
A Grindelwald's Tale

This was created by NotAHero not by me couldn't find his work here can't message him to post his novel on webnovle so i just done it. hope you like his work

byjeed · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

Chapter 10 Part 2/2

Rodrick quickly placed himself under a Disillusionment charm as he saw several of his other friends show up, in case for some reason they decided he needed company. He couldn't very well get out of it, seeing as they were in fact allowed into the boy's dormitory.

He quickly swept passed them, trying to remember Malfoy's directions, he wound up going the wrong way several times before finally finding the blasted entrance.

Panting slightly out of breath, Rodrick stared at the password locked door, tempted to try and utter a password to test his luck. He shook the thought away as a stupid idea before he turned to face the other way, it was then he remembered not actually knowing the actual timing for the dream... He shrugged as he sat against the wall and decided to wait, his eyes lazily looking away; he examined all the portraits surrounding the large one guarding the entrance to the lion cave.

Time slowly passed by. Each minute putting more and more doubt into Rodrick's mind that Black would actually show up... 'What if it was another day altogether?' the thought irritated him.

Sighing, he relaxed against the wall, if the Gryffindor's showed before Black he would just call it a night...

He wasn't sure how the feast was currently going; he'd never actually enjoyed an actual Halloween feast... without something interrupti- His eyes quickly snapped to the sudden sound of movement. He got up and took his wand out, aiming it ahead of him, prepared for whatever was coming. He was under an invisibility and silencing charm giving him the element of surprise.

His eyes widened as he saw the large black dog running towards the entrance, it was much bigger than what he'd seen in his vision. He steeled his nerves and cast out a stunner spell at the dog.


The sudden bolt of light appeared out of thin air, startling the Animagus, causing him to let out a whine. Sirius Black eyes widened when he found his movement disabled, he could still move his mouth surprisingly.

He growled as he tried to find where the sudden bolt had come from, his nose was picking up a scent. 'He was so close...' He tried to fight the stunner but found it surprisingly powerful... His eyes slowly turned to horror wondering if it was a professor...

His thoughts whirled around wondering what was going on before his eyes widened as he saw someone slowly appear from thin air.


Rodrick looked down at the squirming dog, it was on the floor on its side, he'd had to put him under the same charms as himself, to stop any students from spotting them, the dog was stared at him wide-eyed. It took a few moments before he heard him growl at him.

Rodrick frowned slightly, "I am afraid I don't understand dog, perhaps if you changed back we could communicate better, Mr. Black,"

Sirius stilled, he knew who he was... He knew his Animagus. Panic overflowed inside... This was bad, very bad... If the Ministery found out...

He barked under stress.

Rodrick's frown deepened, "I don't understand what you're saying Black!" his eyes twitched as he listened to the dog's barks get louder. He narrowed his eyes at the transformed man, "Perhaps One of the professors can help us understand a more common language?" Rodrick threatened. That managed to calm down the crazed dog.

The boy threatened to call a professor? Sirius' eyes narrowed, he wondered what the child was playing at... He looked like quite young... Yet he'd managed to hold him under quite the stunner.

"Well?" Rodrick drawled out, "Turn back then!"

The boy didn't know how to un-transform an Animagus... Sirius tried once again to move free only to fail, he watched as the boy's eyes narrowed even more. 'Crap, wrong idea!'

"Fine, Professor it is!" Rodrick remarked, about to move past the dog before he saw it quickly transform back.

Rodrick flinched at the state the man was in, he looked like a crumpled heap on the floor, a haggard-looking man. His prison clothes were ragged and ripped at several different places. He had an unkempt unshaven face. He saw him squirm in an attempt to get up.

"Ah... Sorry," Rodrick muttered as he lessened the spell's power, enough to let the man move slowly.

Sirius was quite surprised to feel the charm weaken, for a second he thought it'd disappeared, as he moved he found himself still limited somewhat. The level of control shook him slightly.

