
Chapter 5

The breeze kissed his porcelain skin, the rays reflecting off his luscious locks of black hair. The breeze fingered his hair, tousling the head of hair. His robes fluttered violently in the wind. The aircraft slowly descended to the town where screams of horror could be heard. Corpses lay among the ground but were hardly recognizable due to being burnt by the vibrant flames.

Fei gracefully descended from his spiritual tool, quickly tucking it into his sleeve. It seems he had arrived to late to save the village, but he must find the protagonist at all cost. He heard a loud scream.

"Help! Their coming, my baby!"

Fei immediately took action and darted to the area where he heard the scream. He was ready to unsheathe his sword at any time. His sword was lighter then others, Fei did a more free flowing attacks that required a light sword. The metal gleamed in the sunlight as he rushed forward. He cleanly sliced the demon in half.

But the women was already on the ground bleeding profusely. She saw Fei and motioned him to come over. She took off a necklace from around her neck and put it onto the newly born child who was crying hysterically.

"Please, take care him, he is all I have left. If he were in your capable hands I would die with no regrets."

She stared fondly at the child and places a kiss on it's forehead. She began stroking his forehead humming a soft tune beneath her breath.

"Do not fret man, I will always protect him until he no longer needs it. Please rest assure." Fei eyes held sorrow in it as he stared down at the child which were now in his hand.

"Thank you..."

Fei could no longer hear her breathing, even though she was dying a smile hung on her lips. He decided to give the women a proper burial, one which was well deservered. The child cried more loudly then before if possible. This attracted the remaining demons in the area to where Fei was.

If it were just him he could probably kill them easily, but with a child now in his hands he had to take more cautious actions.

There stood a man and a child amongst flames surrounded by demons. The sound of clashing vertebrated through the air.

Fei held the child closer to his chest and hid the scene which would unfold before him. Fei charged forwards doing fluid and fast movements with his sword, his body twisted and turned flowing like a river. It was as if he were basking beneath the moonlight doing a dance for the heavens.

He heard footsteps from behind him and quickly turned and stabbed the demon, but he didn't realise another demon behind him and was stabbed in the shoulder. The beast become even more beast like after smelling blood. They all charged at Fei at the same time. He already knew he couldn't block all the attacks while holding the child so he protected the new born baby with his body while still attacking.

He felt a sharp pain shoot through his right leg and stomach. Fei gritted his teeth through the pain. He never felt such pain after all he was someone from earth who locked himself inside a dark room. His movements began to become more sloppy and slower. But he continued to fight until they were all dead.

Not until he made sure they were all gone did he let down his guard a little and relax on a nearby tree. The baby looked up at him his doe like eyes, although Fei couldn't see it which made him sad be felt the shuffling of the child and breath near his face. He couldn't help ut soften and stroke the child's head tenderly.

"From now on I will be your shifu."

Although the baby couldn't completely comprehend the meaning of the words it seemed happy and clapped his hands. Fei felt the child's back and caused the baby protagnist to bawl into tears. Fei felt a liquid in his hand which assumed was blood due to the smell. He began slowly healing the child while rocking it back and forth. Although he was physically and mentally tired he had to drag himself to the back of the sect.

Luckily the spiritual would know where he wanted to go or it would be a night mare to navigate with no eye sight. The baby started giggling cutely as it felt the rush of wind from the speed of the spiritual tool.

Fei Hong didn't have time to heal himself and supressed the damage done to his body. But he coughed out blood. Fei reached for his pouch and took a pill out only for the child to swat it out of his hand, it fell from his hand to the depth below never t be retrieved.

Fei Hong couldn't only sigh and endure it for a little longer. Realising the child had done something wrong it snuggled into Fei's embrace. Although the item he got from his equipment was activated a small gentle smile filled with affection couldn't be concealed. The baby stared at him mesmerised.

Raising a child is going to be tough. I never raised one. What if I'm holding it wrong. Do you hold it by it's but of back or head. Wait not the head that's stupid. Where do I get baby formula or a mother's milk for the matter of fact? What does a baby eat? Berries, it seems I have much research to do. Aya raising a baby to a husbando is going to be tough. If he has his past memories it'll be even worse. What a head ache. But he is cute...

Fei was having an inner turmoil trying to figure out what to do when raising a child. The sect soon came into view. To enter you would need some sort of slip to enter as there is a barrier that would only open up every 10 years when sect selections happen or a special event.

Fei looked down at his torn and bloodied robes but was in a rush to head back to his peak. The minute he arrived his diciple ran to him.

"Shifu where did you go. Your badly injured. What happened?"

"I need not to tell you. It is none of your concern."

When Fei said that Cheng's eyes darkened. None of his concern!? This man belongs to him and it was his business.

Cheng stared at the child in Fei's arms and felt a sense of familiarity but could not pinpoint who it was. Fei walked to his room and placed the baby gently onto the bed, it began crying again as it was no longer being held.

Cheng came in and stared at the wailing baby with a sombre expression.

Fei quickly changed and saw the baby and Cheng staring at each other.

"From now on Cheng you will help me with raising this child."

"But shif-"

Fei cocked a thin brow.

"I see no problem. Am I not your shifu who raised you. You will be a *gege from now on. So treat him like your little brother."

