
A New Life, A New Destiny, A New Danger

"Where am I?" Bai Xun said to himself in fear. "I guess I died, didn't I?", he lamented. Bai Xun had a flashback of how his life ended.

"Dad... I'm back home." Bai Xun said. "What is that pungent smell? Dad are you drinking?", After Bai Xun mother died, his father was unable to bear the grief, as a result, he started drinking. "Dad? Where are you?", "This isn't funny dad, please come out...", Bai Xun was stabbed in the heart with a knife which was wielded by his father.

"Why would my father kill me?", Bai Xun said after the flashback unable to figure out the answer.


Your father decided that there was no reason to stay alive, so he made up his mind to end the life of is family along with himself.

"Ahhh, G-God, his that you?", Bai Xun said in shock.


Negative, I am way inferior to the ultimate supreme being that reigns in heaven. I am a simple magical engineered entity, made from the higher heavens to guide you on this path to cultivation.

"..., wait, wait, wait..."


I'm not going anywhere.

"Just let me land..."


You are not flying, so no reason to land.

"Let me finish..."

Finish what?

"Talking!!, Let finish talking"


No one is stopping you

"Just shut up you bag of bolts."


How dare you? The last human I was with is way nicer than you. You ungrateful brat. I ain't saying a word until you apologise. Humph.

"Fine I'm sorry, happy. I didn't know you had feelings."


Well I do have feelings. Whatever, just ask me your question.

"..., I forgot but I have more questions which are: Why were you behaving like a robot? Where am I? Are my brother and sister dead? Was that pungent smell in my house alcohol? If my family is dead will is dead will I be able to find them here?


... You sure do know how to ask a lot of questions.

The answer to your first question which is... Why was I acting like a robot?

Well... I was trying to act cool and like my the other systems.

(Bai Xun pictured the system turn red in embarrassment. )

The answer to your second question which is: Where are you?

You are in Taiwan City Forest.

The answer to your third question which is: Are your brother and sister dead?

Negative your brother is dead and your sister is about to die in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Ok now she is dead.

The answer to your fourth question which is: Was that pungent smell in your house alcohol?

Negative, the pungent smell was corpses of your uncle and brother.

The answer to your fifth question which is: If your family is dead will you be able to find them here?

Well I am 99% sure that you will be able to find your family.

"..., wow, you really know how to answer the questions I asked you." Bai Xun said in surprise. "Well I have to get going if I want to make it back in time..." A strange monster that as a resemblance to a bear came out of nowhere and tried to attack Bai Xun.

"System what is that..." Bai Xun said moving out of the way in a nick of time.


A black spotted bear at the fighter 5-dan level of cultivation.

New quest acquired: Defeat The Black Spotted Bear.

Reward: Receive any two skills and two object from the last owner of the system, 1000 system point.

Time limit: 1hour.