It was then he heard the boy's words.

"Sorry?" he managed to rasp out in a hoarse voice. He got up and faced the young student in front of him. "I..." he started, finding it difficult to talk. "Murderer..." was the second word he said.

"I Murderer?" Rodrick repeated, "Is this a confession?" he asked warily, his eyes narrowed.

Sirius felt the tension quickly rise, "No!" he managed to rasp out barely.

Rodrick noticed the trouble he had before he let off a healing spell wash over the ragged man.

The shock was an understatement as he felt the spell was over him, making it less painful to talk. He carefully eyed the boy's clothing, frowning when he found them to be Slytherin.

"There... Explain then..." Rodrick started, holding his wand out towards the potential murderer.

Sirius blinked slightly, he could feel the stun spell slowly wore off... He was tempted to make a grab for the wand, he heard footsteps and felt his panic increase, he turned to see student's approaching them.

"Don't worry, they can't see us," Rodrick pointed out.

"Wh-What?" Sirius managed to rasp out, his eyes still facing the incoming student's.

"What were you doing here?" Rodrick muttered.

Sirius' eyes relaxed slightly when he noticed the student's not paying them any attention, he turned back to the boy, he found him waiting for an answer.

"There's a murderer, put the blame on me, rat, he's living there!" He barely managed to raise his hand towards the door behind the boy.

Rodrick narrowed his eyes slightly, his grandfather's words coming back to him. "Perhaps the headmaster ought to know then"

Sirius' eyes widened, "No!" he quickly put out, almost falling forward.

Rodrick watched curiously, "Tell me why I shouldn't tell Professor Dumbledore?" he questioned.

"I was framed!" Sirius quickly put out, he was about to add on before the boy spoke over him.

"Why should I believe that? Give me a good reason to hear you out."

Sirius fell into a small silence unsure of what to say... his mind tried and tried to find a reason but he didn't- his eyes quickly snapped up, hopeful, the boy had been trying to stop him from entering the Gryffindor room after all and he didn't look like a prefect.

"I am Harry's godfather, Harry Potters!" The sheer hope that fell into those words...

Something flashed through Rodrick's eyes at that, he stared at the desperate looking man for a few moment's before he sighed. "Turn around, we'll go somewhere else to talk."

Sirius' eyes widened, he was willing to listen to him? "Where?" he questioned.

"Outside or the headmaster's office, your choice,"

"Outside..." Sirius muttered, still unsure of everything, his eyes gazed longly at the door behind the boy... He had been so close.

"What's the password?" Rodrick asked, seeing the man's gaze.

Sirius stared blankly at the boy.

He'd forgotten about that.

He sighed as he turned around and walked towards the entrance, he felt uneasy walking in the middle of so many students, none of them, however, noticed him.

"This is quite the invisibility charm," he remarked.

Rodrick had a small smile grow on his face at that, "I know."

The two wound up walking slowly, due to Sirius's lack of energy and Rodrick's lack of trust. There was a predominant silence as the two kept on going, Sirius eventually recognized the place they were headed to, the wooden bridge.

Settling down on one side, Rodrick pointed his wand opposite him, indicating Sirius to do the same. Slowly Sirius settled down, relief hitting him as he felt his back relax. He eyed the area warily before he sighed when he saw no other student's near by.

"They're all at the feast," Rodrick remarked.

"You're not," Sirius pointed out, his voice still somewhat sore.

Rodrick took the sandwich out before he threw it towards the startled Black.

"Eat up, you could use it," He spoke expressionless.

Sirius eyed the sandwich in his hands, he could feel his hunger slowly grow. He turned up, however, "Why?" he questioned.

Rodrick shrugged, "No one should go back to Azkaban on an empty stomach,"

Sirius's heart sank slightly, "I am not going back! I never committed any crimes!" he quickly yelled off before he saw the boy barely able to hold his laughter.

"You were a Gryffindor, weren't you?"

