flesh beneath it.

He did not have to turn around to know the monster had turned into a black smock, they had cut through the horde of these ants, and as they killed the last one, they looked at one another, both of them were sweating and panting for breath, it seems they did not regain their full strength, so Percy was quick to grab Annabeth's hand, and ran out of there.

They had made their way, and Annabeth then said, "well, I assume we are underground, judging by the walls surrounding us, so I guess we need to make our way up to leave this place."

He was about to ask her how, but then he saw it, an opening right above them, so he and Annabeth both ran over there, and then both he and Annabeth had climbed out of the floor.

As soon as they exited, they took a breath, hoping this would be easier to get through, but then they heard the dreadful sound of breaking stone and saw several wolfish-men making their way towards them, teeth bared and their arms stretched out towards them.

Unlike the ants, these monsters were relatively easier to kill, though they had given them a challenge, making their clothes drenched in sweat and monster blood, they were grimy at the end, but they soon found their way to the upper floors, and they had seen the light in the entrance.

As soon as they exited, Percy was taken aback by the looks of the people there, some of them seemed to be crossed between humans and animals, and others seemed to be out of one of those fantasy books, like dwarves and elves.

All Percy could say was, "what the hades…?"

They saw that no one was paying too much attention to them, so they took advantage and slipped away into the crowd.

***third person pov***

Far away from Orario, on the port city of Meren, stood a God, his hair was smooth and light blue, his eyes light blue as well, on his upper arms and chest was a long tattoo of blue fish like scales.

This was Poseidon, God of the seas and Marine life, amongst other things.

Soon, the God had received a weird feeling aminating from deep with in his Arcanum, it took him a while to understand that it was a feeling of connection to something, no, someone, but he could not tell who without using his arcanum, and if he did use it without permission from Ouranos, he would get in trouble, but then he remembered something, he could simply concentrate long enough on the feeling and get a glimpse of the one he is feeling connected to.

As he concentrated, he was surprised to see a young man, with disheveled raven black hair, and sea-green eyes, But within him, he felt the ocean, a deep connection to it, second only to that of his own, something deep inside of the God had told him that he needed to recognize who the boy really is, but there was something else that prevented him from remembering, and that had made the god suspicious.

~I would have to go to Orario to get permission, and maybe find him. ~ he thought as he felt that the young man was now in the dungeon City, he would take his captain with him, after all, a meeting of the Gods was about to be made soon, so he would not be too out of place in it.

Now, back in the Orario, there was a young man who was making his way back to his Familia's home, it was a rundown church, he entered the home he shared with his Goddess and said, "Hello, are you still here Goddess?"

He was then greeted by her excited squeals as she jumped at him, arms starched out as she gave him a fierce hug as she grabbed his midsection.

She then said, "welcome home Bell!" she then looked at him and said, "you sure are back early."

He looked at her sheepishly and said, "yeah… I almost got myself killed in the dungeon today." Which was the wrong thing to say as she said, "what?! You're not hurt are you? I mean if you ever ended up dead it would totally give me a heart attack." As she proceeded to check him out for injuries.

He caught her and taken her off of him, and then he crouched down on one knee to look her in the eyes and said, "I'm fine Goddess, I swear, I mean I'm the only other member of the Hestia Familia, I'm not gonna go and get myself killed and abandon my precious goddess."

Hestia's features had softened at that, she closed her eyes and said, "well I am glad to hear it! I guess I would have to relax then, and trust you won't get Into trouble."

Then she straightened out and said, "OH Yeah! And I brought you a special treat today." She then made a grand gesture and said aloud, "TA DAAA!!!! You hungry?"

As he hung up his coat, he asked his goddess, "so when did you learn to make potato Croquettes?"

Her hand were on her hips, and a big ol smile on her face as she proudly said, "I started working part-time in a food cart remember?" and as Bell was walking closer to her, she turned her head at him and said, "one of the costumers ordered too much so he let me keep them," then her expression turned seductive and she said, "so why don't we turn dinner Into a wild Party?"

She seemed to be serious for a moment as she said, "get ready," and then her thumb was up as she winked at him suggestively and said, "you're not going to get any sleep tonight!"

He just half-smiled, clapped his hands slowly, and said, "can we just go ahead and eat?"

The goddess then giggled as she swayed side to side while her hands were on her lower stomach and her shoulders were squinted.

As they were eating their humble dinner, Hestia sighed and said, "my poor little Familia," then the goddess took a bite out of her potato and said while chewing, "seems like nobody is interested in joining us." Bel then took one hot potato, and wrapped it in the paper as she spoke.

"guess it because I'm not one of the popular gods…"

Then as Bell was purring some salt on top of the potato to season it a little, he said, "any of the gods out there can give someone the blessing," then he took a bite out of the crunchy potato and said, "I don't why no one would wanna choose you."

Hestia's posture then changed, she lifted her head up high, while her hands were on her laps, "well I don't mind, I think I'd like it to be just you and me for now."

Bell gave her a questioning look and asked, "huh?" to which she quickly said, "never mind! I must be really hard for you to bare such an incredible burden all by yourself Bell."

"Don't worry about me! You and all the other Deus Dea do a lot too you know." As she shyly ate the rest of her potato Croquette.

He then said, "I mean look at this great dinner you got us."

Hestia then said, "come on it's just some potato Croquettes." Then she swallowed her meal and said, "I wish I could use arcanum, but ever since we came down to the lower world there has been that stupid rule that prevents the gods from activating their powers, I'm sorry I guess you really pledged yourself to a pretty lame goddess didn't you-" but she was quickly cut off in surprise when bell said, "NO! don't say stuff like that! The Hestia Familia is just getting started ok? Once we get through this then things are going to get a lot easier… right?"

