

Hans is Anindira's next spouse

Halvir looked at Hans very seriously, but the aura around him was very calm and also his calm demeanor kept Hans from getting emotional.

''You!... What are you thinking?'' Hans asked probingly. Hans' tone was firm.

''I know you. Right now, you're not targeting any woman... what's wrong if you pair up with her?!'' exclaimed Halvir very calmly.

“Damn black Jaguar… Don't be so proud, just because you're Sapphire Halvir! I idolize you not to see you like this. I hate you. If you're being arrogant, because of your damn high level…'' said Hans, seriously warning Halvir.

''Do you think so?'' Halvir asked back, with an expression that seemed annoying to Hans now.

"Halvir... You son of a bitch! You're annoying!'' exclaimed Hans curtly.

''I know, you don't need to tell me,'' replied Halvir casually, his face expressionless, but looking like he was smiling seductively at Hans.

''I hate you!'' cried Hans, shrilling in his tone.

''It's okay, as long as Dira can be saved...'' Halvir replied, still with his annoying expression, which made Hans even more sullen.

''Damn it!... You dragged me...'' said Hans, annoyed, but his expression looked resigned.

''So you agree…'' Halvir said, relieved to see Hans not moving after being pushed by him.

''But, I don't want to fight with you…'' said Hans in a high tone warning Halvir, ''You have already given me a ticket for Anindira, so there will be no more selections!''

“Don't worry, I have already given my consent. After all, you won't be able to knock me out of a fight. So, I also don't want to waste time on that…'' Halvir said in a haughty tone.

''Bastard!... Watch out if you complain because she loves me more later…'' Hans replied to Halvir's teasing.

''Just try it! Not only strength but, you also won't win over me if it's for her attention…'' Halvir replied, even more, proud because Anindira had been *imprinted by him.

''Up to you! Already... Prepare everything! I'll check it out,'' said Hans curtly while giving orders. He gave up because he was not going to win by arguing about Anindira with him.

''Hans, the hot water is ready, should I take it up?!'' shouted Ruvi below.

After things cleared up between Halvir and Hans, Ruvi offered his help.

''Fine, bring it here and also the bath!'' replied Hans.

Ruvi brought and prepared a large tub and two buckets filled with warm water. Ruvi comes back downstairs, he is on standby waiting for further instructions while continuing to cook and prepare water.

Ruvi knew it would take a lot of water at this time. He had also received instructions from Hans to boil the medicine that had been concocted by Hans and maintain the flame according to orders.

Above, Halvir and Hans together cleaned Anindira's body from head to toe, changing the water in the bath many times.

''Halvir, keep Anindira in your lap, to keep her body warm!'' shouted Hans, giving orders.

Hans began to open Anindira's crotch, opened his legs wide, and examined the inside of Anindira's private organs. Hans' fingers slowly made contact with her womb, providing the medicine and care it needed.

''The insider was badly injured. I did everything I could, now we can only keep guarding it... It will take strength from Anindira as well to get through it, maybe ten days. For ten days, she needs extra attention from all of us, because she is still in a critical condition at the moment,'' explained Hans to Halvir after completing all the treatment Anindira needed.

''Where are you going?'' asked Halvir. He stopped Hans, who was about to leave.

"I'm going home, your Amber is low, and she needs lots of it. I'll go home and get mine."

''Hans doesn't need it!'' exclaimed Mischa below, ''Here! I brought mine...'' said Mischa, informing him, he had received Anindira's progress report from Ruvi.

Hearing Mischa's voice he immediately went down to meet him.

“Village Head, I understand what you mean. But, for now, I can't accept it… it seems you've heard about it. Now, I am one of her guardians. Not only Halvir, but she is also my responsibility now. If what I have is not enough, I will borrow it from you. You have two women in your house, you need them."

Hans explains, with Halvir's permission, as a candidate for Anindira's potential mate.

"Fine, I accept your explanation. I understand, but you too. I hope you'll understand us… don't refuse our help! You will be very busy taking care of her, we will provide all the necessities that you need… It's not even enough to make up for our mistakes. But, at least, that's all... let me and my other colleagues cover this embarrassment for you, Halvir, and also Anindira!'' exclaimed Mischa, also confirming his decision.

Hans, indeed, never went to the Forbidden Forest. But, he had quite a lot of golden Amber. That is wages for medical expenses, sometimes he also uses Amber for the treatment of critical patients. But, instead of decreasing, the Amber increases, because every Amber is used, it will be replaced twice. For those who don't have or can't get Amber, they will give game animals or skins that have been tanned or can also be preserved as meat.

Now that Hans is Anindira's guardian, it will greatly lighten Halvir's burden, who has no preparations for the coming winter, because Hans' food stock is abundant.


After everything was done, the Village Head immediately gathered the clan leaders and also the high command, except for Halvir and Ruvi, who guarded Anindira. They rearranged their guard and patrolled a wider area, for the Hyenas had boldly entered Blue Forest Village.

Usually, Hyenas only attack small villages. And, with only four Hyenas, they were most likely just scouts. However, Anindira, who was unlucky, made them change their minds. It's just that stalking, the habit of hyenas who are used to moving haphazardly. However, since there was nothing else to add to the investigation, Blue Forest Village could only tighten their guard for the time being.


When he returned from Halvir's house, he also checked on Gavriel. The three Ambers given by Hans as first aid were enough to help Gavriel's recovery. Axel, who was given the task of looking after Gavriel, had also followed Hans' instructions to take care of him.

"Hans, you're back!" Axel shouted, greeting him.

''Yes,'' answered Hans while checking and checking on Gavriel's condition.

After Gavriel's body was cleaned and given medicine. Hans' suspicions turned out to be true, and Axel realized that too.

''Hans, the scent of Anindira *Mate bond is in Gavriel…'' Axel said but, before he continued, Hans immediately spoke up, ''I know. However, it wasn't entirely his fault… circumstances prompted him.”

''I think Gavriel lost control over himself, because of the surge in leveling up, and at the same time, Anindira was in her fertile period, so it was all inevitable…'' said Hans again, he explained in more detail to avoid misunderstandings, ''My guess... the hyenas were about to enter the village by killing the village guard, Anindira entered the forest because the guard was empty. The pheromone scent that came out of Anindira's body was in her fertile period, luring the Hyenas back into the blue forest. Most likely, that was what distracted them from Zia, who was also not far from Anindira. That's why Zia survived."

Axel finally clearly understood all the problems. Axel respected Gavriel for that. The eighteen-year-old young man desperately tried to save the woman, and although the result was not as expected, at least he kept trying and didn't run away.