
A Greater Soul: A Cultivation Epic

They say death is the end of all life, but what if it's just the beginning of another? It certainly was the case for eighteen years old Ahmad. Losing his life to an armed robbery, Ahmad's soul suddenly got thrown into a grim World of Cultivation. A world where the strong prey on the weak, where man is defined by nothing but his strength. Ahmad, now Seyus must defy all odds to climb the ladder to the very peak of immortality and Godhood. Should he survive, he will face peril on his path to becoming the strongest.

ADrunkBard · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Mirror mirror on the wall.

" His name is Seyus. Seyus Gulland." Suyin announced with a smile as innocent as the newborn.

" What a lovely name. I'm sure he'll grow to be as strong as his father." Nal said.

" You're excused now." Dolin said with a wave of his hand, despite abandoning aristocracy and elitism since the fall of his institute, his actions still tell of his upbringing.

Nal bowed, he did his usual backwards stride and went for the door. He walked through the passageway, the happiness in his eyes long disappeared.

He met Suri sitting on the floor space in front of the house.

Her blue ears rose as he closes.

" Lady Suri." Nal acknowledged.

Suri on the other hand maintained her serene sitting posture gazing at the picturesque sight of grass plains and little huts in front of her. She had a white robe on with paintings of a red flower that happened to be a symbol of both love and death.

Nal made a little bow and walked toward his house.

Suri, the first offspring of Mighty Dolin and Rihya, A Kemling. She inherited the attractive traits of both of her parents, Dolin's power and fortitude and Rihya's beauty.

Although, she heard the news of a new child but she was unshaken, choosing to spend her time watching sheep come down the hill and people converse but that was just how she was.

Like her mother, she was beautiful but little despite being about thirty years of age. Her face and skin were cherubic and pale. She had the habit of keeping her nails long and coloring them and over time, she integrated them into her ways of fighting.

She turned her neck slightly after so long sensing the arrival of five-year-old Gazhan coming down the hill with a herd of goats behind.

She had expected her little brother to be back earlier than usual over the news, he was done for today despite the Sun still releasing hot bright beams in all of its Glory.

He waved at Suri but she just looked away in indifference. They might have the same father but their mothers were different so was their cultivation and views.

Running down, the little boy saw his chance and chose to execute his signature move, " The falling bat". He dug his feet into the earth commanding ki flow from his dantian into the ki branches of his buttocks and legs and with the fill of energy, he took for a leap, reaching to about twenty meters in the air. He had with him a brown stick which also served as his glider when needed.

With a pull on a lever, large pieces of fabric came from the sides of the stick and momentarily gave Gazhan the power of flight.

" Weeeee!" He cried In excitement as his herd stampeded from behind him.

Suri scoffed at the sight of him being reckless, she could hardly stand the fact that they were related, he was much too stupid to be her little brother.

She released a frosty breath that danced around her until it disappeared. She was meditating or half-meditating as she would call it, her focus was on her environment rather than inwards but yet she brimmed with Ki that was as calm as a dead sea.

Meanwhile, Nal had gotten to his abode. He closed his door with a bang and walked into his room staggering, but it wasn't out of stupor, it was like he couldn't contain himself.

The house was lonely, not a sound was made except the deep breaths of Nal.

In his room laid a decayed dried body. It was by his bed, further down his bed was a large circular sigil that was drawn in blood, most likely the blood of the person whose remains laid in the room.

He walked to the standing mirror with a maniacal smile glued to his face. His arm came on his face as he made an evil grin while bowing.

" It worked!" He yelled, little tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

" It worked, I'm not just an ordinary village doctor after all."

" Yes, it did Nal." A deep voice bellowed like a bearer of bad news.

" It's only the beginning, your experiment has aided us greatly."

The Blood sigil glowed....

Nal swiftly stood straight and looked to the mirror, in it was a thing like a red-black cloud taking the form of a man. And by Nal's shoulders was a blackish worm with red colors about it, it laid on his shoulders and coiled its tail around Nal's neck.

" I thought Dolin would find out and my life would end without me even knowing what hit me when I saw his eyes after delivering his child."

" Fear not Nal, soon you'll be even more powerful than the man you speak of. Just follow your end of the deal and even you will rise to the very peak."

" Thank you master." Nal bowed holding a fist and a palm together in respect.

The figure in the mirror slowly drifted away like smoke swept away by a strong breeze and the glow in the blood sigil died.

" My time here is over Hahahaha!"

The worm still appeared at his back pulsing regularly. Nal placed his hand in front of what looked to be its mouth opening, the worm opened its mouth with it looking larger than many would expect and from its mouth came a tiny ring that looked like a little skull embedded on a thin small rod.

Nal fixed his right middle finger into the ring and in response, he let out a little moan.

He directed the ring to the decaying body that was once his wife.

From it came large bands of red energy that swallow the dried-up flesh. He faced it to his shelf that held many books and they were swallowed as well.

He looked through his window, he saw Suri still at where he met her and her silly brother gliding down the hill.

" I wouldn't miss this place."