

Blades clashed and sparks flung. Moving faster than many people could follow, Kemah and Min's short blades struck against each other, deflecting one blow, as the next was sent.

It was like a dance, their bodies spinning, jumping, rolling, and twisting like the exquisite movements of a ballerina. Occasionally, one blade would slide past and leave a wound on the opponent, but neither girl even flinched.

Min's body was covered in much more blood than Kemah's, yet barely any cuts were to be seen. Kemah's body, on the other hand, suffered more than a dozen wounds.

Kemah's dagger danced around Min's weapons, sliding across the thin fabric that covered Min's breasts, and down her belly.

Kemah moved so fast, that she'd already retreated, before a line of red blood appeared across Min's torso, and her bra fell, revealing her breasts.

But moments after the successful attack, Min's wounds simply closed. Her healing abilities assured that any wounds she suffered would be temporary.

Kemah, on the other hand, had to continue to suffer through any injury gained in battle.

But after half an hour of painful sparring, Min's rate of recovery began to visibly slow.

"Let's stop now. I've lost too much blood," Min said, her complexion even paler than normal. Kemah was panting, rather pale, too. Countless shallow wounds covered her already scarred body.

Whenever their attacks went through, they'd only use a bit of force, merely leaving a thin cut on their opponent, but after so long, there were just too many of them.

"Yeah. I hurt all over," Kemah said, as she sheathed her weapons. The two girl were in a state of disarray. They were covered in blood, and their clothes had been cut to shreds long ago, leaving them naked.

"Come here, I'll heal you up," Min said, as she took Kemah into her arms. The two sat down then and there, Kemah seated between Min's legs. A faint glow started radiating from Min's palms, as she hovered them above Kemah's wounds.

Min was more than capable of healing these minor injuries, which was why they were willing to go to such lengths in their sparring. For Min, it was no problem, but if they couldn't heal Kemah's wounds, she'd become covered in even more scars.

Kemah closer her eyes and enjoying the feeling of Min's healing light. When they were finished, Kemah gave Min a prolonged kiss.

"Let's go get you some blood to drink," Kemah then said, taking Min's hand and helping her up. Min had amazing recovery abilities, but they were omnipotent. If Min lost too much blood, her healing factor would weaken, and eventually vanish. Kemah couldn't give her any blood, either, since she'd, too, lost a lot of blood in their battle.

"Yes," Min said, her voice a bit weak. The two soon located Ellie, who was happy to offer her neck to her mother.

"So, where's our little babies?" Min asked after she was finished with drinking.

"They're playing over there," Ellie pointed. When Min saw her twins, her eyes shone. She loved the boy and girl just as much as she loved Ellie, but having babies to care for was something she hadn't experienced in seventeen years. At least not her own babies.

The twins were playing with some dolls together, while Kira was doing her best to chase after the older Akon, who was already able to run! Kira was about one year old, and could waddle along on her feet, but she was no match for Akon.

The impressive ones were the twins, though. They were only two months old, but could already crawl! They didn't seem to have aged any, they were just naturally strong.

Min attributed it to the the Dhampir blood in them. Min didn't know if they were also Dhampires, though, but she'd know as soon as their teeth grew in. If they were Dhampires like their mother, they'd have fangs.

When Kira saw her mother, she came waddling towards her.

"Mama, mama!" She yelled. She couldn't speak yet, but she was able to say a few words, the most common amongst them being mama.

"Come here my love," Kemah said, as she picked up Kira. Kira immediately grabbed Kemah's already exposed breast and started suckling on her nipple, drawing milk out of her.

When the other three saw this, they immediately made their way towards their respective mothers, the fastest being Akon.

"Mama, me also hungry!" Akon said in his high pitched voice. Ellie smiled at him and took out her breast.

"Then come drink," she said. Eagerly, Akon climbed into Ellie's lap and started sucking on her nipple. The blood of his father gave Akon quite a bit of strength for his age.

"I suppose you two also want to drink," Min said, as she reached for her two younger children. The two made babbling noises, as they grabbed one breast each.

As the three older girls breastfed their children in each other's company, the door to their apartment in the brothel opened.

In walked Dralu. He was sweaty, evident to the hard workout he'd gone through. For some time now, he'd spent his days training with Kor and Haemir. The three had been constantly training and going on missions during the two years Min and Kemah had been on maternal leave.

By now, the men had long left them behind in strength. Min had been able to follow them in her magical training, but there was a limit to how much she could level through study alone. Killing was required, if you wanted true power.

There was one other way, though. Quests. However, this was something that was only available to the adventurer's guild. If you wanted to partake in quests, you had to be a member.

But if you could accept a quest, then you'd receive a reward in experience. But of course, the reward was proportionate to the amount of danger you took on. If it was merely something like gathering ingredients in a forest, or slaying lowly beasts, the reward would be much lower than what gained through assassinating someone.

But if you took on a dangerous quest that could threaten your very life, the reward would also be great.

Due to this, the organization that employed Min, Kemah, and the others sometimes made use of the adventurer's guild, since the membership was quite lax.

But right now, Min and Kemah weren't willing to go on any quests. Any quest worth something to them would take several days to finish, at the least. It could even take weeks, or months. They had children that needed their constant attention, so that wasn't an option.

Dralu smiled, as he silently walked past the girls, choosing not to interrupt them. He just grabbed some clothes, before going down to the bathing area.

"Well, I'd say it's about time we check the finances," Min said, after they'd finished feeding their children. Every month, they made a record of all the earnings and costs they'd had that month. And it was about that time, now.

"Another bad month. Only a bit more than forty gold left after all expenses. If every month continues worsening like this, we'll soon be losing money," Min said, giving a long sigh.

For the past few months, the number of customers visiting them had dramatically decreased, and they couldn't tell why.


Author's Note:

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patr3on page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patr3on.com/LucyLynn

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