
Little New Year's Eve

On January 23, 2020, Xinjiekou, Jinling City.

The early morning atmosphere is still lingering and diffuse, and a golden sun has just hung in the eastern sky. Through the winter haze, golden sunlight shines on the high-rise buildings, streets, alleys, and green parks in the city, as well as on the pedestrians who come and go, making people feel the warmth of fusion. Nevertheless, the occasional gusts of cold wind passing through the corners of the street made pedestrians tighten their collars, as if reminding them that it was still a cold winter.

Even so, this is already a rare good weather in winter.

Jinling, also known as Stone City, is located in eastern China, downstream of the Yangtze River, near the East China Sea. It is not only an ancient and prosperous historical and cultural city, but also a vibrant mega central city. In 333 BC, King Xiong of Chu Wei built Jinling in Stone City, hence the name Jinling. In 229 AD, Emperor Wu's Sun Quan established his capital here, and Jinling began to rise. During the Six Dynasties period, Jinling became the first city in the world with a population exceeding one million, one of the largest cities at that time, and was also known as the "two centers of classical civilization in the world" on par with Rome. For a long time, Jinling has been the political, economic, and cultural center of the Yangtze River Basin and the entire southern region of China. Nowadays, it is more youthful and vibrant, with a thriving economy, convenient transportation, and outstanding talents. It has become a bustling international metropolis in the Yangtze River Delta region and the Jinling metropolitan area of China.

The dragon veins of the Six Dynasties were the most prosperous in those days.

Xinjiekou is the core bustling area of this city. On both sides of the surrounding main road, there are rows of bright red silk lanterns and Huaxia knots hanging high from the street lights and big trees, fluttering in the wind like burning flames. It's really beautiful. There stands a large and colorful creative lantern group on the square, with the lively and festive images of golden mice playing in spring on both sides. In the center is a purple red flower ball, paired with red flowers and green grass, symbolizing a new year of blooming like flowers, bright red and purple, and all the best. There is also a festive New Year interactive photo box set next to it, attracting many citizens to clock in happily. The pedestrian street is filled with large and small round drums, red lanterns, like red apples, warm and romantic, attracting passersby to stop and admire, take photos as souvenirs. At the entrance of the bustling store, there are various New Year decorations such as red lanterns, Chinese summer knots, and Spring Festival couplets, as well as dazzling promotional banners. The store is bustling with people busy purchasing red packages of New Year goods. It is lively and joyful, with people laughing and cheering, wishing the new room a happy future.

It's going to be the Chinese New Year.

Days increase, years increase, and people live longer. Spring fills the heavens and earth, and blessings fill the door.

Today is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, the day before the Lunar New Year's Eve, commonly known as "Little New Year's Eve" or "Guo Gan New Year". In the south, people will offer sacrifices to ancestors and make New Year cakes. As the old saying goes, 'The whole family, young and old, paid respects and ate New Year cakes with joy.'.

Chinese New Year is undoubtedly one of the most emotional moments for Chinese people, as every household is busy preparing New Year's goods, paying respects to gods and ancestors, visiting relatives and friends, paying New Year's greetings, and having a reunion dinner. However, sometimes the Chinese New Year can also be like a gateway, making some people happy and others worried.

This year is the Year of the Rat. The wise ancient people used twelve lands to control twelve animals, forming a group of mice, ugly cows, Yin tigers, Mao rabbits, Chen dragons, Si snakes, Meridian horses, Wei sheep, Shen monkeys, You chickens, Xu dogs, and Hai pigs. The reason why mice are chosen as the top animals is because during the prime time, people are already asleep, but mice are busy. This is in line with the hardworking and pragmatic spirit of the Chinese nation, and also reflects the characteristics of mice. Tang Dynasty poets also wrote, "When the lights suddenly subside and the first step enters the night, the hungry mice come out of their burrows and chirp

Mice have always been neighbors and companions of humans. Although people are filled with a mixture of love and hate towards mice, and often despise them in life, shouting and killing them, they highly value them spiritually because they are intelligent, agile, hardworking, and have strong vitality. With the arrival of the Year of the Rat, the Chinese nation harbors various beautiful wishes, hoping to attract wealth, be intelligent, turn misfortunes into good ones, and avoid disasters.

For us Chinese people, as soon as the New Year passes, the great difficulties are easily solved.

On Chengxin Avenue at the intersection, a 2019 latest Mercedes Benz slowly arrived and finally stopped twenty or thirty meters away from the entrance of a high-end residential area, slowly stopping along the roadside.

This residential area is located at No. 22 Chengxin Avenue in Jinling City, adjacent to Xinjiekou, the busiest commercial district in Jinling City.