Sirius surprised at the sudden change was about to reply before he saw the boy put a hand up.

"Eat up, then we'll talk"

He frowned before he quickly started on the sandwich, he felt relief go through him at the taste.

Once he finished, he questioned him again, "Why? Why are you helping me?"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "I am not helping you." he pointed out.

"You're willing to listen," clarified a wary Sirius Black.

"Then you ought to start talking before I change my mind." Rodrick warned him.

Sirius eyed him warily, wondering if he was planning something else... He'd never met a Slytherin willing to help for free... "I am apparently a dangerous criminal, yet you're not afraid," Sirius remarked.

Rodrick chuckled slightly, "I had to fight a Basilisk last year, You hardly compare,"

Disbelief rang through Black's face at the thought, "If that was true you wouldn't be here," 'What kind of tests where they putting the students through? Was it Hagrid? It had to be Hagrid's idea...'

A small smirk took over Rodrick's face, he quickly showed the man his cursed arm, "Basilisk is dead, I got this as a parting gift," he shook his head when he saw the man flinch at the state of his arm.

There was a small silence that followed them.

"You said you were framed?" Rodrick asked.

Sirius nodded at that, "A man called Peter Pettigrew... he betrayed Jam- Harry Potter's parents,"

Intrigue lit up Rodrick's face, "Why do they think it was you?"

Anger coursed through the man's face, "They made him their secret keeper! The world thought it was me and then he ratted them out to You-Know-Who! Uh... No pun intended."

Rodrick blinked at him, 'Was he seriously joking around right now?' "I see, you have any proof?"

Sirius's eyes had a hungry look to them, "The world thinks I killed Pettigrew, he's alive and well. His Animagus can turn into a rat-"

"Weasley then," Rodrick mumbled distastefully.

The man's eyes widened, "You've seen the rat?"

Rodrick chuckled, "Weasley's the only Gryffindor I know that has one,"

"Yes, that's the one I am after, I need to ge-"

"Why?" Rodrick suddenly asked. His eyes gazed at Black curiously.

"So I can kill him! For what he did!" Sirius ground out. His face however slowly dropped when he saw the look marring the boy's face.

"That's disappointing," Rodrick spoke up sighing.

"What? What would yo-" Sirius was about to speak up, he quickly got to his feet, 'What would he know!'

Rodrick didn't react, "I thought you were doing this for Harry Potter, not for yourself,"

Sirius stilled himself, "I am doing this for him, I am avenging his parents!"

"What good would that do him?" Rodrick grounded out, tired.

"What are you talking about, the man's responsil-"

"If you kill the rat, you go back to Azkaban for murder anyway, what good would that do to your so called godson!?"

Sirius stared open eyed, slowly, he felt himself drop to the floor...

"If you want to help Potter, You're better off keeping the rat alive, to prove your innocence."

Sirius grit his teeth at the idea of Pettigrew not paying for what he did but agreed, the boy was right. James wouldn't forgive him if he squandered the chance to help his son. "He deserves it..."

"Maybe... But I am sure Azkaban would make up for not dying," Rodrick quipped.

Sirius stared at the boy in front of him, confused. "You believe me then?" Disbelief marked his own face.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before shaking his head, "It's not whether I believe your story or not, it's the fact you're his godfather,"

Sirius frowned slightly, "I don't understand..."

"If I sent you to Azkaban while you're telling the truth, Harry loses a godfather and there's a murderer on the loose, if you're not telling the truth, Harry still loses a godfather, there's no winning there," Rodrick remarked.

"You'd get a shiny medal," Sirius spoke out a few moments after contemplating the boy's words.

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "Anyway Potter owes me if you're telling the truth and I help you. Plus I have a reputation to uphold, a medal would hurt it,"

"Reputation?" Sirius spoke up, confused.

Rodrick smiled, "Perhaps another time,"

"So you'll let me go back then, to get the rat?" Sirius asked pointedly.