Hestia's eyes were watery as her child's words moved her, and all she could say was, "oh bell…"

Then bell remembered something important and said, "oh, I forgot, but something weird happened in the dungeon today," and then he proceeded to tell her about his encounter with the minotaur, and of the man who burst out of the walls and killed the monster, saving him in the process.

And then he finished, "he said his name was Percy Jackson, but all I could do was run away in shame, I could not even look him in the eyes… not his or the sword princess."

But then he noticed the serious expression on the Goddess's face, and she said, "Percy Jackson…. For some reason, I feel like I should know this name," her brows furrowed as she kept trying to remember where she knew this name from.

***Percy pov***

It was getting dark Percy and Annabeth had walked around the city streets, looking for anything they could recognize, everything was so different from the world they knew, and even the technology was more on the level of what one might expect from medieval fantasy.

But soon enough they encountered something they recognized, a blacksmith shop, more importantly, a blacksmith shop baring the name Hephaestus, and that was about the only thing they could read on the sign.

Both of them entered the shop, in there they saw a man on the counter saying, "welcome, how can I assist you both?"

Annabeth came to the counter and said, "Hi… we are both new to this area, and we were hoping you could help us with some information?"

The clerk seems to look at the window, obviously wanting to close up shop for the day, but then Annabeth said, "I promise it will not be too long."

He sighed in defeat, and then said, "sure, what do you want to know?"

"Well, first off, we were wondering why your store has the name Hephaestus on it."

"Oh, that? I thought everybody knew, this store sells weaponry and product made by the Hephaestus Familia, you guys sure are new to Orario huh?"

As he heard the name, Percy's ears perked up, at least now they knew what the name of the city they were was.

Annabeth nodded and said, "yes, you could say that, and another question, what's… a Familia? I know it means family but can you please elaborate on that?"

The clerk looked at them suspiciously, but then said, "well, when a god descends from heaven, they form what's widely known as a Familia, they take mortal in their Family and gives them their blessings, which in turn gives them the power to fight monsters in the dungeon, but not only that, it also improves their already existing abilities, and helping them advance, us blacksmiths can make better weapons, and even magic swords."

Annabeth nodded her head and said, "thank you, and tell me, is there by any chance an Athena Familia?"

The clerk nodded his head and said, "yes there is, though they are not located in Orario, but in a different City called Altena."

Then Percy had joined the conversation and asked, "And what about a Poseidon Familia?"

He looked at him with sorrow in his eyes and said, "yes, but they are more towards the sea, they reside in the port City of Meren, why do you ask?"

Percy didn't show it, but he was relived to find out that his Father was alive at some form, so he said, "well, my dad is in the Poseidon Familia, I was hoping to meet him."

The clerk then said, "sorry kid, can't help you there, though I might ask around if someone is planning to go there soon," and then he said, "well if you don't mind, I think it's time for me to close up shop for today."

Annabeth was quick to answer, "Y-yes of course, thank you…?" she finished letting that hang in the air.

The clerk looked at them and smiled as he said, "Wayland, my name is Wayland."

Annabeth extended her hand and said, "Annabeth, and this is Percy." She finished as she pointed at Percy with her thumb, and he just gave a short wave of his hand.

He gave Percy a short nod of his head and said, "why don't you two get back here tomorrow morning when I open up? I'm sure I'd be able to help you more then?"

Annabeth nodded her head and said, "thank you, we really appreciate it." And then they both left the store.

As they exited, Percy held Annabeth's hand, and he asked her, "so… what should we do from here wise girl? Would you like to go and meet your mother here?"

She sighed and then said, "I'm not sure she is my mother, or at least remembers me, things had changed Percy, a lot of them, and until we get a definitive answer, we should stick together."

He nodded his head, and then said, "well, how about we try and look for Hestia around here, I sensed her DeVine magic earlier so we can try and look for her."

As she nodded her head, Percy then looked around, they needed a place to spend the night, after walking around, he spotted a place, he could not read the signs for the life of him, but he immediately recognized that it was a tavern.

He and Annabeth entered, and were soon greeted by a cat-looking waitress, she soon said, "welcome to the Hostess of Fertility, would you two like a table for two?"

Percy shifted uncomfortably in his place, and then Annabeth had spoken, "actually, we were hoping that maybe we could help you with some work here? In exchange for a bed for the night and a fresh pair of clothes."

The cat lady just then seemed to notice their clothing, and then said, "oh, I see… let me check with the owners first." She then turned around and entered the kitchen.

Annabeth looked at Percy, and he saw the look in her eyes, she was tired, same as he, but they had no choice over the matter, they had no money here, no connections, hades, no gods to turn to in help.

Then the waitress came back and said, "well, I talked to the owner, and she said, it's ok for one evening, and if you'll do a good job, she'll see about the future." She said as she let them deeper into the tavern.

A/N hey there, I am back with yet another chapter.

So I couldn't wait too long and had to write another chapter, though I can't promise the next one would go as fast.

If any of you are well versed in the Danmachi lore, please contact me, as it will help me by saving time in research on the Danmachi world.

I am writing this fic in the hopes to inspire other authors to write their own versions of this crossover fanfic, I can't for the life of me understand why a lot of people are choosing to do more PJO Harry Potter crossover fanfic, like I don't see the connection, while this crossover Genre doesn't get as much love, which In my opinion is criminal.

So if you liked the story, please review it in the comments section, constructive criticism only, and until next time, you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!

Next chapter