A person can live only once. This has always been an eternal rule of the universe- but what if this rule could be broken? What if a person can relive his life twice, no, thrice or even countless time? Will it be a blessing or a curse? Arlen finds himself in a strange world where magic has replaced science and spellcasters are everywhere. Cursed with a body that doesn't let him perform magic, he figured that's all his life will be. But is life of a transmigrator really that simple? Arlen would have to figure that out the hard way... WARNING: This book will not have MC using magic for a long time and will not have quick power ups either. If you don't like that, this book may not be for you If you guys like my work though, consider supporting me on patreon ->patreon.com/themundaneguy
"I miss webnovels ahh…"
I layed on my uncomfortable bed and stared absentmindedly at the ceiling. It's been three months since I transmigrated into this world. Three months of absolute… boredom.
I eat on time. I shit on time. I sleep on time. And…
There is no and- This is basically my entire life now. To someone like me who is from the information era, this is practically hell. It's to the point that if I close my eyes, I can see the rough texture of the ceiling and walls in my room. For some reason, the houses here resemble an ant nest. Or is it termite? Ehh.. who cares.
Besides, from what I know of this world, these houses might actually be built by ants... I closed my eyes as I let the frustration pass over me and let out a huge sigh. No point feeling frustrated, this is my life now- might as well get used to it.
As I lay on the bed like a dead fish, I tried to think of positive things. Yes! Cheerful thoughts! Like.. how my situation is improving for instance. Everyone here is so nice! Especially that old gardener. With his powers, he made those playing cards that I asked for. These cards may be crude but hey! They are playable! Except, he hasn't completed making the whole set yet.
So I had to endure the boredom for 3 months! 3 whole months!
After the set gets completed though, I can play cards with my fellow prison- ahem.. I mean my fellow housemates. Much better than eat-shit-sleep routine. Hmm.. I wonder if that old man can make a chessboard. I shook my head internally. Let me get these cards first. That would bring variety to my life. Right. I should get up from the bed.
I continued laying on the bed like a slightly alive fish as my thoughts kept wandering. Man, just my luck. I am living my perfectly ordinary life and bam! Here I am. Did I die in my sleep? Did my parents find my cold dead body in my room? I hope they are doing well on Earth. Or wait- what if this is the Earth, just a million years later? Maybe I transmigrated to the future.
So my parents are dead then? But wait! I could have transmigrated to the past. Like.. a million years ago. Magic could have been real then. The history everyone had forgotten. Makes sense. There are dragons in this world afterall. And Rocs. And Krakens. Hmmm.. this seems certainly possible. How do I get back home then? Arrghhh.. I should really get out of the bed.
I lay on my stomach as I kept thinking about my time in this world. It took me a while to adjust to this new reality. I mean.. One minute you are at an advanced modern world, and the next you at this stupid world where they didn't even invent card games. Like what? How do these people even live? Savages!
But they got magic though. Controlling the elements and all that shit. That's a huge plus. So cool. Awesome. Fantastic. Except I can't do it. The person that I transmigrated into was someone with an abnormal body type. The natives here call us the 'Unnaturals'.
Thank you universe. You know, with transmigration and all that shit, one would think you would get some kind of cheat at the very least. Maybe some system? A grandpa? But nooooo… I get nothing. Just an unnatural body that doesn't seem to accept mana.
Great. Just great. And the worst part is, the natives actually expect me to be grateful about this body? Many actually envy me and my adorable housemates. 'Such a wonderful life' - No need to work at all and get the best food on the table and a roof over our heads. Ok. I know I sound like a spoilt brat now but come on! Do you know how it feels to have guards watch over you as you take a dump and pee?
It's so embarrassing. But in a way, that's my job here. 'High Grade Fertilizer Plant'- That's what our house is called. Though secretly, I have heard some workers call it the Shit Factory. I know that it sounds ridiculous but here me out. I have done some research.
It goes something like this- Every creature in this world lives on mana. Every. Single. Creature. Plants here absorb the mana from surroundings apparently and upon consumption of these plants, the animals gain the mana. It's like a food chain, except, replace energy with mana. Well.. every creature does this. Every creature except the Unnaturals that is.
Yeah. That's why we are so special. We can eat food with ridiculous amounts of mana and not take in even a single speck of it. It directly passes through our digestive system and out of our.. uh.. You know whats'. Through this process, we also condense the mana together or something. I am just telling you what I know alright?
Anyways.. We basically shit out high grade fertilizers which can be used on precious herbs that are particularly demanding on mana. So that's our entire purpose here. To eat high grade food and shit out high grade fertilizers. Not a pleasant thought. But it does make the natives here green with envy thinking of us. Those dumbasses. We don't even get paid! It's slavery! I guess grass is always greener on the other side.
I just really wish I could do magic though. It seems really cool… like that old gardener. He can manipulate the plant growth! He made the set of playing cards for me by literally making a tree spit it out! Just a wave of hands, and the thin bark of the tree separates out in the shape he desires- A card in this case. Though he gets exhausted by making only about 4 cards a day, it's still a cool power!
Speaking of the old man, I really really should get out of the bed now. I had asked him to make a standard set of playing cards about 2 weeks ago? It may actually be done today! After all this time... I closed my eyes. Never imagined I would feel so happy just getting a set of playing cards!
I finally managed to drag myself out of the bed. I walked out of my room wondering whether I can convince my housemates to play card games with me. They should agree right? I mean, they don't have anything else to do..
Oh wait..
What was the name of the old gardener again? Sheesh, I can't believe i never asked. Now I can't ask because it's too embarrassing. It's fine, I tell myself. I will just call him 'old man'. He shouldn't mind that...
And suddenly-
I hear a loud crashing noise outside. I freeze for a moment- shocked. What the hell happened? Having never faced any exciting situation in a long time, I ran outside to check it out.