Rodrick chuckled at that thought, "Merlin no, that's a horrible idea!"

Sirius frowned, a hint of anger slowly took over, he was about to speak up before the boy continued.

"I'll get the rat, it'll be a lot easier for me than you,"

Sirius eyes widened at that, "You'll help me?"

Rodrick shrugged, "Why not?"

"It's dangerous," he pointed out.

Rodrick raised an amused eyebrow, "That rat's more dangerous than a Basilisk? Think it'll do more damage then one?" There was a predatory look to the boy's face.

Sirius quickly shook his head, as if Wormtail was capable of something like that...

"Besides the only danger here is you," Rodrick remarked.

"I wouldn't have attacked the students..." Sirius spoke up,

Rodrick gave him an incredulous look, "You tried to bite me."

Sirius stared at him at that, acting almost as if the boy hadn't said anything as he asked his question. "How would you get the rat to me?"

Rodrick shook his head before it took on a more thoughtful look, "We can talk about it tomorrow, it's almost time for my curfew, is there any place we can probably meet up?"

Sirius thought about the answer for a few seconds before it clicked, "Whomping Willow, I'll wait there in the morning,"

Rodrick frowned, "That's not exactly safe..."

"There's a way to turn it off." Sirius quickly pointed out.

Rodrick nodded his way slowly before he got up. "Tomorow then,"

Sirius followed the boy's action, "Thank you by the way..."

Rodrick shook it off, "Don't thank me yet, aint got the rat,"

"For listening, you're the first one... " Sirius spoke frowning, thinking of Remus.

"Why didn't you tell anyone by the way?" Rodrick suddenly asked curiously. He could've pointed out that it was a setup.

"They didn't give me a trial," He answered resigned

"That's illegal! Why the hell wouldn't they do that?" Rodrick asked, eyes wide. Would they have done the same to his mother!?

"They found me laughing at the scene of the crime, yelling out it was all my fault," Sirius spoke up, avoiding the boy's gaze.

Rodrick blinked at that, slowly taking the words in slowly...

"You're a dumbass aren't you?"

"I was under a lot of pressure!" Sirius tried to defend himself.

Rodrick shook his head, wondering what he was getting himself into. "Tomorow then... Discuss it then..." He started walking away before heard the man yell out.

"I was!" Sirius spoke up pouting, he quickly turned back into a dog and ran off in the opposite direction, there was a spring in his step. If the boy could manage it... He might be able to get Pettigrew! He'd had the help of that particular Kneazle but a Hogwarts student would be able to do so much more... They just needed a working plan


The next day Rodrick was in the great hall having his breakfast, he'd been in a conversation with Malfoy before he saw Potter and his friends show up to the hall.

'Maybe...' Rodrick's eyes gazed towards the staff table, they landed on the Headmaster, the heads of Slytherin and Gryffindor and the defense professor.

What a lovely coincidence.

"Rodrick?" Malfoy called out with a frown, he'd just started to ignore him out of nowhere.

"Hang on..." Rodrick spoke out, his gaze landing back on Weasley, searching for any signs of- His eyes snapped wide open when he saw something move in his robe pockets.

"What the hell are you looking for?" Malfoy called out.

Rodrick sighed, "We'll talk later, I gotta do something real quick," he answered as he got up.

"Wha-" Malfoy was about to ask before he saw the steel in his eyes, he hadn't seen that ever since Grindelwald's death. "Fine," He shrugged getting back to his food.

Daphne and Tracey had just reached the Slytherin table only to watch Rodrick move over towards the Gryffindor one.

"What is he doing?" Daphne asked out of curiosity.

"Who's doing what?" Blaise suddenly added, walking in behind the girls.

"Rodrick, and before you ask I don't know!" Malfoy muttered as he bit into a sausage.


Rodrick was slowly gaining stares as he made his way over to Potter, even the boy's friends eyed him warily. He couldn't blame them, he'd feel the same way if he saw a Gryffindor show up at the Slytherin table.

