

Jenny was shy and silent student in the campus. She has only boybestfriend in school. Her boybestfriend was so kind to her but a bad guy to other girls.

He is Francis. Fancis date many girls a week. He even forgot the name of who was his date yesterday. But the girls don't care. They want to date him. The girls too are happy dating, Francis.

One time, Jenny got annoyed. One of Francis dates talk to her with no respect, the girl shouted at her.

"What the f is special on you? why you are always with Francis, you LOSER!" the girl shouted and she pushed Jenny.

But then, Jenny just rolled her eyes and turn her back to the girl. But that girl pulled Jenny's hair that make Jenny moaned in pain.

"ugh! you, bitch! stop pulling my hair!" Jenny shouted a command the girl.

"what did you say?! I AM NEZY . My name is not bitch!" Nezy said in anger as she pulled more Jenny's hair.

And then one thing made Nezy quiet when they hear the voice from a familiar person.

"What's Happening here?!" Francis yelled. "J-Jenny?" Francis runs to Jenny after sge saw Jenny lying on the floor. Jenny collapsed.