
chapter 4

After mocking Nathan, Hunter enters the pool and dives to the bottom with Nathan.

They lie down and start using the Refine technique [an unshakable will]

To use a Karma Refining technique, it takes concentration and high body control, making the pores breathe is Extremely difficult for beginning refiners

So they first have to feel the karma in the environment

The pool of karma method is the most efficient but also the most expensive as it needs many herbs with High karmic concentration that are exorbitant for guys and high level alchemists to melt the herbs and mix them in purified water and then boil them until it has a milky color, the whiter the liquid, the greater the purity of karma

Even with a powerful art of karmic refining that could shorten the body's refinement, it could not facilitate the detection of karma in the atmosphere.

So the brothers meditated inside the pool and so they spent time

6 hours later

around Nathan

The karma began to gather around him and enter Nathan's pores and spread throughout the skin of his body.

so in a few seconds

All of nathan's fur fell and was burned by Karma

His skin was being refined

All the skin particles and molecules on nathan's body were being burned and recreated by new ones made of pure karma.

Nathan felt extreme pain erode his entire skin

It started as a small itch and then evolved into a small burn and now it feels like his whole body is being washed in pure lava.

A pain assaulted all his senses, nathan felt a pain he had never felt before even in his battles against hunter or Spartan training with the commander

Even in his previous life he never felt this much pain

He never expected that after reincarnating in this magical world he would suffer so much pain

Even when he was crushed by that truck and felt all his bones crack like dry straw and felt his whole body turned into a paste of flesh, blood and bones

He never felt so much pain like now

But he didn't give up

He continued steadfast in refining his skin for the beginning of step 1

He kept refining his skin for 1 hour straight

For 1 hour he felt his body burn in excruciating pain.

But he didn't stop or think about giving up

And whenever that idea crossed his mind he remembers his brother and Commander Redfield, that since the day he woke up in this World he remembered the 2 taking care of him and they always cheered him up so he wouldn't feel lonely

Even when Hunter over his mother and knew his father was a monster and when he showed so much anger that his trainings with Redfield he saw a more violent Hunter who tried to kill his opponent with all his strength, he saw a side of him that he never had. seen before, even when Adrian disappointed Hunter by not being a father present or congratulating him for some achievement

Even when nathan said he wanted to be emperor and conquer the Heru continent, Andrian just smiled and said his ambitions were too big for a child

He didn't know it then but now he gets it, that smile wasn't one of joy, it was mockery

He would marry another woman and then use the children he had with the woman to dominate Heru and surely nathan was not included in those plans.

But with all the problems, Hunter never showed a bad side to Nathan or fought with him.

Even in his battles he never attacked first, he just defended and countered against nathan's blind spots and weaknesses.

Nathan had already improved and those blind spots no longer existed and he could provide a fight almost on an equal footing with Hunter

But he didn't want to show it, he wanted to fight hunter like a beginner every time, even though he lost 10,000 times

He never felt sad or angry

He loved his brother and wanted to fight him with all his strength when he felt that he was on his level.

This was a difficult choice for nathan, this day he could never come

Even his victories were the times Nathan touched Hunter and those times were pure luck

He had never beaten Hunter, just leaning against him

But after today

these days would change

He knew of Redfield and Hunter's military coup

He supports Hunter to the end and knew that Adrian was a tyrant

Even knowing that it was hunter who deserved the emperor's throne, Hunter never wanted to be a

He wanted to explore the world and be the strongest, so strong no one could rule him, they could be free from their father, free from being ruled by a bunch of old men

freed from the charge of princes

But to have freedom, they had to kill Adrian

With him in the way, there was no freedom, only persecution and being locked inside this dirty empire.

So nathan didn't give up on refining his skin until the beginning of step 1

After 1 hour

He heard one:


He did it, he entered the Skin Refining stage at the beginning of step 1

He opened his eyes and saw Hunter submerged with his free body in the pool.

He didn't want to disturb his concentration and climbed out of the bottom of the pool.

He reached the edge and sat down as he played and looked at his own body.

The skin where he had muscle was now hard as stone and it was no longer saggy

Now his skin has adapted to the entire length of his body

It felt like all of nathan's muscles were flexed at the same time.

His skin was now milky white and there was no mark on it.

His skin was like newborn baby skin

But it was as hard as iron

While analyzing his new body, nathan felt dizzy and fell back and felt an unnatural amount of sleep assault his senses and he fell with his arms outstretched with his legs still in the pool.

Inside the pool

Hunter had been there for over 12 hours and was in a meditative state.

He couldn't feel time passing or feel his body, he managed to reach a state of peace throughout his body, he disconnected from the world

His mind was calm as a lake in the middle of nowhere, no wind or animals

only still water

1 hour

He felt something, but it wasn't Karma in the pool

but something inside him

inside your soul

He felt 2 energies

An energy that resembled the light that fire radiates

It was hot and it felt like it would never go out

From that energy he felt an indestructible and invincible will power, his body felt strong and his confidence was infinite

He felt an infinite will power from that light

But then there was the other energy

This one was dark, it wasn't that dark that the light reflected, but a dark that absorbed that light and fed on it.

From that dark energy he felt desire, sin, evil, thirst, hunger and anger

Every kind of evil desire he felt from that dark energy

But he felt a 3rd energy

It wasn't an energy different from the other 2

But it was a mixture of her

a desire to conquer

a desire to sin

a desire to drink

A desire to devour everything and everyone

He's already felt that energy before

When Redfield told him about his mother, that energy surged inside him and when he trained he just thought about wanting to kill Adrian

He wanted to kill Adrian in the worst possible way, he wanted to see him weak, destroyed, surrendered and helpless

He wanted to kill that man with his own hands

And he wouldn't rest until that happened

This energy accompanies him to this day

When he goes to train with Redfield, this energy condenses inside his chest and his will gets stronger and he concentrates 100% on the battle and how to improve, he attacks to kill and just to kill

That's why he never attacks Nathan and just defends, because he's afraid to hurt his brother, he's afraid to hurt his only pillar

He knows that if something happens to Nathan

This energy will be released at its maximum

And a demon will come out of it

He's afraid that even Redfield will control this demon that might come out

Not even Margaret or Loras will be able to control him

But now these energies seem to be coming together for something

Before they were separated, just feeding on each other

But now they were merging

And the more they merged

Greater were the desires they expelled

something was being born that day

Good and evil meant nothing to that being

A hegemony that gods and demons fear

a devil god

In the year 8110 after the birth of the new gods and demons

The divine-demonic nightmare was born

He who had the Hedonistic will of the creators of universes

{God-Emperor of Chaos : Hunter Zeon}

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