"Hello, Potter," Rodrick greeted, a smirk on his face.

"Hello..." Harry replied slowly, his eyes traced their way over towards Malfoy. He wondered if they were planning something.

Rodrick went closer before he whispered, making sure the others didn't hear. "How do you feel about killing Sirius Black?"

Harry Potter's eyes widened considerally at that, "What? Why would I want to do that!?" he hissed back, amusing the boy.

Ron and Hermione quickly sat straighter at that, Harry's reaction surprised them.

Rodrick eyed the boy warily. He spoke out loud enough to let the boy's friends to hear him, "So you won't do anything stupid then?"

Harry Potter levelled a stare at the boy, wondering what he was talking about. Slowly he nodded his head unable to come up with a response. He knew his friends were more then likely glaring at him.

"What's this about?" Ron asked quickly.

Rodrick ignored the question, irritating the boy. "Follow me Potter." He let his eyes wander quickly towards the staff table, he knew he had most of the teacher's attention, actually he might've had most of the halls.

Harry's eyes narrowed slightly, "Where?"

Rodrick smirked, "You'll see,"

Ron and Hermione were muttering about themselves. Harry looked between his friends and Rodrick wondering what he should do.

"You can bring your friends if you want, just follow me, it's important," Rodrick shrugged.

That seemed to placate the boy.

Harry turned to his friends, "I'll be right back,"

"Harry, he said we could come!" Hermione pointed out.

"Should be just fine for me then, I am not that hungry anyway," Potter replied

Rodrick's grin faded a little, he looked towards Ron before he smirked at the ginger.

Ron noticing said look, narrowed his eyes, "Harry we're coming or you're not going,"

Harry Potter sighed before he agreed.

Rodrick inwardly laughed, gotta love the Gryffindor's.

The three got up before following Rodrick out, when he turned he found curious looks from the Slytherin table although there was the hint of a sneer on Malfoy's face. Rodrick shook his head, the boy simply couldn't not sneer when Potter was on sight, chancing one glance towards the staff table, a smile grew on his face when he saw no one there.


"Where are we going?" Ron spoke out when they'd left the castle.

"You'll see soon enough," Rodrick replied. He watched idly as the boy took out his rat to hold in his hands. 'Good, should make things easier,'

"We have a lesson soon!" Hermione pointed out.

"I assure you, Miss. Granger this is far more important," Rodrick remarked.

"What is it exactly?" Harry asked.

Rodrick grinned, "You'll see," he answered much to their annoyance.


"That's the Whomping Willow!" Ron yelled out, bad memories surfaced quickly.

Rodrick nodded his head. He watched, surprise filling his face, as the Willow's thrashing about seemed to settle down.

"Why are we here then?" Harry asked pointedly, his eyes still staring at the suddenly calm tree.

Rodrick whistled out to their surprise, "Come on out then and behave!" he yelled off, emphasizing the second part.

"Who? Whose coming!?" Ron suddenly asked frantically.

"If you shut up you'll see," Rodrick groaned.

There was a sinking feeling settling into Harry Potter, 'It can't be...'

A few moment's later a large black dog jumped out of a previously unknown passage. He heard Granger yelp at the sudden entrance. Heard someone else hitch a breath 'Potter?' and another squeal of pain.

The last one caught his interest as he saw in his peripheral vision a rat jump away in an attempt to get away.

Rodrick quickly took his wand out and stunned the rat, levitating it in midair. He heard a happy sounding bark from the dog that then tried to jump forward to the rat.

"I said behave!" Rodrick yelled out again, causing the dog to whine, surprisingly enough he had managed to keep his calm, no doubt due to the presence of his godson.

That was when the ginger exploded in questions, he started demanding that Rodrick stop levitating the rat and overall not making any sense at all.

Rodrick's headache quickly started skyrocketing at that, 'Screw it Potter will understand.'

"Will the mud-blood please shut the Blood traitor up?"

