
chapter 1 backstory

<p>one day there was a girl she was an orphan she had no family no friends no one an the worst thing of all was that everyone for some reason hated her .she didn't know why so sometimes when she was locked up in the orphan walls she would think about it maybe it's because of my hair which was black as the night sky or my skin color which was brown sugar colored maybe it's because of my eyes they were as pretty as emeralds. or maybe just maybe it's because of my powers everyone thought I was cursed it's not my fault I didn't mean to do it I was just upset and it happened on its own as she sat there in that room she heard sounds coming from the outside door it was The voice of madam Rose. MadamRose was not a good person she was mean as a seasick crocodile and she was more rotten than a dead corpse on the ground but despite all of that and I mean all of that she raise orphans but you would think she'd be kind to them but nope she had them work day and night in a shabby house barely fed them or give them water .and she constantly beat them whenever she got angry or she thought they got on her nerves and she had a husband even more terrible than she was he ignored all the children kick them if they were in his path or yell at them whenever he got drunk he and his wife would always argue day and night wonder how they are husband and wife maybe because they're both rotten anyway as they talked outside the door they talked about her. she heard them they said that they're tired of her causing so much trouble when that wasn't the truth everyone always blamed everything on her whether she was around them or not sometimes with her powers uncontrollable powers she would cause little accidents barely anything to fuss about but they always fussed about it sometimes she make the ground shake only a little bit and cause a bucket of water to fall over and it would be her fault blame her and hit her and toss her into a room. but they don't know about her powers they blame her for everything whether she's there or not like I said before back to what's really important they were talking about her about how to get rid of her they plans to maybe throw her into a ditch but they said she might get out of that ditch and come back so the madam Rose said to her husband take that wretched child into the forest deep deep into the forest until nobody's around and so that nobody would know that you killed her just say why you took the little thing out that unfortunate accident happen a bear came and ate her and the bears and wolves would eat her body when she was dead the husband agreed and that's what they plan to do. 2 days from now they would put the terrible plan into motion when she heard that she cried her eyes out in her mind thinking it's hopeless to run away but on the other side of her mine she said she had to run away it was her only hope but she didn't know how so she set there thinking how she would escape certain death.</p>

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