It's been 400 years since Lisa heard that name.

In the year 1319 in a kingdom called Vriamadale, you could hear the cry of a baby. The corridor was busy with maidens moving in and out of the labor room.

By the corner you could see a tall man, his face pale as snow, deep brown eyes with a chiseled jaw

Everyone who knew him called him beautiful.

He had a golden crown on his head.

His face held a trace of worry in it... This person is the king of Vriamadale.

His name Vladamir Rousseau

He could hear the cry of his child but he wasn't allowed to go in yet, he didn't know the reason, this made him nervous.

He was pacing in front of the door, worried out of his mind. The King came closer to the door and leaned in to know if he can pick up any conversation going on in the other room, but it was just the voice of the wailing child that he could hear. He couldn't take it anymore, so he raised his hand and gave a gentle knock on the door.

Before his knuckle made contact, the door opened. The Palace doctor saw the king and immediately paid her respect by bowing "your Majesty" she said.

Can I go in now he asked her in a hurry?

"Yes, you can" the doctor replied.

Vladamir rushed into the room

He was his wife holding their baby in her arms, smiling softly at them he walked towards them.

Joy was written all over his face

He kissed his wife on her temple then asked "May I hold her", his wife Elisabeta shook her head affirmatively then gave him the baby.

The king cradled his daughter and cooed to her, rocking her gently.

She has your eyes Elisabeta whispered to her husband, and she has your nose he replied with a smile on his face.

"Where is Kieran," his wife asked

He should be in the library. You know how he is, always reading and studying the king answered his wife.

Do you have any name in mind for our little princess he asked?

Yes, I have been thinking about it.

Anastasie she said... Anastasie Rousseau, the king repeated, smiling at his new bundle of joy.

"it's beautiful...my little Anastasie" Elisabeta said stroking the baby's hair.

The entire Palace was in a buzz because of the new happening the kingdom now had a princess.

The lovely family of three now four were thrilled with the addition to their little family.

*300 years later*

"Father" Anastasie called as she entered her father's chambers.

King Vladamir was standing next to his window, lost in thought. Anastasie called out to him, startled the King got enraged thinking it was the servants that barged into his room.

As he saw his daughter he relaxed and a smile spread across his face, as he motioned Anastasie to come closer. He held his daughter close to his bosom and with a soft voice, he said.

"I can't believe it's been 316 years already and you don't look a day older than the average human 19-year-old,"

"Father, are you alright? It seems you were lost in your thoughts when I came in,"

The King's eyes saddened again and his lips trembled slightly "well I've been hearing rumors of a coup for a while now"

Anger flashed in Anastasie's face "after everything that you have done for them they are planning a coup?...it's so unfair...what are you going to do about it?"

"I summoned a meeting with the council of elders to find out if they know anything about the coup and those involved they should arrive any minute now but you needn't worry yourself I will take care of everything," the King brightened a bit and asked, "so why did you come to see me this afternoon is Kieran up to his shenanigans again?"

"No, father, I just wanted to ask you if I could go hunting with Victoria"

"Is Kieran or any of the guard's going with you?" The King asked getting a bit worried about the safety of his daughter he doesn't want her leaving the castle with the rumors of a coup.

Anastasie gave her father a half-smile and put her hand on his face "you don't need to worry father Victoria and we will watch each other's backs and I'm already among the strongest vampires in the kingdom and I'm just three hundred and sixteen years old imagine when I get as old as you," then she playfully punched her dad

The King frowned "who are you calling old?"

Then he slowly smiled and chewed on his bottom lip "just be careful okay?"

"alright father we will be careful," she said and smiled sweetly at her father then she left his chambers.

She got to her room and wore her hunting clothes just as she finished dressing Victoria barged into her room. She was the only commoner that was allowed into the castle since she was the princess's best friend.

Victoria frowned a bit "I thought you were set"

Anastasie smiled she said "Well you are not supposed to barge into the princess's room but here we are, besides I had to let my father know where I was going so he wouldn't be worried"

Victoria knelt in front of the princess and made a bogus bow and with a mocking voice she said, shall we leave now princess?... it's already getting dark and your father always has your family eat dinner together,"

Anastasie laughed so hard when Victoria talked like then she said with a commanding voice, "alright peasant let's go"

Victoria stood up and when the princess got close to her, she put her arm around her as they both left.

A few hours later

The Royal family was gathered in the dining hall, all were present but one.

The family was having a conversation, talking and smiling with each other.

Anastasie and Victoria got back from there hunt they had blood all over there hunting clothes

Anastasie was a bit sad "it kinda saddens me that the only way we vampires can survive is to feed off human blood and they are either dead or at the brink of death when we are done"

"I know right that's why I usually kill them whenever I'm done feeding," Victoria said sympathizing with the princess"

Anastasie nodded and she brightened a bit "well I better get ready for dinner with the family...I would have loved you to stay for dinner but I don't think father will be very happy with that"

"It's alright I completely understand I better get going see you, tomorrow princess," Victoria said then she gave Anastasie a hug and left the castle.

Anastasie quickly freshened up then she put on a nice purple gown and went to the castle's dining area.

When she got there she saw that her parents and her brother Kieran were already at the dining they were drinking. Anastasie looked at the see through jug on the table and it contained a glowing liquid so she guessed that by the looks and the smell of it that it was gargoyle's blood.

"Have a seat princess we have been waiting for you" King Vladamir said motioning for Anastasie to join them.

"Sorry I'm late father I kinda lost track of time"

"It's alright my dear you are here and that's all that matters," the Queen said smiling

"You are lucky you got here on time I would have devoured everything myself," Kieran said making a face at his sister.

Anastasie laughed "I won't be surprised because I'm sure that the food that you have eaten in your life will be enough to feed everyone in the Nether realm," she said and took her own goblet to pour her drink.

Kieran coughed a bit.

"Are you okay son?" The King asked

"Yes I'm fine father"

As the King raised his goblet to his lips Kieran had a coughing fit Anastasie stopped pouring the drink to see if her brother was alright the Queen got up went over to Kieran to know what was wrong with him. She started having a coughing fit too it got so bad she fell on the floor and blood started spurting from her mouth Kieran also started spurting up blood. Anastasie was beside her mother in a flash trying to ascertain what was wrong, the Queen slumped on the floor and her body quickly turned pale.

"Come on mother get up," the princess said pulling on her mother but the Queen wasn't moving tears quickly filled her eyes.

"Get the doctor" King Vladamir yelled at the head guard Antoine and the guard quickly sped off in search of the doctor. As soon as he left Kieran slumped on the table and his body quickly paled.

The King clutched the lifeless body of his son shaking him "speak to me boy...speak to me son"

Just then the King also started having a coughing fit

"Father not you too," the princess said with blood rolling down her cheeks and she rushed to her father holding his face "please don't leave me father I need here with me"

Blood began oozing from the King's eyes and ears then he started convulsing and within a minute his body paled and he stopped moving.