One girly gasp later and everyone was silent. Looking at the dog in front of him, Rodrick chuckled seeing his jaw drop. Although he was disappointed neither of the Gryffindors had riled up, when he turned around, however... "Ah that makes more sense," Rodrick spoke amused.

Harry Potter had one hand covering each of his friend's mouth. "I knew you were gonna do it," He remarked barely able to suppress his laughter.

Rodrick shook his head before he placed the rat on the floor, he unstunned it for a second before he set off another curse to knock it out. He heard another excited yelp from the dog, who had his tongue out, cheerful. The rat had its back on the floor, one hand clutched over its heart with its mouth open, it looked like it had a heart attack.

Harry Potter moved his hands away from his friends before Ron once again started to yell.

"Ronald! Be quiet for a second!" Hermione exclaimed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.


"Let him explain," Harry added on, curious, the dog looked like the one he'd seen near his home...

Rodrick thanked the two Gryffindor's before he looked behind them.

"Will the Professor's please stop hiding?"

He heard some frantic movement from the dog, before Rodrick quickly gave him a small smile to calm him down, it worked.

Well, he didn't try to run away in any case...

The group of students and dog watched as four professors slowly came out from under an invisibility spell. Snape and McGonagall had curious looks on their faces, though they were both trying to stop their lips from twitching up. Dumbledore looked embarrassed about something.

Remus, however... Looked pale, his eyes; haunted.

The three Gryffindor students stared in open shock. Hermione looked worried she was about to get into trouble for being about to skip class.

"How did you know we were here?" Dumbledore asked, the twinkle wasn't in his eyes for once.

"I heard professor McGonagall gasp," Rodrick shrugged before he saw the head of house's stifle a chuckle. He raised an eyebrow when he saw them both stare towards the headmaster, who lowered his head slightly...


"No... That was you Headmaster? You made that sound?" Rodrick asked, for the first time in his life, completely shocked.

"I was surprised at your choice of words..." Dumbledore tried to defend himself.

Rodrick stared wide-eyed before he heard the three students trying and failing to hold their own laughter, even Ron seemed to have momentarily forgot about his rat.

The dog behind them made no such effort as he cracked down barking in laughter.

"Curious Dog," McGonagall pointed out.

Rodrick nodded before he turned towards him, "Would you mind showing yourself now?" He asked the dog.

The barking stopped for a second as the dog took in the boy's words. Rodrick could see him shuffle on his feet. He was about to say something before to his surprise the dog slowly transformed back.

He heard several gasps and watched as two of the head of houses, drew their wands.

"Wait!" Rodrick called out facing towards them, his hands in front of Black.

The three student's watched things unfold wide-eyed.

Dumbledore had a passive look on his face, his eyes slowly lowered towards the rat on the floor before he took his wand out and reversed the transformation on the rat.

He sighed as he watched the spell's success.

Remus looked down, unsure of what to think anymore. Peter Pettigrew was on the floor knocked out.

The hopeful look in Sirius's eyes returned as proof of his freedom finally Showed itself. He turned up to the boy responsible.

"I thought you said we were supposed to plan this today? I don't remember being told you would bring him today..." He managed to joke.

Rodrick shrugged, "Can plan what you do with him," he answered back.

"You two know each other?" Dumbledore asked intrigued.

"Met him yesterday," Sirius remarked.

Snape had a disgusted look on his face as he remarked, "I find it hard to believe you could plan something like this in a day,".

Sirius eyed the potions master with a loathing before he sighed, "I didn't, this was boy's idea. He told me to wait for him here, bloody frightening this one I gotta say." He remarked a small smile on his face. He shook his head when the boy thanked him for the compliment.

The headmaster blinked, "You did this in 12 hours?" He asked, rather wary.

Rodrick hummed his agreement.

"I was trying to get him for two months, and he managed it in 12 hours," Sirius sighed, muttering to himself.

