


while Sia was rubbing her hands against a book with a desperation in her eyes ....

she heard a voice ..

" sia , what are you doing? come here! It's time you need to wear this mehndi !"

sia tried to ignore the command given by her elder sister as she now strongly grab the book like a baby monkey holds her mother with all his might ...

the voice came closer and closer

sia was terrified ..as soon as she closed her eyes in fear.. all the tears that she was trying to swallow in her innocent 12-year mind fell down ...

her elder sister,Anju came while chit-chatting with the women passing by in the function....and held sia's hand she didn't notice sia in tears ...and took with her to men holding mehndi

sia was still holding her book

" Please make a beautiful design on her hand, our sia must be the most beautiful girl tomorrow ". Anju said while touching sia' s face

"but didi(elder sister)...." said sia while shivering.

"oh ! yeah I am coming " replied the voice coming from the crowd and left unnoticing little child's voice.

sia was left alone with the man .o

" dear, please give your hand. I need to quickly make the design as I have few other contracts of mehndi as it is wedding season"

sia kept ignoring his voice .

the man now annoyed grabbed her hand forcefully and started making the design .but didn't pay attention to it and was grabbing the book by her other hand

the man now finished his design on one hand. now he looked at sia who was looking at her book. he grabbed the book out of her hand and threw it on the nearby sofa

" you can play with it after i am done with the design " said the man in an annoyed voice.

anju entered the room and looked at sia's hands

" wow! so pretty, you are really good at your job"

said anju to the man .

" of course! madam I am the most famous man with this job .. all villagers are well aware of my talent "

"hmm...!!! well if you are done then let me take my sister with me "

" yeah, madam !!... I am almost done....ahh.....ha.

here now it is all done you can take her"

Anju grabbed sia's hand took her through the hall where all women were dancing, singing their folk songs , chit-chatting

sia was inattentively looking to all of them

"sia... when he sees you, your face should be filled with happiness ....

don't you dare make him see this sad face of yours " Anju said

" why should I fake my emotions? shouldn't he see my true feelings?'

said sia with a mixture of sadness and anger in her small eyes

" sia , it is the duty of every daughter to put their family first ...if you do not agree ..

everyone , here will doubt your character everyone will criticize you " said Anju

" But why ?"

" that's how society thinks of a girl who refuses to agree to their parents ...

they will think that you don't have a good character "

" a good girl is someone who agrees to their parents, husband, and all elders with a smile on her face without a trace of hesitation, disagreement " anju continued.

" good girlll!! ??..." sia said while looking at her sister astongishly

" hmm..yeah good girl," said anju while looking here and there .

anju and sia reached the door of a room .

a woman wiping her tear with her saree came out .. she looked at sia .

touched her face and then went to her way .

" didi!.. why maa ( mother ) is crying, " sia asked

" no . its nothing . " anju said and quickly wipped her tears

they both entered the room.

An old man wearing white clothes was laying on the bed. he seemed to be very sick. he looked at both the girl with his swollen eyes.

he moved his hand toward the girl he was calling someone

" sia , go !!..baba(father) is calling you " anju commanded sia

" should i tell baba ?" " what if he gets angry ?"

" but baba has always told me he loved me the most so he will not get angry "

" But didi have told me not to make baba angry "

" what should I do ?"

sia walked towards the man while having a war of thoughts in her mind.

sia reached the bed. The man held sia's hand with his shaking hand and looked at sia's hands.

" aww... mmy babby haa..han..hands are la..looking so pretty " man said with his shivering voice. he kissed her hands.

"baba i want ..." sia sighed

" hmm what do..does my baby wants...just te..tell me i..i will do anything for my good girl "

man said .

" good girl..??"

"yess.. my good girl...you very well know that your baba has aall...always fulfilled your wish ..

now it is mmy..my last wish to see you get married and be free of my responsibility" the man said.

" baba !! it is time of your medicine .....anju take sia out ..maa is looking for her " Karan , brother of sia said

" ok !!.." Anju said and grabbed sia's hand took her out from sia .

" are you hungry sia ? do you want to eat something ?" asked anju .

" good girl ..! ..." muttered sia

"someone bring paper or something ...i need to burn the chullha (traditional gas stove works on wood,cowdung etc)" a voice came from the cooking area

sia looked up with a strange look on her eyes and went inside the room ..

she came back outside with the book in her hand and gave that book to the woman who was looking to burn the chullha (gas)

" aunt take this !!...you can burn it with the help of this " sia said.

" oh thank you ...you are such a good girl "woman replied.

" hmm...i am a good girl"...sia replied with a smile.