Cheng had an extremely sour face, to him babies were annoying especially if they might threaten his relationship with his dear master. But he could only suck it up and accept.

*"gege" (哥哥) literally means big brother.

Fei stared at the baby who kept crying no matter how hard he tried to comfort it. Then he remembered the baby must be hungry. The baby pulled at Fei's robe as he was absent mindly thinking to himself. After successfully removing the clothes it began to suck on the pink bud.

(I am wheezing XD, too funny too me)

Fei feeling his chest wet gasp in surprise. He stared down at the baby who sucked on his chest harshly as if trying to get milk out to no avail. Fei really wanted to swat the baby but couldn't. He tried to pry the child off but it began wailing.

Fei helplessly looked at the young one. Luckily, Cheng wasn't here or he would surely die of embarrassment.

From his side of the room he called Cheng to fetch him a bottle of lukewarm milk. The baby happily sucked away even though there was no milk. When Fei looked down he felt extremely shameful and embarrassed even though it was just him. Luckily he couldn't see it. This was one of the time he was thankful he was blind.

A man breast feeding. Ba! What has become of him.

Cheng knocked on the door. Fei told him to leave it at the door and dismissed him. When he could no longer feel any spiritual energy outside did he step out quickly and grab it. He finally managed to pry the baby off and feed it milk.

He gently pat the back of the small child which caused it to burp happily. Fei made sure to cover his chest and secure his robe tightly to hide the bite marks on his pale chest.

"Take care of the child while I am gone. I need to go to the sect's library to pick up some manuals." In actuality he wanted to see if he could find some books on how to raise a baby and pick up so supplies for the child.

He basically shoved the baby and responsibility to Cheng without even asking before flying away.

Cheng just stared at the baby poking his chubby cheeks. Wait, could I count this as me and master's child. When the thought crossed his mind he smirk happily. As if understanding this thought the baby began bawling.


Cheng skimmed through the books in the library. There were only manuals and so on. But it was understandable who wanted baby books in a sect library. The elder who looked after the library beckoned Fei to come over to express his worries. He had a long beard and white hair but looked younger then his actual age.

"What seems to be the problem Elder Hong."

Fei was unsure whether to ask because he found it slightly embarrassing but the baby did come first. He pushed the worries to the back of his mind.

"Well do you have any books to raising a child."

"Unfortunately we do not-"

"Thank you, I best be going."

Fei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed an helpless. He might just have to go with the flow which wasn't a very good idea.

The old man chuckled. "You didn't let me finish, but my wife who is also an elder has some books that I can lend to you. If you like I could ask her to give you some tips and equipment."

Fei felt slightly embarrassed after rudely interrupting the elder.

"I shall gratefully take you up on that offer. I shall give you some sort of reward, *spiritual stones should do along with some pills."

Spirit Stones (灵石 língshí) – translucent crystals with spiritual energy trapped within. Mainly used as currency amongst cultivators. They can also be used to cultivate (by absorbing the spiritual energy), create magical items, or power spell formations.

"No need take it for fre-"

"No I insist if I am troubling you and even taking some of your equipment." Fei realised he interrupted the elder yet again and could only give a quick apology.

"I only have a handful of books on me. They should suffice for now."

After thanking the elder and setting a fate for when he would have lessons on raising a baby did he leave.

When he came back he saw the scene of his disciple poking the baby plump cheeks. *cough*

"Shifu you are back."

"Shall we have lunch?" Fei gestured to the table after putting the books into his spatial pouch.


There was a candle lit. It flickered occasionally due to the cool breeze. The candlelight illuminated a dais where Fei Hong was currently reading. The occasion scratching of a inkied feather on a parchment paper could be heard.

His hair was down, with a few fine strands resting softly on his shoulders. Others circled around his white collar, giving off a sensual feeling. His mouth was left slight agape showing his pink tongue. His robes loosely hung on his slender shoulders.

Cheng Jian stared for a long time. He only moved forward and opened the candle cover when the door behind him closed automatically.

Fei Hong raised his head when the light rays shifted. He saw how the flame suddenly roared to life as his disciple circled it with a finger. He placed down the book.

Cheng crawled into the bed where the baby was sleeping. Fei blew out the candle and the room was shrouded with darkness. Only the cicadas could be heard along with the rustling of trees. Fei pulled the quilt over the three of them and ensured the baby was safe and wouldn't get squashed. The child was placed there as it was the warmest spot on such a chilly night.

The three of them slept together on the bed. One adult, one teenager and one baby who slept in the middle. Fei had long fallen asleep. Only a pair of ruby red eyes could be discerned in the darkness. Cheng wrapped his hand around Fei's waist. Fei had moved the baby to his side to snuggle with it unconsciously as it was a human hot water bottle.

Cheng also soon fell asleep. The sound of soft snoring could be heard. The atmosphere was warm and peaceful. The night went on and Fei was oblivious of what was to come.


The protagonist happily sucked Fei's cute pink bud

Cheng walked in the room and stared at Fei.



Cheng: This disciple is also hungry and want's some milk.

Fei: Ba! Get out you are already to old

Cheng: I want milk from up there to down there

Cheng pointed to his chest and down below. Fei blushed in anger and embarrassment.

System Xiao UWU: [Host is so fierce~]

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