"Frightening is a good word indeed..." Remus spoke out for the first time, his eyes going between Pettigrew and Black, the level of guilt in them was palpable.

"Can someone explain what's going on?" Harry Potter managed to utter.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that before he pointed his wand at the rat on the floor.

"Traitor, secret keeper, responsible for your parent's murder,"

He quickly moved his wand towards Sirius.

"God-father, framed for murder, was about to murder, Dumbass," He spoke out.

The man surprisingly didn't even react. The grateful look on his face evident.

Rodrick turned his wand towards the three students. "Idiots who followed a Slytherin without a second thought nor their wands out,"

He heard Ron complain.

He turned his wand towards the professors and continued. "Four teachers who for some strange reason decided to stalk a couple of third years,"

The two Gryffindor professor's surprisingly had the decency to look embarrassed. Snape didn't react at all.

Dumbledore didn't. "What would you have done if we hadn't shown up? I was under the impression you couldn't reverse the transformation," he decided to ask instead.

Rodrick shrugged, "Probably let him eat the rat," He admitted towards horrified faces and one very amused Black.

He pointed his wand to himself and finished, "Student who doesn't want his name involved in any of this whatsoever,"

Dumbledore nodded amiably at that, Slytherin's didn't like the unnecessary attention, it was a fair argument.

Even Snape seemed to agree.

"Very well, Rodrick your name will be kept out of this," The headmaster spoke out.

"Thank you," Rodrick replied.

"300 points to Rodrick for helping give someone their life back," Dumbledore added on amused.

He watched as horrified looks took over the three Gryffindor students.

Rodrick gave the headmaster a deadpan look before he shrugged, he was about to leave before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned towards Sirius Black.

"I am not really sure how to thank you for this," Black started.

"Then don't," Rodrick remarked before he turned away, leaving a bemused Sirius behind him.

Before he started moving, however, he turned back and whispered to the ex-serial killer, "Pin the blame on whoever didn't give you a trial if you want Fudge to cooperate and make sure to have a memory or two of the rat admitting to killing those muggles,"

Sirius raised an eyebrow before asking if that's necessary.

"You never know," the boy replied casually, he moved away from the group towards the castle.

Dumbledore stopped him with a hand on his shoulder, there was a smile on the man's face. "I would like to speak with you later,"

Rodrick stared at the headmaster, the look in his eye didn't sit well with him... It was the same one he'd gotten when he'd told the old man of the dream's he'd had where his grandfather had taught him about magic, dangerous magic.

He quickly muttered something back to the old man that stilled him, he moved away before the headmaster could argue, the rest of the group watched his back move away casually towards the castle. He wasn't sure why he'd said what he did... But he just felt something urge him to.

"That guy is terrifying sometimes, you know that?" Ron muttered, he shuddered, however, when his eyes landed on his pet 'rat'.

"Oh grow up Ronald," Hermione muttered as she shook her head.

Harry Potter stared at his supposed Godfather... He had a family member... Sirius gave him a wink when he noticed.

Remus moved towards Sirius Black, grabbing him into a hug and muttering his apologies.

Snape gazed at the rat on the floor with a murderous outlook, the only silver lining out of all this was the fact Slytherin received 300 points.

"There's quite a lot of work to be done here..." Albus remarked, he idly watched Sirius Black and Harry's reaction. He sighed when he finally understood the boy's words, he had to decide whether he should allow Harry some leeway regarding his summer's once Black was cleared, something that seemed quite likely...

The boy's words resounded in his head. 'I'd be quite disappointed in you if you tried to stop them, I know what it feels like to be kept away from family. Don't do that to him.'... If it meant earning both boy's trusts then it might've been for the best...

The Prophecy surrounding Harry Potter was paramount, he couldn't let Harry be put in danger...

Yet the visions the other boy received were unbelievable help... To think he'd found out the Dark Lord's method of coming back... Those talents simply couldn't be risked elsewhere...

