
11: The Youngest

—(652 B.H)—

Like any other day, the sun slowly arose from behind Gaea's children, the Oureas. Stray lights tore Nyx's blanket apart before passing through a solitary window. The feeble light started showering the room with brilliance, yet no one woke up.

The room was opulent and lavish. The floor, tailored from a pristine marble, bore no trace of dust, showing how meticulously it had been taken care of. Golden pillars gracefully upheld the intricate roof. While in the back, an enormous bed dominated the space; it was capable of housing tens of people, yet only two people cradled there.

Their naked forms were veiled by silk-white sheets. Both of them lay motionless.

One of them was a dryad. Her skin was of a gentle green tone, mirroring the hues of Tilia tree leaves. She possessed deep bark-brown eyes which were unfortunately closed. However, no matter how beautiful her eyes were or how smooth her skin was, her most prominent features were the graceful curves that slumped akin to gibbous mountains.

The fact that she was beautiful was indisputable.

However, the man lying beside her did not pale in comparison. He possessed defined muscles, well hidden behind a slim build. His eyes defied descriptions. At times, they seemed verdant, however, they shifted to an enigmatic shade of azure. To complete his regal features, he boasted blond hair that was both cut short yet also reached his neck.

His name was Zeus, the youngest scion of Kronos Titaneus.

Considering the opulence of their room, one would expect them to live in a sprawling castle. However, silence reigned, something scarce for such a grand abode. No birds nor any of their melodious songs were to be heard.

Until faint footsteps began to echo through the stillness. The sound grew steadily, the nearer it was to the chamber.

Two raps on the door rang. The woman waited, yet after a minute no response came. Thus, she knocked again on the door. Still, silence was the only answer she got. With a resigned sigh, she pushed the door ajar.

The woman was strange.

She possessed very long white hair. Their whiteness was, however, questionable as they were tinged with subtle hints of gray. They were styled in a tousled ponytail filled with wavy and uneven strands.

Her nose was of an aqualine shape which gave her heart-shaped face a tint of cuteness, no matter how small that tint was. Thin lips of a faint red color framed her emotionless features.

Her skin was sickly pale as if it had been eons since she had last seen the sun's light. That skin tone was akin to bones. In contrast with her ghastly complexion, she was clad in peculiar clothes. It was hard to give a name to such a garment, however, she bore it perfectly. A gradient dark sheet was wrapping her form like the night around Terra. She wore a black corset that revealed her shoulders, while also exhibiting multiple silver jewels.

She bore jewel-like white eyes. Those eyes were enchanted by a myriad of eerie, small stars that gave her a hypnotizing gaze. Yet, that did not mean they were pleasing to look at. Most preferred to look at her brown-colored nails than her abysmal eyes. Another oddity of hers was her extremely long lashes which were of a light-brown tint. Above them, slender gray eyebrows stood straight.

Her appearance was far from perfect with another example being a small pimple beneath one of her eyes. Yet that imperfectness gave her a unique allure.

However, perhaps the most unsettling feature about her was the brimming bucket in her hands. She walked toward the bed before casting an emotionless glance at the two sleepers. A small, almost unperceivable smirk grew on her face as she spilled the entire bucket on Zeus.

Startled, Zeus jolted upright. He gasped; his body shocked by the suddenness. "Can't you, for just one time, wake me up normally, Metis?"

Yet like every morning she ignored his words. "It's time," she spoke in a singson. Her words were strangely imbued with an emotional tone. They were conveying a sense of urgency and mystery.

However, Zeus broke the tense aura that hung in the air with his confused words. "For what?" his eyes were squinted as he looked at her as if doubting her sanity.

Metis shifted her gaze toward the dryad who could only flinch, terrified by Metis' emotionless eyes. The bed warmer understood that she needed to go, as such without even trying to dress up, she ran away. Zeus ogled her leaving, a strange intensity in his eyes before sighing when her bountiful curves had vanished.

"Such a big personality" he murmured under his breath.

Metis heard him yet ignored them. "It is time to finally free your siblings and start our revolution," she explained.

Zeus stood up, not caring about his nakedness. He wasn't shy to show the body he was so prideful in. "Will they be of any help? They have surely not trained a day of their life," he asked, dressing up in a black shit.

"Yes," she responded, not questioning his seemingly arrogant words. She knew him and his flaws well. "They have already awakened their divinities and we have figured them out so I can already include those in our plans."

"What?! How?" he exclaimed, surprised by the fact that Metis had somehow found out their domains. However, he was not surprised that they had awakened their divinities; it was a given for they were his siblings.

"Mortals" elucidated Metis "-- are easily influenced by divine beings like us. Our domains are part of the world, and as such, they can "feel" our very presence. They have already made religions about your siblings."

"Let me tell you about them." as Zeus nodded, she began, "Firstly, there is Hestia. She is the eldest. She is known as Hestia Philoxénos, which means Hospitality-loving. Hestia is the Goddess of the home, family, and the hearth. She is the kindest and is the link that keeps your family together."

"Then there is Demeter Agrikorē (of the Fields). She is the Goddess of harvest and agriculture. While that may seem weak to you, remember that Kronos is the Titan God of harvest. Your sister is playful and loves taunting Poseidon who is her contrary. Else she has a good relationship with Hades and Hestia."

"Poseidon Halios, Ruler of the Sea, is the youngest before you. He is the God of the Sea, Earthquakes, and everything that lives underwater. He's known as the calmest with an imperturbable temperament. He has some sort of adoration for Hades because he is the one who taught him how to use his divinities and also gave him his epithet."

"And finally, there is Hades Nekrokratēs, Ruler of the Dead. He's the God of Darkness, Riches, the Dead, and the Underworld. Hades is the one with the most prayers as he is said to judge where the dead go. However, because of that, he is feared and has as such fewer believers. Many of those believers are mad, like someone named Ixion, who is the first human who murdered one of his kin in our territory. He is someone mysterious who is said to be dedicated to his work. The most interesting thing about him is that his epithet was given to him by a Primordial as such his name has been spread even beyond our territory."

"That's only four. I thought I had five siblings" remarked Zeus.

"...It seems like one of your sisters has had some difficulties."


Ok, I might have gone overboard with the description of Metis' appearance 😅 (~245 words)...

Is the pace too slow? I think it is but the things is that when I reread I am like, the story would be missing so many things if the pace were slower. Beside the thing is that I like writing descriptions and this makes the pace even slower. Honestly I have like written five points out of the twenty I had planned for this chapter.

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