There are two rows of tall and straight French wutong trees on both sides of the road at the entrance of the residential area. The bare branches of the tree were scattered with ten stubborn yellow leaves, swaying and swaying in the cold morning wind. The sunlight shines on the big tree, creating a refreshing landscape painting. Wutong is one of the most beautiful scenic spots and business cards in Jinling. It is said that in order to please his wife Song Meiling, Jiang Jieshi airlifted more than 20000 French wutong trees from France and planted them on a large scale in Jinling. This road has become a popular check-in spot in recent years. Every November and December, tourists flock here to admire this stunning scenery.

The white stone arch exudes classicism, solemnity, and grandeur, with four large characters written horizontally on the plaque at the top of the arch: Dream Liang Villa. Looking inside from the entrance, the courtyard is shaded with green trees and lush flowers and plants. Under the green trees, there are several rows of European style garden houses, three or four stories high, with light red tiles, gray pebbles on the walls, dark green wooden windows, and the walls and windows are covered with ivy vines. This is really a good place to calm down amidst the hustle and bustle.

A young and handsome man got out of a Mercedes Benz, looking in his early thirties and standing 1.78 meters tall. He looked thin but sturdy. He was wearing an Armani high-end suit and a delicate white shirt. His short hair is dark and dense, his face is sculpturally angular, fair and handsome. His thick eyebrows, deep eyes, and tall nose bridge make him look very sexy. In addition, he wore a pair of Louis Vuitton glasses with gilded edges, making him appear more refined and refined.

He rounded the front of the car and walked to the roadside, where the golden orange sunlight shone on him, making him even more shining and dazzling. He exudes a noble, elegant, and composed temperament, which makes people involuntarily want to worship. His walking posture is elegant and calm, and every movement appears so noble and confident, seemingly possessing indescribable charm, revealing a remarkable family background and upbringing. The pedestrians coming and going on the sidewalk cast envious glances at him, as if he were the most charming presence in this city.

He raised his left hand and looked at the Patek Philippe watch on his wrist. The clock pointed to "7" and the minute hand pointed to "49", and he furrowed his brow slightly. Then, he opened the right door from outside the car and sat in the passenger seat. He gracefully raised his hand and turned on the car radio, slowly leaning back in his chair, listening quietly to the news broadcast. He propped his chin with one hand and stared intently at the oncoming pedestrian, as if thinking about something.

There was a sudden news of COVID-19 on the radio. After listening for a while, he began to frown.

Just this morning, as blessings and festive red lanterns and couplets adorned every home, the Jiangcheng Epidemic Prevention and Control Command issued Announcement 1: Starting from 10 am this morning, urban buses, subways, ferries, and long-distance passenger transportation in the city will be temporarily suspended, and the Jiangcheng exit passage from the airport and train station will also be temporarily closed.

In 2020, an uninvited visitor named "COVID-19" brought an epidemic that swept the world, and Jiangcheng became the "landing point" and "epicenter" of foreign viruses invading China.

At the end of December 2019, the Jiangcheng Center for Disease Control and Prevention detected cases of pneumonia of unknown cause.

On January 8, 2020, the expert group of the Huaxia National Health Commission initially confirmed that "COVID-19" was the pathogen of the epidemic.

It only took half a month from confirmation to the closure of the city.

Jiangcheng is "sealed off"! This news has been flooded with TV, radio, Baidu, WeChat, Toutiao Today, Tiktok and other media in the early morning.

Most of the pedestrians on the sidewalks along the road have cheerful but somewhat hurried footsteps, and only a few have already put on various white and blue masks.

The young man's face became somewhat unsightly, as if something was going wrong.

In a moment, he raised his hand again and glanced at his watch. It was 8:5.

The young man raised his head and caught a glimpse of a young girl approaching him happily not far away. His originally ugly face transformed into a gentle and easygoing expression in a very short and imperceptible moment.

The young girl has a tall and agile figure, paired with a pink blue long skirt, showcasing her beautiful curves. The waterfall like black hair gently rippled on her shoulders, reflecting her delicate face, her beautiful eyes flowing, and her smile like a flower. As she approached, a refreshing breeze swept by, carrying a fresh and elegant, youthful and beautiful atmosphere.

The young man calmly got off the car, raised his hand and said, "Good morning, Yiyun." Then he opened the car door and supported the top of the door with one hand.

The young girl lowered her head and stepped into the passenger seat, while chuckling and greeting, "Director Zeng, good morning

The young man gently closed the car door, then walked around the front of the car and returned to the driver's seat. He got into the car and sat down, gently helping the young girl fasten her seat belt. He skillfully opened the navigation of the Huawei MetaX folding phone on the navigation rack and whispered to the girl, "Let's go

The Mercedes Benz smoothly drove into the weaving traffic on the Integrity Avenue.