Perhaps some leeway for the Harry's summer would be necessary... As long as he at least stayed with that family for a couple of weeks. He'll have to ask Fawkes later, although the bird's unbiased opinions seemed to have changed slightly.


As he entered the castle, Rodrick was swarmed by student's wondering how the hell he'd gotten 300 points. He took his wand out and disappeared under a Disillusionment charm.

He quickly made his way back to the Slytherin table. None of them asked how or why they just clapped about the points.

It was like they expected it to happen at some point.

"I really wasn't planning on us winning this year..." Rodrick muttered, shaking his head as he sat down next to his favorite Slytherin.

"Keep telling yourself that," Daphne remarked laughing.

"Don't worry Quidditch is starting soon, Malfoy will help us lose,"

"Oh shove off you bloody Hufflepuff,"

"Doesn't affect me anymore," Nott spoke out, his head held high.

"He's a proud Hufflepuff now," Blaise joked, his eyes held a satisfaction when he saw Nott cover his face.

"How did you get the points?" Astoria asked intrigued, well almost none of them.

"Dumbledore was supposed to give me 30, he accidentally said 300, I didn't correct him," he answered amused. He was surprised no one even bothered to ask if that was true, they just accepted it.

It was something the headmaster would probably do.

"What for?" Astoria asked.

"I found out Weasley had an illegal pet rat,"

Astoria nodded to that as if it made sense... She was hanging around Luna too much... The other's stared at him confused before the headmaster, having just returned, clarified everything.

Not that it really helped explain what Rodrick meant but he was fine with that, he had a feeling elder Malfoy wouldn't be pleased with him about it...

The guy almost got him killed so he could always mention that if Malfoy did end up somewhat displeased with him.

"It seemed, while previously known as a mass murderer, Sirius Black was in fact innocent. The real culprit has been apprehended, the Minister for Magic is on his way right, to help us solve the situation efficiently,"

Rodrick scoffed at that last part.

"Oh right, Classes will be canceled for the day, do enjoy the extended weekend."

There was an eery silence when the headmaster left the Great hall, a cheery smile on his face.

Most of the table started cheering at the sudden news, except for the Ravenclaws, they looked like someone killed their pet rabbit.

Even Luna was put out although that may have had something to do with her imagining someone actually killing her pet rabbit... Which she didn't even have.

"I definitely didn't plan that," Rodrick spoke out loud, much to his houses amusement. When his gaze fell on the youngest Greengrass girl, he sighed, he'd completely neglected on trying to help her... Staring at her excited face, he felt disappointed in himself, If he was willing to put so much effort towards helping a stranger than he should be putting everything he could into helping the people he cared about. Something as pure as her smile shouldn't have to suffer. He turned towards Daphne.

"Sorry," he remarked, surprising the girl.

Her eyes widened slightly, "For what?"

"For being an idiot," Rodrick muttered, relaxing on the table. "My grandfather must've been rolling in his grave seeing me act the way I did,"

"It's understandable," The girl replied.

"I acted like that because it felt like I'd lost my only family..." Rodrick remarked, his thought's going towards Potter and Black. "I was wrong,"

Daphne raised an eyebrow at that, moving closer to hear the boy, the cheers were getting too loud, most of the Slytherins had already left due to the sound. It was mostly, first and second years left. The younger you were the most affinity you had for loud noises.

It was them, including herself, Tracey and Astoria and the boy she was talking to that were left. If the noise didn't drop down anytime soon however the rest of Slytherin might follow the majority...

"What about?" Asked the green-eyed girl.

Rodrick gave her a smile, "He wasn't my only family, I still have yours," He finished.

Daphne felt her stomach twist at the look, before much to his surprise, she pulled him into a hug. "I agree, you are an idiot," she spoke, laughing as she pulled away.

"Get a room," Tracey muttered, unable to help herself.

Daphne blinked as she turned to Tracey.

"What? Blaise wasn't here to say it,"